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Melissa E. (Melissa1959) - , 's Bulletin Board Entries

Melissa E. (Melissa1959) - , : Books read

Tell No One by Harlan Coban -- April 2007 (I wasn't sure how all the pieces were going to come together, but Coban did a a great weaving job.)
The Lifeguard by James Patterson -- April 2007 (My first audio book. Won't be my last! The characters were interesting and the main character was very likeable. Alex Cross is OK, but I preferred this book over any Cross book.)
Strawberry Shortcake by Joanne Fluke -- March 2007 (Nice light-hearted story about yet another murder in a small town. Fluke's books are cozy, but they aren't full of fluff. There's some real plot here!)
The Mailman by Bentley Little -- March 2007 (Unique story that showed how fragile modern society truely is. Little did a great job making me suspend my disbelief.)
Solomon vs. Lord by Paul Levine -- Feb. 2007 (What a fun book! A little romance, a little mystery, a bunch of odd side characters. An all-around great read.)
Shades of Earl Grey by Laura Child -- Feb. 2007 (Third in the series. I didn't finish it. I just didn't care for the characters and I found the plot boring.)
Dirty Blonde by Lisa Scottoline -- Jan. 2007 (Great plot, didn't like the main character at first, but she grew on me. I was surprised by the ending. An all-around good book. I plan to read more by this author.)
Winterbourne by Susan Carroll --Jan. 2007 (I loved this book. formulaic romance set it the days of knights, lords and ladies. This book actually had heart and a decent plot.)
Gunpowder Green by Laura Childs -- Jan. 2007 (Better than the first book, but still not good. The "mystery" part was just so-so. But at least I'm beginning to warm up to a couple side characters. Still not sure how I feel about the main character. I'll give the series one more chance before giving up.)
Vanishing Point by Mary Sharatt -- Jan. 2007 (I really liked this book. I would have liked it so much better had it been an historical romance...but it can't be categorized as such. Then again, a formulaic romance plot probably would have ruined the story. Still, it was a very good book. Moving, interesting and I loved the time period it was set in.)
Real Beauty by Sonia Kashuk -- Dec. 2006 (Book itself is not that good, but the video makes up for it. A one-timer. )
Death by Darjeeling by Laura Childs -- Dec. 2006 (OK mystery. Main character didn't interest me. Other characters sort of bleh. A tiny bit of tea info. Felt more like I was ready a story designed to advertise Charleston. I'll keep reading the series a little longer.)
Memory Keepers Daughter by Kim Edwards -- Dec. 2006 (Great should have been oh, so much better. But it wasn't. I kept thinking it would get better. I kept thinking it would be about the daughter. But it didn't and it wasn't. A fair read, but doesn't live up to the hype.)
A Killer Collection by J. B. Stanley -- Nov 2006 (Not a bad mystery. But not as good as had hoped. If I had an interest in pottery, maybe I'd have liked it better. I'll give the author another chance.)
The Bell Witch: An American Haunting by Brent Monahan -- Oct 2006 (Disappointing. Not the least bit scary. Not even interesting. I wasn't the least bit surprised by the ending.)
Found and Lost by Holly Jacobs -- Oct 2006 (What a wonderful, silly, little murder mystery/romance. I'll have to give these Flip Side romance books another look.)
Thinner by Stephen King -- Oct 2006 (One of King's better books. Why? Because he kept is SHORT! Interesting, but unbelievable premise.)
Tomahawk Canyon by Jack Ballas -- Oct 2006 (Cheesy, poorly written and yet ... I liked it. This was just like an old-fashioned western movie. And, surprisingly, I found it to be more a romance than a manly book.)
Look Closely by Laura Caldwell -- Sept 2006 (Kept me guessing just like a great mystery is supposed to do. Wasn't completely surprised by the ending, but I was never sure until the end. Great plotting. Will look for more of this author's work.)
The Pact by Jodi Picoult -- Sept 2006 (Mixed feelings. Good story that should have been better. Short story dragged out to novel length. I plan to give the author another chance.)
Angel Falls by Kristin Hannah -- Sept 2006 (Sweet, serious and sad. All the makings of book that kept me turning the pages.)
Dying in Style by Elaine Viets -- Sept. 2006 (Fun, light-hearted murder mystery. Likeable main character.)
Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder by Joanne Fluke -- Aug. 2006 (Delightful, nice change of pace from heavy mysteries. Very likeable main character.)

Entry added on 9/19/2006 11:15 PM
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