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Fall Weather Whispers, Get Outside! (Website) - 10/18/2010 by Kim Wilmath
Remember when we were all whining about the cold? When the thought of the temperature climbing into the 80s sent us running outdoors, frolicking in shorts and busting out the Slip 'N Slide? Yeah. So over that. With a hint of fall weather floating in the morning breeze, we're looking forward to all those things the brutal Florida summer prevented us from enjoying. So come, all ye sweaty ones. Get out there and make the most of it.

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Take a break from the hustle and bustle of day-to-day stuff, drop into a local park, sit under a tree and read that book you've been meaning to finish. We know it's sitting there on your nightstand, begging for some attention. Or trade one of your old books for a new one at, and enjoy it outside.