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Worksheets Don't Grow Dendrites : 20 Instructional Strategies That Engage the Brain
Worksheets Don't Grow Dendrites 20 Instructional Strategies That Engage the Brain Author:Marcia L. Tate "Marcia Tate has done it! This is the most practical application of the brain compatible and learning styles research I've ever seen. The twenty strategies will make learning fun again. Every teacher should explore the rich resource for teaching offered in this book!" — William Bender, Professor — University of Georgia"Wh... more »en teachers in all schools integrate Tate's 20 Instructional Strategies into classroom instruction, school will become a place where all children can experience success regardless of their learning style."
Linda Aikens-Young, Principal
C.J. Hicks Elementary School, Conyers, GADesign fascinating activities and inspire active learning with proven teaching tools!Attention spans, subject interest, learning styles, and even levels of understanding vary from student to student. Just as every student is different, teachers have their own personalities and teaching styles. Yet years of research confirm that certain teaching tools awaken the desire to learn in students by engaging their brains. And once their brains are engaged, synthesis, and retention of information will soar!Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites targets teachers as "growers of brain cells" and encourages them to make practical application of the findings of learning style theorists and neuroscientists. Tactile learners, spatial thinkers, and logical minds alike will become eager students as the strategies in this handbook are implemented. Imagine raising student achievement by meeting the learning needs of each student and increasing subject matter understanding, all while enjoying teaching and learning. Marcia Tate demonstrates 20 strategies including:
Using humor and telling stories
Implementing problem-based instruction
Incorporating games into lessons
Utilizing mnemonic devices and metaphors
And even singing and dancing while learning
Actively engaging students in the learning process is the best way for them to succeed in school—and in life. Give them an edge by growing their dendrites!« less