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Review Date: 2/21/2005
Exceptionally helpful! Gets to the core issue behind time management problems!
The 100 Simple Secrets of Successful People: What Scientists Have Learned and How You Can Use It
Book Type: Paperback
Book Type: Paperback
Review Date: 2/19/2005
Helpful Score: 1
Very readable, fairly simple secrets of success, but all valuable and even those you know already are worth remembering!
Review Date: 6/19/2008
I found this book to be highly inspirational - both in terms of women sharing what has helped them, and their suggestions and guidance for
overcoming internal and external obstacles to one's creative expression. Publisher's Weekly says: "Earnestly recounting how 45 successful women achieved their dreams, McMeekin aims to provide "mentors" who can help readers transcend creative blocks as they follow her program for personal transformation. Drawing heavily on the work of Shakti Gawain, the originator of "creative visualization," and Sarah Ban Breathnach, author of Simple Abundance, McMeekin's approach rests on three "gateways": honoring one's creativity, assembling inner and outer resources, and maintaining "abundance" through "positive priorities." Within each area, McMeekin offers familiar "secrets" for tapping inner resources to reach one's goals, such as through building a team of empowering allies or facing down one's fear of criticism. Numerous case studies of remarkable women--ranging from Jungian analyst Clarissa Pinkola Estes and entrepreneur Joline Godfrey to children's book illustrator Jan Brett and restaurateur Lydia Shire, as well as McMeekin herself, who triumphed over chronic fatigue syndrome--illustrate each point"
overcoming internal and external obstacles to one's creative expression. Publisher's Weekly says: "Earnestly recounting how 45 successful women achieved their dreams, McMeekin aims to provide "mentors" who can help readers transcend creative blocks as they follow her program for personal transformation. Drawing heavily on the work of Shakti Gawain, the originator of "creative visualization," and Sarah Ban Breathnach, author of Simple Abundance, McMeekin's approach rests on three "gateways": honoring one's creativity, assembling inner and outer resources, and maintaining "abundance" through "positive priorities." Within each area, McMeekin offers familiar "secrets" for tapping inner resources to reach one's goals, such as through building a team of empowering allies or facing down one's fear of criticism. Numerous case studies of remarkable women--ranging from Jungian analyst Clarissa Pinkola Estes and entrepreneur Joline Godfrey to children's book illustrator Jan Brett and restaurateur Lydia Shire, as well as McMeekin herself, who triumphed over chronic fatigue syndrome--illustrate each point"
The 12 Steps: A Way Out: A Working Guide for Adult Children of Alcoholic and Other Dysfunctional...
Book Type: Paperback
Book Type: Paperback
Review Date: 11/29/2005
Regarded as one of the best books available on the subject. Very readable.
Review Date: 2/14/2009
This oversize books lists the birthdates and places of 2001 famous people - and in many cases the time as well, for accurate casting of astrology charts. A goldmine!
The 2012 Story: The Myths, Fallacies, and Truth Behind the Most Intriguing Date in History
Book Type: Paperback
Book Type: Paperback
Review Date: 6/14/2013
Although The 2012 Story focuses upon "the myths, fallacies and truth behind the most intriguing date in history," many of the predictions it presents and discusses pertain to the transition between one age and another - which is relevant to us even when 2012 is behind us.
In fact, none of the predictions specifically mention 2012 -- a specific date in December 2012 was determined by contemporary thinkers, calculating with the Mayan calendar. Even if they were accurate, the shift from one age or cycle to another does not occur on one day but in a time period of many years.
From the back cover: "Applying the concepts of Mayan cyclical cosmology-in particular, a transformation-and-renewal creation myth not unlike other religions'- Jenkins suggests that 2012 "basically represents a shift from one World Age to the next" occurring over decades, not hours: "The world is in a crisis. Systems need to be transformed and spiritually centered social activism is called for."
One way or another, John Major Jenkins, Mayan scholar, "surveys the roots and significance of 2012 in May thought, modern astronomy, ancient prophecy and metaphysical philosophy, and explores why it has become a focal point for millions today."
According to Benjamin Anastas of the New York Times magazine, "As much as Jenkins has made a place for himself in the 2012 discussion through his independent research on the Maya and precession, he has made an even greater impact by applying academic rigor of the theories of his contemporaries." According to professor Jocelyn Godwin of Colgate University, his book is "the most global and erudite voice of a swelling chorus of Galactic Center theorists."
The 2012 Story is well-researched but does not read like a scholarly work; the writing is very accessible and the book an easy and engaging read.
In fact, none of the predictions specifically mention 2012 -- a specific date in December 2012 was determined by contemporary thinkers, calculating with the Mayan calendar. Even if they were accurate, the shift from one age or cycle to another does not occur on one day but in a time period of many years.
From the back cover: "Applying the concepts of Mayan cyclical cosmology-in particular, a transformation-and-renewal creation myth not unlike other religions'- Jenkins suggests that 2012 "basically represents a shift from one World Age to the next" occurring over decades, not hours: "The world is in a crisis. Systems need to be transformed and spiritually centered social activism is called for."
One way or another, John Major Jenkins, Mayan scholar, "surveys the roots and significance of 2012 in May thought, modern astronomy, ancient prophecy and metaphysical philosophy, and explores why it has become a focal point for millions today."
According to Benjamin Anastas of the New York Times magazine, "As much as Jenkins has made a place for himself in the 2012 discussion through his independent research on the Maya and precession, he has made an even greater impact by applying academic rigor of the theories of his contemporaries." According to professor Jocelyn Godwin of Colgate University, his book is "the most global and erudite voice of a swelling chorus of Galactic Center theorists."
The 2012 Story is well-researched but does not read like a scholarly work; the writing is very accessible and the book an easy and engaging read.
7 Laws of Highest Prosperity : Making Your Life Count for What really Counts!
Book Type: Paperback
Book Type: Paperback
Review Date: 1/23/2005
Inspirational book, lessons for life imparted in fable form.
Review Date: 3/11/2007
Superb novel! As good as the film, which is brilliant, especially in regard to the roles and performances of Ed Harris and Mary Ellen Mastrantonio. The book differs slightly from the film, and elaborates on some of the themes in it. A great read, and one of Card's best.
Review Date: 12/26/2004
Inspiring little guide to \"liberating your power to love\"
Review Date: 6/20/2008
As a photoshop instructor, I was in the position of having to start teaching courses in photoshop cs3 before any books on the new photoshop upgrade were released. This book was indispensable to me. Although small, it clearly explains all the new features of CS3 and how to use them. I still continue to teach CS3, but have barely glanced at the much larger comprehensive books on the subject because this one taught me all I needed to know to use the new photoshop tools, and teach them.
Review Date: 11/23/2008
Although not as good as her invaluable book on early childhood, Louise Kaplan's Adolescence is an excellent, insightful and easy to read guide to the psychological journeys of adolescence. Dr. Margaret Mahler said of it: "A brilliant, original and most provocative treatise on the crucial phase of human development.......a fascinating, poetic and encompassing chronicle of the most enigmatic period of human history." For anyone seeking to understand their own teenager, or come to terms with their unfinished tasks of adolescence.
Review Date: 12/17/2005
A wonderful book - probably the best political book I've ever read! Very readable, and enlightening in regard to the Clinton White House in the 1990s. The best part is Stephanopolous' refreshing openness honesty about his feelings, struggles, and experiences.
Review Date: 3/24/2012
Helpful Score: 1
Insight Guide to the American Southwest may be 20 years old, but it is full of gorgeous full-page full color pictures and over a dozen chapters of excellent background information in regard to the art, Indian prehistory, Hispanics, the Navajo, the Hopi, the Apache and more. Use another guide to choose your accommations but this one to get a historic and cultural context. It's a beautiful and informative book.
Review Date: 8/30/2014
Although I am a poet, I'm not a fan of a lot of contemporary poetry. Much of it seems to me to be too obscure, or word games with little substance. Although in some poems Debora Greger's words float on the page without discernible meaning, many of her poems have an easy clarity and lyricism. She also often surprises with unexpected choice of words or imagery.
For example, from my favorite in this collection, Queen of a Small Country, Greger wrote:
Queen of a small country unplundered
by schools' geography lessons,
she inherited a land like the town
I grew in, plantain and clover
plaited into crowns..."
For example, from my favorite in this collection, Queen of a Small Country, Greger wrote:
Queen of a small country unplundered
by schools' geography lessons,
she inherited a land like the town
I grew in, plantain and clover
plaited into crowns..."
Review Date: 2/23/2007
Understanding concepts of androgyny can help you in your integration of your own masculine and feminine energies. This book is somewhat scholarly, but nonetheless a fascinating read.
Review Date: 7/25/2006
Helpful Score: 1
Beautifully illustrated guide to the spiritual meanings of real (and some imaginary) animals in various cultures and spiritual lore.
Review Date: 12/23/2004
Anpao is young, handsome and brave, but wishes to web Kokomikeis, who belongs to the Sun alone. He must journey to the house of the Sun to gain permission to marry her. A young adult native american novel.
Review Date: 1/26/2007
An instructor of a course in personal essay and memoir writing recommended this book to me, and I highly enjoyed reading it. Seven personal essays are included, including my two favorite, On Living Alone and On Letter Writing. Others include: On the Street Nobody Watches and Everybody Performs AND What Feminism Means to Me. This collection of likely to be particularly meaningful to the reflective woman who wants to read/hear the thoughtful, articulate and very personal female perspective.
Aristophanes - The Acharnians; The Clouds ; Lysistrata: Translated With an Introduction by Alan H. Sommerstein
Book Type: Paperback
Book Type: Paperback
Review Date: 1/21/2005
Helpful Score: 1
Aristophanes is marvelous and this is one of the best tarnslations. Lysistrata is the greatest comedy of ancient times. Both are anti-war dramas very relevant today.
Review Date: 12/20/2008
Although this 1990 classic is out of date in regard to photo technology, digital cameras etc., the basic principles of photography it presents are of course still relevant, and it remains a goldmine of helpful information for photographers.
Well illustrated, very readable. Hedgecoe is one of the best.
Well illustrated, very readable. Hedgecoe is one of the best.
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