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Andrea M. - Reviews

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You Might Be a Zombie and Other Bad News: Shocking but Utterly True Facts
Review Date: 1/9/2011
Helpful Score: 1

Definitely a hilarious book, yet, for the hardcore fan, it was rather disappointing.

Obviously they couldn't keep all the pictures that the original online articles had, so all the art is stripped save for pictures drawn and credited by Cracked Staff (amusing in their own way, but half the humor is sometimes found in the picture captions of the original articles.)

Furthermore, some of the articles were cut down in size, likely for page length constraints. But it does mean you're getting a slightly inferior version of the same topic in the book than you would on the online article.

For the unpublished articles, it was a great treat to read. The same could be said about topics I hadn't read in so long on that it was like reading them anew.

I preordered this book off Barnes and Noble rather than wait for it to be put on PBS, and sadly I regret that choice. I don't think it was worth $10 though I can't imagine it being printed for much cheaper. An excellent book if you do not frequent the website, a mildly entertaining diversion if you do. While not worth forking over actual money for, I would say it's worth swapping.

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