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Help Center - What are posted/unposted books?

Search Terms:

"Posted" means a book is currently posted to a member's bookshelf (or several members' bookshelves), and is available for request at PBS.

  • A posted book has the button "Order This Book" on the right of the listing.
    • If it is a book that is currently available  on your own bookshelf, it will NOT have this button--there will be a link on the right saying "mail this book to a friend".
  • Available books can be requested or added to your Reminder List.
  • You cannot add an available book to your Wish List.

"UnPosted" means a book is not currently available to request at PBS.  It is not posted to any member's bookshelf at this time.

  • An Unposted book has the button "Post this Book" on the right of the listing
  • Unposted books can be added to your Wish List 
  • Unposted books can be added to your Reminder List
  • You can also click  on the Book Details page in the PBS database to buy the book new if you can't wait to read it!


Related Links:

What is the Wish List?
How the Wish List Works
Managing your Wish List
What is the Reminder List?
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