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Book Review of The Complete World of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Complete)

The Complete World of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Complete)
Cheese avatar reviewed on + 324 more book reviews

This book tells about the life and times when the Dead Sea Scrolls were written. It talks about the team of archeologists that discovered them as well the the bedouin's who originally found the caves and scrolls. It goes into detail (sometimes too much detail) about which scrolls were found in which caves. Then it explains what each scroll is about (or at least their theory). They never really had a complete translation of the scrolls. They talk about what life was like back in those days, which I found very interesting. What they felt the community of Qumran looked and performed like. Book is full of beautiful full color pictures. This is a great book for anyone remotely interested in the Dead Sea Scrolls. It has a lot of background information.