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Cate S. (absolutartist1) - Reviews

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Arena (Arena, Bk 1)
Arena (Arena, Bk 1)
Author: Holly Jennings
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 2.5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/12/2016

**I received an ebook from First to Read (Penguin Books) in exchange for an honest review.**
This book is not what I would consider my typical genre of reading. It is a more futuristic science/fantasy genre than urban fantasy, but the premise intrigued me. As the mother of two tweens who are deeply into the Minecraft/Terraria craze the VR aspect of the story struck a cord with me, and I consider myself a bit of a geek/nerd to boot so I really wanted to see if the story would stand up to the write-up. And,... it did!

This is the story of Kali Ling - a 20-year old woman who has only ever wanted to be a top-notch virtual gamer. She's worked, trained, studied, and... and acted, partied, and ignored reality to get where she is. And, just as she has a chance to make history her world starts to crumble. Kali learns that in order to be the leader she needs to be she must look back to trainings she had abandoned and center herself before she can help balance and effectively lead her team to victory.

This was obviously well-research and well written. It kept me invested throughout the story - even when I didn't agree with the actions of the primary characters. It can also be read as a statement regarding our culture and where it very well might lead if we aren't careful. In fact, I found it to be reminiscent of Animal Farm by George Orwell. I look forward to reading any sequels to this story.

Bitter Bite (Elemental Assassin, Bk 14)
Bitter Bite (Elemental Assassin, Bk 14)
Author: Jennifer Estep
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 4.3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/12/2016

** I received an e-ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**
This book is beyond AWESOME!

Gin and company are at it again! This time Fletcher left parts of a puzzle for Gin to find in order to help Finn because his mother is back in town and up to no good. Gin is determined to help Finn - even if Finn doesn't want to listen. There are several interesting flashbacks in this book, and Gin learns more about her mother than she probably wanted to.

Overall a terrific read that kept me going when I really should have been asleep! Jennifer's ability to draw the reader in and make you empathize with the characters is awesome. And, yes, there were tears shed during the reading of this book!

Blood of the Lost (Rylee Adamson, Bk 10)
Blood of the Lost (Rylee Adamson, Bk 10)
Author: Shannon Mayer
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/12/2016

**I received an e-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.**
What to say? I laughed, I cried, I'm going through withdrawl... An epic ending to an emotional and action-packed series. Rylee tried to play by the "rules', but learns that her heart is always a better guide. The timing of this book couldn't have been better considering recent events in the news. I still have one previous book to read so technically the series isn't done for me yet, but I'm all ready hoping for a continuance down the road with 'Cella.

Breakwater (Elemental, Bk 2)
Breakwater (Elemental, Bk 2)
Author: Shannon Mayer
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.7/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/12/2016

My name is Larkspur, and I am an Elemental.

As an Ender, one of my father's Elite guards, it's my job to do as I'm told. When my older sister is sent as an ambassador to the realm of the water elementals--the Deep--I have no choice but to accompany her as her bodyguard.

But the secrets within the Deep are far darker than any of us realized.

Welcome . . . welcome to the Deep.

Wow! What a ride! Lark and her friends - new and old - will take you on another high-action adventure in the imaginative world of the Elementals. I had a hard time putting this down for work or sleep, and think Olive may be my favorite new character.

Cannot wait for book 3!

Bright Blaze of Magic (Black Blade, Bk 3)
Bright Blaze of Magic (Black Blade, Bk 3)
Author: Jennifer Estep
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/12/2016

** I received an ebook from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

First, it is important to note is that while this is the third book in this series, it is the first one of the series that I have read. I was able to follow the plot line, and did not feel like I was "missing details" because of that fact. So, while I am sure it is MOST enjoyable to read this series in order - it is possible to read it out of order without feeling lost. My daughter had read - and loved - Cold Burn of Magic so I wanted to see what it was she loved. This was the first chance I got to look at the series. Being a big fan of Jennifer's writing in general and of the Elemental Assassin series specifically, I felt at home in Lila Merriweather's world.

What we have:
- a strong-willed, self-contained female protagonist
- an orphan (her mother has been killed and she's looking for vengeance) who has been taken under the wing of her mother's best friend and the head of the Sinclair family
- magically gifted in not just one, but two abilities (which she doesn't let most people know)
- a "Scooby" gang of friends who help her whenever possible
- her boyfriend
- heir and "bouncer" for his family - the Sinclairs
- her cousin (via her mother) and daughter to Victor Draconi (the villain)
- her cousin's boyfriend & member of the Sinclair family
The Monsters
- various magical creatures who have befriended Lila thanks to her mother's teachings

What they do:
Combine their skills and access to thwart Victor's plan to take control of all of the magical families of Cloudburst Falls.

This book is definitely YA - no sex, and the violence - while there - is not explicit. I enjoyed the story, and was reminded not only of Jennifer's protagonist, Gin, when reading about Lila, but also of the worlds created in Harry Potter and Narnia - where magical creatures abound in everyday life. I am now trying to find time in my reading schedule to go back and read the first 2 books in this series! Despite having been spouted as a trilogy, I hope there are more to come! :)

Court of Nightfall (Volume 1)
Court of Nightfall (Volume 1)
Author: Karpov Kinrade
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/12/2016

**I received a free e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.**

I am so glad I decided to give this series a try! The author is completely new to me, and I have tried a few similar books recently that I had trouble getting through - in one or two cases I am still trying to finish them. Not so with this book!

The story line is well plotted, characters are multi-faceted, and there are SO many detailed descriptions that you can visualize yourself IN the world the authors have created. In my mind this world is a cross between Hogwarts and PanAm. In fact, Scarlett has many of the same qualities as Harry Potter and Katniss Everdeen.

Having grown up in an impoverished area of her post-apocalyptic world, Scarlett has never truly fit in. She has always been faster and stronger than other children her age, heals at a faster rate than most, and is completely colorblind - as in everything is only shades of gray. Despite these differences - or maybe because of them - she is determined to better her lot in life so that she can end the governmental corruption that causes certain classes of people to be treated as lesser citizens. And, so, her story begins...

Deader Homes and Gardens (Southern Ghost Hunter, Bk 4)
Deader Homes and Gardens (Southern Ghost Hunter, Bk 4)
Author: Angie Fox
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 10/13/2016

Verity and crew are back - and trying to puzzle out a century-old curse!

In this installment, Verity has given up on her graphic design business, and is now trying to make ends meet as a ghost hunter. Things have never been better between her and Ellis. Even Lucy is enjoying the new life they've got going... especially since Ellis is teaching her new tricks! When Verity lands her first ghost hunting job at the locally renowned haunted estate of Rock Fall things certainly seem to be looking up. But, nothing is ever as easy as that when ghosts are involved.

This book was my favorite from the series so far. Angie managed to mix the mystery, romance, and adventure in a truly inspired way throughout this book. Check it out, and see if you can figure out who the culprit is before they reveal themselves!
Please note - I received a complimentary copy of this book. That does not in any way influence my review of the material.

Demons (Eirik) (Volume 1)
Demons (Eirik) (Volume 1)
Author: Ednah Walters
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/12/2016

**I received an ARC of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.**
This story brought Eirik's life into focus, and showed much more depth to his character. The descriptions are detailed enough that you can envision yourself right next to him and Celestia as they learn about and explore his "home" of Hel's realm.

This is a strong story filled with detail like all of Ednah's stories. I love the spunk & strength of Celestia especially when it is paired with Eirik. He is strong compassionate and loyal which pairs well with her character.

I can't wait for Heroes!

The Dirt on Ninth Grave (Charley Davidson, Bk 9)
The Dirt on Ninth Grave (Charley Davidson, Bk 9)
Author: Darynda Jones
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 4.2/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/12/2016

**I received an e-ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**
Considering the cataclysmic events at the end of Eighth Grave After Dark, I really wasn't sure what to expect from this book. But, WOW! Darynda knocked another one out of the park! I found I couldn't put it down!

Charley's family has found her - despite her disappearing act and amnesia, and surrounded her in the hopes that little reminders will help jog her memory. While she feels drawn to them, she is more worried about the fact that she can see dead people and animals than why they feel so familiar to her. Unfortunately, it takes the ultimate sacrifice by one family member to bring everything back into focus so that she can save the world - and herself.

Firestorm (Elemental, Bk 3)
Firestorm (Elemental, Bk 3)
Author: Shannon Mayer
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.8/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/12/2016

**I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.**
This time, Lark takes us into the fiery world of the Pit and all the intrigue it holds. Ordered by her father to face the charges levied against her by the Fire Elementals for having killed several of their Enders, Lark has no choice but to travel to the Pit along with Ash. When she seeks guidance from the Mother Goddess she is also charged with saving those who cannot save themselves while n the Pit.

The characters in this series are so developed you can't help but empathize with them as they battle their way through another sticky situation.

Another fast-paced, fun read in another highly-imaginative, well-crafted world by Shannon Mayer! I can't wait to read Windburn!

Grimnirs (Runes)
Grimnirs (Runes)
Author: Ednah Walters
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/12/2016

Wow! I loved this story. Cora is much more developed than in the first two books, and Echo... well, he made the story worthwhile! It's the details incorporated into the story line that make this series so enjoyable to read. I really liked how this book wrapped up so many of what I felt were "loose threads" from the previous two books while leaving a couple of new threads hanging for the continuation of the series.

Be warned - this book makes the jump from YA to adult reading. There are definitely scenes I would not be comfortable with my daughter reading.

Heroes (Eirik) (Volume 2)
Heroes (Eirik) (Volume 2)
Author: Ednah Walters
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/12/2016

** I received an ebook in exchange for an honest review.**

Action! Adventure! Love! Magic! What more do you need in an awe-inspiring, hard-to-put-down book?!

Eirik and Celestia's adventure continues as they search for his sister and grandmother. Witches are being killed and their bodies are disappearing. The Norns appear to be hiding. Immortals appear to be tied to most everything in one way or another, and some mortals will need to be trusted with secrets they'd normally never be shown.

Ednah's writing will draw you in, make you believe, and expand your imagination! I love the descriptive way she writes, and the details which tie her Runes world into the Norse mythology pantheon.

House of Ravens
House of Ravens
Author: Karpov Kinrade
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/12/2016

**I received a free e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.**

First of all - WOW! Second - grab a box of tissues before you start reading because unless you have no empathy, you'll need them before you're done!

In book 2 of the series, Scarlett and her friends are continuing to navigate their new lives at Castle Vianney - classes, training, friendships, relationships - and in Scarlett's case - leading a rebellion at The Cathedral. Jax gets secret orders that have him disappearing. Kai becomes Scarlett's greatest ally. Wytt keeps everyone entertained, and spends a lot of time with Lana. Corinne loses a young friend, and finds her strength.

Nightfall is being hunted by King Varian... who is Corinne, Wytt, & Kai's father, AND has decided to stay at Castle V as one of the Masters for the semester. The Sons of Eden - led by Adam, and the Red Eagles - led by Crixius - both create more issues for Nightfall through terrorist actions that she must try to circumvent while continuing to show her support for Zeniths.

Because of the beginning of the book I knew there was going to be a hard choice in the plot line, but I didn't see the choice itself being what it was. And, it's a tear-jerker.

The story is well-written with TONS of detail, highly-developed characters, and plot twists you won't see coming. I love the visual feel of the language in this series. You'll fall in love with the characters, and never want to leave their world!

Immortals (Book two)
Immortals (Book two)
Author: Ednah Walters
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/12/2016

Raine & Torin are at it again, but they have a few stumbling blocks to get past - like the fact that Torin doesn't remember ever having known Raine...

And, Raine is in for the surprise of her life!

I love how well this series reads. It is hard to put down!

Great read! Can't wait to share this series with my daughter!

Mercury Striking (Scorpius Syndrome, Bk 1)
Mercury Striking (Scorpius Syndrome, Bk 1)
Author: Rebecca Zanetti
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/12/2016

**I received an e-copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

Having read the On The Hunt anthology, I had a previous taste of this story in the prequel novella, Scorpius Rising. And, call me naive, but I didn't actually realize this was the same series until I was about 10% through the book!

This book is a little outside my "normal" genre realm, but still appealed with the post-apocalyptic setting and alien virus issue. Jax Mercury & Lynne Harmony are strong protagonists with a terrific dynamic. Surrounded by many multi-faceted characters - several of whom I can see future books about in this series - and several of whom, unfortunately, you won't.

This is a fast-paced story with violence, death. love, and regrets a-plenty. What would happen if suddenly 90% of the world's population was either dead or insane after catching an alien virus? This book will give a detailed idea of this author's take! I could easily see this being a movie along the lines of the Resident Evil series.

Rebecca has created a well-though out and detailed world in this book, and I can't wait to "see" the rest of the series!

Midnight Star (Vampire Girl) (Volume 2)
Midnight Star (Vampire Girl) (Volume 2)
Author: Karpov Kinrade
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.8/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/12/2016

**I received an ebook in exchange for an honest review.**

Who wants to be ordinary... when you can be extraordinary?!

First... WHOA! Second... I mean REALLY WHOA! Ariana's sojourn in Hell continues with her month now being passed to Asher as she has been kidnapped by the fae. Of course, there is a reason for the kidnapping - beyond annoying the demon lords, and Ari soon finds herself embroiled in even deeper political issues than before.

The fae teach Ari some of what she needs to know about her newly awakening powers, and then she's off to finish the month in Asher's castle. The demon lords are fighting about how to handle the changes - as usual, and Ari is discovering the true depths of her love for Fen as well as what she is truly capable of.

Apparently I do not have the mind of a writer - I mean, really, look how often these reviews sound similar - but beyond that the twists and turns with extremely detailed imagery in Karpov Kinrade's arsenal just astound me! Every book I've read abounds with exquisite detail letting the reader imagine themselves within the story much like watching a movie. Time passes, and you aren't sure where it went!

The ending... well, I'm going to make you read it for yourself, but I didn't see that coming! I feel like I should have, but I didn't!

PS - I adore Baron. Yami has his own charm, but Baron still holds my heart.

Recombinant (The Blood Borne Series) (Volume 1)
Recombinant (The Blood Borne Series) (Volume 1)
Author: Shannon Mayer
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/12/2016

Rachel & Lea are about to crash into each others' lives and nothing will ever be the same!

While I read a lot of paranormal and urban fantasy, this story line takes on a whole different aspect to the reality of life while using paranormal elements. I love the sarcasm and wit displayed by both heroines, and how both refuse to give up.

Recurve (Elemental, Bk 1)
Recurve (Elemental, Bk 1)
Author: Shannon Mayer
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/12/2016
Helpful Score: 2

"My name is Larkspur, and I am an Elemental."

My people use the power of the earth to sustain life and defy our enemies. I should be at my father's side as a royal princess. But as a half-breed, bastard child, that isn't going to happen.

A great paranormal story with nature theme.

Knowing that I love Shannon's Rylee Adamson series, I took a chance and pre-ordered this book - which I seldom do. I am oh-so-glad I did! The plot and characters kept me involved throughout the story, and when Lark's true traitor is revealed I was surprised!

If you enjoy Faith Hunter, Patricia Briggs, or Jennifer Estep you won't want to skip this series!

Author: Ednah Walters
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/12/2016

Imagine... 17 years old, missing father, erratic mother, best friend has moved across town from the house next door, and NOW a gorgeous, mysterious guy moves in to your BFF's former home. Strange happenings are only the beginning for Raine!

With a strong Norse-based mythology Ednah has created a fun, fast-paced read about coming of age, and learning not everything is as you've been led to believe. This book grabbed me from the get-go, and was so awesome I had to start the second book minutes later!

I've just downloaded it to my daughter's Nook, and can't wait to hear what she thinks of it!

Seeress (Runes, Bk 3)
Seeress (Runes, Bk 3)
Author: Ednah Walters
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.8/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/12/2016

** I received an audio copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.**

Raine Cooper is trying to come to terms with all the changes in her teenage life... Her mom is off trying to get re-instated as a Valkyrie. Her dad is slowly succumbing to the cancer that is eating away at him. Her best friend, Cora, sees and helps souls. Her boyfriend, Torin,is splitting his time between trying to help her and trying to find out how and WHY a family heirloom has suddenly reappeared. And, when her childhood best friend, Eirick, shows up she learns many things are not as they seemed.

I have not had a chance to read this book myself yet so listening to it was enjoyable, but I know I missed details I would have caught if I had been reading print instead of listening. The narration of this book was top-notch. Stephanie managed to catch the tonal qualities of teenagers and all their angst. I loved listening to this, and didn't want to turn it off when I had to work!

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