This book changed my life so much. For one, I don't complain anymore, about anything. As soon as I think about complaining, I compare my problems to Wieners. From the invasion of Poland by the German army in 1939, to the murder of Wiener's father, to his older brother snatched from their home in 1941, to the author himself snatched and sent to a series of forced labor and concentration camps starting in 1942, my childhood problem were absolutely trivial in comparison. And any problems I would still complain about today, again, they are nothing in comparison to the lingering effects of the traumas Wiener suffered before he was imprisoned, during his 35 months of imprisonment, and even after liberation. Please consider reading this book. It will change your life. If you do, keep in mind that a review posted on Amazon (in addition to PaperBack Swap) is the best way to share the love with the rest of the world. Thanks for considering.