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Kristin W. (lilpenguin) - Reviews

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16 Lighthouse Road (Cedar Cove, Bk 1)
16 Lighthouse Road (Cedar Cove, Bk 1)
Author: Debbie Macomber
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 2/21/2008
Helpful Score: 1

This series is not one to miss. Like most of Macombers other books, she pulls you into her world and you are able to relate to the people in her stories. I like this series because there is a bit of myster to each story along with love, loss and everyday events.

204 Rosewood Lane (Cedar Cove, Bk 2)
204 Rosewood Lane (Cedar Cove, Bk 2)
Author: Debbie Macomber
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 2/21/2008

This is the second book in the cove series and while the story contuines with the same people from the first story the 16 lighthouse in this installment we are introduced to a few more of cedar coves residents. Again this offers all of real life drama and events and the more I read the more I feel I know the people of cedar cove!

311 Pelican Court (Cedar Cove, Bk 3)
311 Pelican Court (Cedar Cove, Bk 3)
Author: Debbie Macomber
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 2/21/2008

Not as fast of read as the first two but to me just as good, the plot thickens and eveyone seems to be connceted to eachother in some way, I love the small time life and feel of this book, it's another great read!

44 Cranberry Point (Cedar Cove, Bk 4)
44 Cranberry Point (Cedar Cove, Bk 4)
Author: Debbie Macomber
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 2/21/2008
Helpful Score: 1

So far this has been my fav in the series. We still keep in contact with everyone from the first 3 books and again we are still learning more about various residents of Cedar Cove. I look foward to the next in the series.

The Art of Keeping Secrets
The Art of Keeping Secrets
Author: Patti Callahan Henry
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/16/2009
Helpful Score: 1

I am a fan of Patti and have read almost everything of hers. This book strated out decent but quickly bogged down. For me there was too much time spent on the wife's life and her "poor me" thinking and not enough time on teh secret. Through the whole story there is this build up of why there was a woman on the plane with Know and who was she then towards the end it seems like the secret comes out in a rush because the author was running out of time. All in all this was an okay book but not a page turner.

Coffin County
Coffin County
Author: Gary A. Braunbeck
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 7/6/2008

I have never read anything by this author before and I am not sure I will after reading this book. The writing format was unlike any other I have read before and the story line was so-so. There was parts of the story in my opinion that didn't need to be in the book they just took up space. I wasn't impressed with this book at all.

Dark Places
Dark Places
Author: Gillian Flynn
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 8/11/2009

This book is wrote in three voices, that of Libby in present day, Ben and Patty on the day of the murders. To say that Libby is messed up for surving the murders of her family is an understatment, this girl/woman is a mental case. There were times her thought process would make me laugh then other times it would leave me scratching my head. Over all the story is ok, I wouldn't blaze a trail to stand in line to read this book and honestly I wouldn't spend money to buy it, wait and get it from a friend or the library. While the story set up seems to pull a person in the, the family slaughtered by the son but the one daughter get's away, is intriguing the author seems to ramble on at times making me want to put the book down and walk away. The author also has a bunch of side charcters too many in my opnion that she introduces to the story tells a little about them then forgets them. I am still wondering what happened to the members of the "Kill Club". This book offers a few twists and turns enough to make you read to the end but then once you get to the end it's like a scramble to finsh the book and tie up loose ends. I wasn't overly thrilled with the ending (Patty pissed me off) but atleast I finally got the whole story of what happened the night of the murders.

The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud
The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud
Author: Ben Sherwood
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 4.2/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/28/2009

This is one of the greatest books I have read ever! The story had a nice flow, there were parts that made me smile, laugh out loud and cry. I recommend this book to anyone and everyone!

The Devil's Labyrinth
The Devil's Labyrinth
Author: John Saul
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.6/5 Stars.
Review Date: 9/18/2008
Helpful Score: 2

Usually I am a fan of John Saul but this book was a little disappointing. It started off good but then somewhere in the middle I felt he just let it go and hurried to finish the book.

Family Secrets
Family Secrets
Author: Judith Henry Wall
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 8/4/2008
Helpful Score: 4

OMG this ws a huge dissapointment. I thought from the back cover description this would be a good read, wrong! This first half of the book kept me going the story was building up nicely, then BAMM the story takes a left turn and the ending is wildly unbelieveable! I wouldn't waste your money.

The Forgotten Garden
The Forgotten Garden
Author: Kate Morton
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 5/26/2009
Helpful Score: 2

I must admit I liked her first book better. For me this book started off slow and there were parts I didn't think needed to be in the book it just made it that much more longer. The story bounces between three diffferent time periods. Over all the story was intersting but kinda long and there were some spots that seemed to drag on.

Happiness Sold Separately
Happiness Sold Separately
Author: Lolly Winston
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.6/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/18/2008
Helpful Score: 4

Excellent store, moving story line, well developed charcters. This story is about love, marriage, loss, cheating, finding one's own self, and learning to live. Truly an amazing read!

The Heretic's Daughter
The Heretic's Daughter
Author: Kathleen Kent
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.7/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/1/2009
Helpful Score: 2

I found this book lacking and very boring. The book is slow to start and the witch trials aren't mentioned until the middle of the book. Towards the end of the book I simply skimmed the pages to get the just of the story and even that was boring. I am sorely disappointed in this book. All I can say is thankfully I recieved the book through this website and I didn't have to pay for it.

The Honk and Holler Opening Soon
The Honk and Holler Opening Soon
Author: Billie Letts
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 9/18/2008

This is the second book by her that I have read and once again I am thrilled. The story has a nice easy flow and the charcters are believible. I look forward to hearing more from this author.

The House on Tradd Street (Tradd Street, Bk 1)
The House on Tradd Street (Tradd Street, Bk 1)
Author: Karen White
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/12/2010
Helpful Score: 4

This is my first book by Karen White, I found it amusing and intersting to read. While the main charcter Melanie was a bit much with her "I hate everthing" attitude and Jack just needs to suck it up and kiss her already I had to read til the end to solve the ghost story. What I liked most about the book was it's hint of ghost and paranormal without going over board or letting it run the story. I'm not sure if I will read the other book tied to this one or not or any of her books at all; while I enjoyed this story for the most part I found it lacking in depth.

Author: Anne Frasier
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 3.8/5 Stars.
Review Date: 2/21/2008
Helpful Score: 2

Excellent read, it took my two days to finish this book. It is a great thriller with all the twist's and turns you want in a book. It kept me guessing to the very end. The plot line is very real and I kept getting drawn into the crime life of Chicago, the character's are wrote with a complex aire about them, you see both the past and the present in each person. The book its self is very well written with a flow that keeps you going and going to the end!

Jingle All the Way: A Bright Red Ribbon / Santa Unwrapped / Maybe This Christmas / The 24 Days of Christmas
Review Date: 6/28/2009

I am a Miller fan hence the reason I read this book but I was suprised with the other authors. I have her of Fern Micheals but never read anything by her, this story was funny and light hearted. Each story was funny actually. I did feel like they rushed a bit because these were short stories but overall I liked them.

Just Kate
Just Kate
Author: Linda Lael Miller
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/20/2009

This was a short story but it didn't lack anything. This is one of Miller's earlier works but her steamy love scenes still prevail. Over all I thought this was a good story, it was a very quick read.

The Justice Way, By Request 3's: Ryder's Wife/Roman's Heart/Royal's Child
Review Date: 6/24/2009
Helpful Score: 1

I enjoyed these three stories, each has a bit of suspense and romance. I liked that they were all in the same book together because they deal with a family of brothers. There wasa great balance of mystery, love, serious parts and funny parts; I actually laughed out loud during parts of each story. If you have read other stories from Sala then I highly suggest this one too!

The Lace Reader (Lace Reader, Bk 1)
The Lace Reader (Lace Reader, Bk 1)
Author: Brunonia Barry
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 9/22/2008
Helpful Score: 14

I finished this book last night and I am still having trouble putting into words what I think of it. There are parts of the book I like and it seems to want to take off to be a good book, then there are other parts it drags so much I was beginning to give up. I stuck it out though and all I can say is this, I am not sure what the hype is about this book, to me you could take all the good parts that really mean something to the story and have about 70 pages the rest is filler.

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