Zephyr, Alabama has been an idyllic home for eleven year old Cory Mackenson...a place where monsters swim in the belly of the river, and friends are forever. Then, on a cold spring morn in 1964, as Cory accompanies his father on his milk route, they see a car plunge into a lake somey say is bottomless. A desperate rescue attempt brings Cory's father face to face with a vision that will haunt him: a murdered man, naked and beaten, handcuffed to the steering wheel, a noose around his neck. As Cory struggles to understand the forces of good and evil at work in his hometown, from an ancient woman called the Lady who conjures snakes and hears the voices of the dead, to a violent clan of moonshiners, he realizes that not only his life but his father's sanity may hang in the balance...
Good read!!!
Good read!!!