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Steve C. (stevencraig) - Reviews

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Dorie: The Girl Nobody Loved
Dorie: The Girl Nobody Loved
Author: Erwin W. Lutzer, Doris VanStone
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 5/4/2008

The first part of the book is absolutely heartbreaking. Once she begins her mission work, however, I felt less interested in the content. Still, a very powerful story of how God can love us even when nobody else does.

The Hypochondriac's Pocket Guide to Horrible Diseases You Probably Already Have
Review Date: 10/23/2008
Helpful Score: 5

As an honest-to-goodness hypochondriac myself, this book was both terrifying, but more thankfully, humorous. The underlying theme here is that in reality there isn't much one can do to truly avoid the possibility of contracting one of these diseases, but just in case you DID, here's some info you probably should know. Meant as more of an educational comedy book than any sort of self-help guide to what ails you. I enjoyed the author's humor so much that I am going to seek out his other works.

A Man, a Can, a Plan : 50 Great Guy Meals Even You Can Make
A Man, a Can, a Plan : 50 Great Guy Meals Even You Can Make
Author: David Joachim
Book Type: Board book
  • Currently 3.2/5 Stars.
Review Date: 10/25/2008

Ever since I found the recipe to an amazing thai chicken dish in Men's Health, I've looked for more meal ideas from them. Sadly, I was disappointed by this book, not because it doesn't have what others may very well consider tasty meals, but I'm not a fan of fish, pork or beer, each of which get several pages here. On the plus side, I like that rather than just listing ingredients, they dare show you a picture of them (brands, even!) so you have an idea what to look for when you go grocery shopping.

If you aren't as picky as me, check this out. You might just find your favorite dish.

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