The fourth in Connors Diane Fallon series. Diane is a forensic anthropologist who wears two hats one as a museum director and the other running the towns crime lab. Connor manages to put in interesting information about various subjects in ways that don't feel like lectures, which I like. In DEAD PAST, a meth lab explodes in the basement of a college house in Dianes neighborhood, and her team must autopsy the bodies. Shes having a problem too with some thefts at the museum, and the odd behavior of an employee. I could have done with one less subplot (and it seems to me now I dont remember one of those getting wrapped up) plus at the very end Diane pulls one of those Too Stupid To Live moves. Ill give Connor a pass on it since she did write a nasty knock on the head for Diane earlier in the book, but I groaned when I read it. Still its a good book with lots of interesting action, I finished it in one evening.
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