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Review Date: 4/16/2016
Helpful Score: 6
Hurrah! Julia Quinn has regained her throne as "Queen of Romance" with this delightful romp. I was disheartened after her last book of the Smyth-Smith series, but she has hit a home run with another of those FABULOUS Bridgertons.
This is a prequel to that series but totally wonderful in its own right. And to top off the wonderful character of Miss Billie Bridgerton, we have the added attraction of another of those wickedly funny Pall Mall games. It only goes to show that the family that plays together stays together!
This is a prequel to that series but totally wonderful in its own right. And to top off the wonderful character of Miss Billie Bridgerton, we have the added attraction of another of those wickedly funny Pall Mall games. It only goes to show that the family that plays together stays together!
Review Date: 1/4/2016
I was reminded of the old movie "With Six You Get Eggroll." With six Cynster families you get way too many characters to keep straight and try to insert an additional H and h story. Perhaps it would have worked if only the two employer families of Daniel and Claire were included. Then this could have been a stand alone book.
Review Date: 5/19/2016
LOVE this book! I am a sucker for older movies, westerns, John Wayne and John Ford films. This book hits a home run in all fields. What a great story teller. The movies were fabulous, but the behind the scenes action described are just as great. They don't make movies or have movie stars like this today.
Review Date: 9/9/2012
Book 2 in the Shardlake series does not disappoint. It keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout. One character from the first book becomes a regular in the series and a new one is added.
Review Date: 1/11/2014
Helpful Score: 1
I enjoyed the Benjamin Weaver trilogy of books-A CONSPIRACY OF PAPERS, A SPECTACLE OF CORRUPTION and THE DEVIL'S COMPANY- much more than THE WHISKEY REBELS.
Weaver is a more likable and complex character. He has not only to deal with plying his trade adhering to the standards of the class system, but to do it in spite of being Jewish in a highly predjudiced society. There are many plot twists and I really did not anticipate the conclusions.
Highly recommended if you enjoy mysteries and novels set in 18th century Britain.
Weaver is a more likable and complex character. He has not only to deal with plying his trade adhering to the standards of the class system, but to do it in spite of being Jewish in a highly predjudiced society. There are many plot twists and I really did not anticipate the conclusions.
Highly recommended if you enjoy mysteries and novels set in 18th century Britain.
The Dissolute Duke (Wellinghams, Bk 4) (Harlequin Historicals, No 1132)
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
Review Date: 9/12/2014
The cover was better than the book.
Review Date: 9/9/2012
I have always been a fan of books about Tudor England. This series combines that era with a terriffic mystery. I read this book in two days and couldn't wait to start the next in the series!
Review Date: 9/27/2014
Of all the Malory books I have read, this is by far my favorite. Everyone loves an alpha male but when confronted by an alpha female the sparks fly! James and Georgina are just as memorable as Rhett and Scarlett. You will NOT be disappointed with this one.
Hank and Jim: The Fifty-Year Friendship of Henry Fonda and James Stewart
Book Type: Hardcover
Book Type: Hardcover
Review Date: 7/15/2022
Wonderful book about two of my favorite actors. I did not realize their friendship went back so far.Great pictures, too!
Review Date: 7/19/2015
I have to laugh when I see this series as listed for readers ages 9-12. I was in my 50s when I discovered these books and devoured them...several times. Besides being a great story they reminded me of the great joy reading was to me as a young child. And from what I saw it introduced several more generations of both children and adults to the same joy I experienced. Bravo J.K.Rowling!
Review Date: 9/9/2012
Love Mathew Shaedlake and his world. I was sorry to finish the book since it is the last in the series. I actually contacted the author asking if any more were planned. He will start writing another Shardlake sometime next year after he finishes his current work.
Review Date: 11/9/2021
Helpful Score: 1
Awesome! This book should be on the required reading list, at least of the high school level. Our young people should understand what their grandfathers, who were not much older than they are, experienced so that they could live in a free country. I had to stop MANY times to wipe the tears from my eyes. The amount of planning and implementation is just staggering. And the decisions that Eisenhower had to make, knowing how many brave young men were going to their doom.
The only thing which would have made it better would be some maps, to follow the actions.
The only thing which would have made it better would be some maps, to follow the actions.
Review Date: 3/16/2013
I am, evidently, of the opposite opinion of most reviewers. I LOVED the concept by Ms. Quinn of telling the same story from two different view points. When reading a book that focuses on the two main characters and to then have other characters exit the scene, I usually wonder just what they are up to. With this book you KNOW what Thomas and Amelia were doing while Jack was pursuing Grace. The two books together are just one story with all the gaps filled in. Granted there is repitition from the previous book but don't you ever go back and reread parts of books you have already read? This book save you the trouble.
Review Date: 4/28/2021
I am 70+ years old, but I can STILL remember being read this book when I was in grade school. It gave me a love for books which continues to this day. So thank you, Sister Sylvia, for instilling in me the "Need to Read."
Review Date: 12/11/2014
I really enjoy Amanda Quick's books. This one, however, is my least favorite. The plot is way over the top. There are too many villians and it was difficult to keep them straight at the end. Better to focus on the main one-the "Jack the Ripper" style murders instead of adding the additional spy scenario.
The Perfect Horse: The Daring U.S. Mission to Rescue the Priceless Stallions Kidnapped by the Nazis
Book Type: Hardcover
Book Type: Hardcover
Review Date: 12/29/2022
I have been fascinated with this horse ever since I saw the PBS show about them. This book tells how they were almost lost to history but for the efforts of men who should have been enemies in a brutal conflict. I cried several times as the world around them was imploding yet they survived to charm the generations to come.
Review Date: 9/9/2012
The more I read about Matthew Shardlake and his world the more fascinated I become. I hate putting the book down. The author has done so much in the way of historical backround I believe that is the reason they are so entertaining.
Review Date: 9/9/2012
Helpful Score: 1
With book 3 in the series we actually get to meet the great King Henry VIII. He wasn't a really likable person but he is only a minor character. Matthew Shardlake is the real hero. These books are real page turners and bring Tudor England to life.
Review Date: 1/3/2015
I have only read two of the books in this series. I LOVED #6, the one before this one, because of the characters of Leopold Dautry and his wife(eventually) Eleanor.
I thought this was even better. It is the story of Leopold's eldest son Thorn(nee Tobias)and how he won his lovely India.
Snappy dialog and a fast moving plot or two make it a fun read. The best part is all the letters that fly back and forth between Thorn and India. Sly, witty and downright hilarious.
I thought this was even better. It is the story of Leopold's eldest son Thorn(nee Tobias)and how he won his lovely India.
Snappy dialog and a fast moving plot or two make it a fun read. The best part is all the letters that fly back and forth between Thorn and India. Sly, witty and downright hilarious.
A Very Special Christmas: Including A Christmas Bride and Christmas Stories from Under the Mistletoe
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
Review Date: 12/13/2018
Very disappointed...while I LOVE anything written by Mary Balogh I was under the assumption these were newer stories. WRONG. They are all reprints and were included in previous anthologies, some dating back to 1997. This really should be made known to prospective readers.
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