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Sheri B. (bradybunch) - , - Bulletin Board

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Sheri B. (bradybunch) - , 's Bulletin Board Entries

Sheri B. (bradybunch) - , : I hope my friends on the east coast are staying warm and snuggling up to some good reading while caught inside! My bookshelf is always open!
Entry added on 3/10/2015 11:44 PM
Sheri B. (bradybunch) - , : To all my friends- I am glad you stayed! I enjoy looking at your bookshelves and will now be able to see what you have on your other shelves I might be interested in. Regardless of the negative posts about the quickness of the changes, I still love this site.
Entry added on 2/16/2015 4:02 PM
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Sheri B. (bradybunch) - , 's Friends' Bulletin Boards

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