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Jonet G. (zola) - Reviews

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Conspirator (Foreigner, Bk 10)
Conspirator (Foreigner, Bk 10)
Author: C. J. Cherryh
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 4.3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/7/2011

I have loved this series since the very first book, Foreigner, and despite being the first book of a fourth trilogy, the story is still as strong as ever.

The Faraid still haven't taken the hint to vacate Bren's apartment, and Tatiseigi has just sent a note announcing he'll be arriving to reclaim the apartment Bren has been using... in two days.

Bren decides it would be wisest to pay a visit to his country estate and enjoy some peace and quiet and a visit from his brother and his brother's girlfriend, Bren's ex-fiancee Barb, but atevi cutthroat politics ensue.

This is a very fast-paced novel and I couldn't put it down. It also does a nice job filling in a bit more background on some of the characters we have met in previous books.

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