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Book Review of Toad Away

Toad Away
Toad Away
Author: Morris Gleitzman
Genre: Children's Books
Book Type: Paperback

"Aunty Pru reckons friendship is
possible between all species,"Limpy
said."Except the ones that eat each
other.Humans and cane toads don't eat
each other,so we can be friends if we
want too."

Limpy has a vision of a world where cane toads
and humans can play mudslides together.And help
each other with the shopping.And share their slug
sauce and maggot moisturizer.
In his third adventure,he's still trying to make
this vision come true.But how does a young cane toad
discover the ancient secret of living in peace with humans?
A trip to the Amazon,of course.
Limpy's latest adventure is the uplifting tale of a
can toad's heroic journey across continents,oceans,
and some REALLY busy roads.