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Scarlet O. (Scarlet)'s Bulletin Board Entries

Scarlet O. (Scarlet): 2006 Reading List

I like to keep track of what I have already read being that my skill of "recall" isn't really up to par,LOL.

I use the "books read" listings on PBS, but wished to clear it out for 2007, so this here is ye ole' 2006 list. A respectable amount I suppose, but I definitely wish to surpass this number this new year.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Book 6) J. K. Rowling 0439791324
The Tortilla Curtain T. C. Boyle 014023828X
Last Exit to Brooklyn Hubert Selby 0802131379
Giants in the Earth: A Saga of the Prairie O.E. Rolvaag 0060830476
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil John Berendt 0679643419
Drop City T. Coraghessan Boyle 0142003808
A Separate Peace John Knowles 0743253973
The Da Vinci Code Dan Brown 0385504209
Memoirs of a Geisha : A Novel Arthur Golden 0679781587
Leave It to Me Bharati Mukherjee 0449003965
Listening Woman (Joe Leaphorn Novels) Tony Hillerman 0061000299
Flirting with Pete : A Novel Barbara Delinsky 074324642X
God Bless You Dr. Kevorkian Kurt Vonnegut 1583220208
Lonesome Dove Larry McMurtry 067168390X
Dead Man's Walk Larry McMurtry 0671001167
Savage Ecstasy Janelle Taylor 082175453X
Fig Tree John Edwin corle 0671775359
Sacred Clowns (Joe Leaphorn/Jim Chee Novels) Tony Hillerman 0061092606
Comanche Moon : A Novel Larry McMurtry 0684857553
Montana Sky Nora Roberts 0515120618
The World According to Garp John irving 0671822209
Streets Of Laredo : A Novel Larry McMurtry 0684857537
Broken Trail Alan Geoffrion 1555916058

The Perfect Storm:
A True Story of Men Against the Sea

Sebastian Junger 0060977477
ACCORDION CRIMES Annie Proulx 0684831546

Larry McMurtry &
Diana Ossana

Miles from Nowhere: In Search of the American Frontier Dayton Duncan 0140131221
The Blessing Way (Joe Leaphorn Novels) Tony Hillerman 0061000019
Dance Hall of the Dead Tony Hillerman 0061000027
Little House in the Big Woods Laura Ingalls Wilder 0064400018
Little House on the Prairie Laura Ingalls Wilder 0064400026
Farmer Boy (Little House) Laura Ingalls Wilder 0064400034
On the Banks of Plum Creek Laura Ingalls Wilder 0064400042
By the Shores of Silver Lake (Little House) Laura Ingalls Wilder 0060264160
The Long Winter (Little House) Laura Ingalls Wilder 0064400069
Little Town on the Prairie (Little House) Laura Ingalls Wilder 0060264500
These Happy Golden Years (Little House) Laura Ingalls Wilder 0064400085
The First Four Years (Little House) Laura Ingalls Wilder 006440031X
Entry added on 2/5/2007 11:28 AM
Scarlet O. (Scarlet): Aiy yai yai

I havn't really had the opportunity to make an entry in quite some time.

I was proud of my final novel count for 2006, which stood at 47. Though many of my friends have surpassed that quantity, I have to keep in mind that our life styles are different, and their interests aren't as scattered brained as mine. They are able to sit down and just read, where I usually steal moment here and there, such as while stirring dinner,LOL.

I do need to make it a point though to clear out my "books read" from last year so that I can keep an accurate talley on 2007's reads...though so far I have already completed 9 novels. Not too shabby.

Meh, just did a search for some cafty books, as I have worn those in my possesion ragged, but it doesn't seem as there are too many ineterested in beading and weaving....or perhaps there are plenty and no one wishes to give up the good books,LOL...can't say I blame them.

Note about reading, I actually just completed a sci-fi book, which is just not cup of tea genre wise, but found I really enjoyed it :StarGate. I have the next two in the original series, and think I will most likely finish them off before posting.

Last note about reading: You know what irks me? When you happen upon a book, read it just for the heck of it, find out it was fabulous then learn it's a trilogy. No big woop, right? So you dig through your leaning tower of literary to discover OMG, I have the next installment, oh happy day!!...but it's not the next's the ender! *headdesk* just have to appreciate it :)


Entry added on 1/25/2007 5:38 PM
Scarlet O. (Scarlet): Yippy yay yeah, read along lil doggies

For a few reasons, LOL

Well, I basically caved and went ahead and ordered the next installment of the Lonesome Dove series (Comanche Moon), but does it count as caving when you really wish to read it; to stay in the setting that still active within your mind. I was so very surprised when I received the book, because it was a different design scheme from what I am familiar with in the Lonesome Dove series. Different but so very pretty! Now I would love to own the entire series to match what I had received this week, but will go about it at a slow pace, as I cannot rationalize using all of my credits for stories I have already read...but one day :).

I haven’t completely abandoned The Island by Auldous Huxley, but have decided to put it down for the time being so not to force myself through it. I know when I do just that, I tend to not enjoy the story as much, and can also miss something that could be important to the story overall. I had went through a brief OMG, I must be dumb paranoia period because this book has yet to grab my imagination, but after chatting with my brainiac BF, she re-assured me it's not me,'s just Huxley. In hindsight, I felt the very same way with Brave New World. Luckily, The Island is still being read by the LOST CASTS boys, and their next selection is Watership Down, which I haven’t read in many many years, but look forward to making myself re-acquainted with again.

Meanwhile, I have completed two more novels, but wasn't truly crazy about either. I finished Savage Ecstasy (yes, the title alone should have been a warning, LOL), and of course it was pure trash, nailing every single possible clich? and mary sue syndrome on the proverbial head.

After, I completed Fig Tree John, which though very well written, the ending, and in honesty for a large chunk of the story left me feeling disturbed. Originally I had hoped for justice, if not even retribution for his wife's murder, but over the years I believe the act polluted him, turned him dark on the inside. His actions toward his son and daughter in law...weren't even close to justifiable in my honest opinion (seriously, he was a sick and hateful old man), regardless of what happened to his wife. I suppose this is somewhat of a testiment to the writer himself, that he could envoke this type of dislike for a character in my. meh, perhaps I just think too much :)

While waiting for Comanche Moon, I did start another Tony Hillerman Novel, Sacred Clowns. I do enjoy his writing considerablyand he is another writer I think I will eventually pursue their entire catalog of.

Annnnnnnd Lastly, I finally received my first request today! It was for Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, which is slightly funny, as I have 3 copies but have yet to read it, though it is coming up soon in my TBR pile.

I am enjoying these “notebook” entries….perhaps someday I will finally mosey on over to the forums, and stop being a social reatrd, even on the internet I suck at the "hellos",LOL.

As always mon amis, cheers :) (wow, that was a long entry)

And last, and testing to see if IMG tags work in the notebook entries, If so, these are my babies :)

Entry added on 7/21/2006 11:59 PM
Scarlet O. (Scarlet): First Trade request :)

Well, I recieved my first request just the other day, and I have to say that for my very first trade experience it couldn't have been any more perfect. I recieved the book about a week and a half after I had first requested the book, and was just tickeled pink to had recieved it as quickly as I did. So to the person who had mailed it to me so quickly, again many thank yous!!!

As for the request itself, as I mentioned before, it was Aldous Huxley's Island, as I am participating in the lostcasts summer reading list;er, well may I should clarify, as I am only reading the selections that have some interest for me. Well, I am already a few chapters into it, but thus far I am having a hard time sticking with it. It's a fairly easy read, but his writting style has me in a bit of a tilt. Or at least I am assuming that's what it is. I don't know...perhaps it's because the last few books I have read were by another author and genre and style all together, and I had read a few of his books consecutively. I wish to finish this, and know I will, but am concerened I will just read it as opposed to being engrossed with it. It's so tempting, as I have a few credits on hand, to just go ahead and get the next installment in the series I was previously reading, which was the Lonesome Dove series by Lary McMurty.

Bah, decisions, decisions. I'll let you all know how it eventually turns out :)

Entry added on 6/27/2006 11:41 PM
Scarlet O. (Scarlet): Where the hell are we?!?!?!?!?!

So, summer is quickly approaching, and like many others I am assuming, it's also great time for lounging and reading. I have decided for my summer "literary" project to follow the boys along with their readings on my favorite podcast, "lostcasts" ( This works out wonderfuly for me, as I am indeed a LOST junkie, and this will help pass some more time until the season 3 premier. I would have been content with the podcasts themselves, except that the gentlemen have decided to read many of the literary refrences from the show, and well...I just didn't want to feel left out of the fun.

This excites me directly with this website, as I used one of my credits to order my very first selection from the paperback swap, Auldous Huxley's Island. Actually, they plan on reviewing Bad Twin by Gary Troup first, but it's not yet available in the system here, so I think I'll be mosying over to amazon.

I look forward to it all :)


Entry added on 6/13/2006 6:40 PM
Scarlet O. (Scarlet): Am still learning....Well, I have been a member for a few days, and I am still learning what all of these neat features actually do. SO I guess this would be considered a test entry of sorts.
Entry added on 6/13/2006 12:35 PM
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