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Vanessa P. - Reviews

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Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao
Review Date: 5/6/2014

I have not finished the book but so far I am very much enjoying it. It's composed of many small chapters that are usually 4-5 pages long so it's a great book for reading a quick passage each day.

Extraordinary Relationships: A New Way of Thinking About Human Interactions
Review Date: 1/20/2014

So far I am about half way through the book and I find it very interesting. It can be a little academic in parts. I don't mind this but I do have to slow down and really think about what is being said.

The book contains some very interesting thoughts about relationships and how we follow learned patterns that can harm our relationships. I'm just getting to the point in the book where the author provides thoughts on how you can make your own relationships better through conscious action so I'm excited to see what I learn.

It's also very interesting to read some of the relationship examples the author provides. Seeing how differently people view the world and how differently people interact with each other in response to life's "situations" is eye-opening.

After I finish the book I will try to remember to finish my review but so far so good.

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