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Book Review of Asylum

perryfran avatar reviewed on + 1245 more book reviews

Excellent novel that delves into the world of the criminally insane. I have had this book on my shelves for several years and finally got around to reading it after reading some good reviews of it and other McGrath novels at ASYLUM tells the story of the wife of an asylum psychiatrist, Stella, who falls in love with one of the inmates, Edgar, who is also a sculptor and artist. Unfortunately, the inmate is severely disturbed and had murdered his wife who he thought was unfaithful to him. Stella ends up assisting in Edgar's escape from the asylum and she later follows him to a dreadful artist's studio in the slums of London. Well, all does not end up well for either Stella or Edgar. I was very impressed with McGrath's style of writing and will be seeking out some of his other works. The tone of the work reminded me a lot of Emile Zola, especially THERESE RAQUIN. Overall a high recommendation for this one.