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hazigurl - , - Bulletin Board

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hazigurl - , 's Bulletin Board Entries

hazigurl - , : I have some Women in Science postcards to swap!
Entry added on 8/23/2020 10:46 AM
Amanda (kyto) - :

I have traveled to 26 countries, and I always bring home extra postcards! Just let me know if you require any! 

Reply added on 9/20/2020 8:30 PM
hazigurl - , : Hello fellow book lovers, Thank you for all the well wishes and concern due to Harvey. I have come away, so far, with a minimum loss of power and I have been only slightly affected by the water. My job, on the other hand, was underwater. I was lucky. So many people have lost everything. If you guys want to help out text HARVEY to 90999. It's for a $10 donation. Thanks everyone.
Entry added on 8/29/2017 5:51 PM
hazigurl - , : Hi Swappers, I'm looking for Jerusalen: Caballo De Troya 1 (Caballo de Troya) :: J. J. Benitez. I'll take an unpostable as long as it's still readable and doesn't have a strong smell of any kind. Thanks and Happy reading.
Entry added on 11/3/2012 3:02 PM
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