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A Working Writer's Daily Planner 2010: Your Year in Writing
A Working Writer's Daily Planner 2010 Your Year in Writing "I am ticking off the days until I can get my Working Writer's Daily Planner. All work is at a complete stop until its arrival."?Karen Joy Fowler, author of The Jane Austen Book Club Are you a writer? Is someone you know a writer? Then you’re familiar with how challenging it is to keep up with all the daily tasks (beside... more »s making tea, playing solitaire, doing dishes, checking e-mail, making more tea, and?oh yeah, writing!) that complicate a writer’s life: keeping track of submissions, finding new markets, planning future projects, researching funding opportunities, and on and on! AWorking Writer’s Daily Planner 2010 is made by writers for writers: it makes it easy for writers to keep track of the practical, business end so that they can pay more attention to the real work of writing. With this daily planner you can organize your writing schedule, track upcoming deadlines, and learn about grant opportunities, contests, and workshop programs. Application deadlines are built right into the calendar, along with spotlights on writing markets and helpful online resources. You’ll also find information on writing conferences, advice on formatting manuscripts, suggested readings, and the do's and don’ts of submitting your work to journals, magazines, and literary agents. Finally, when it’s time for a break, A Working Writer’s Daily Planner offers plenty of useful distractions, including tales of the writing life, inspiring art and photos, curious facts, fun writing prompts?and even paper dolls! Download a free sample: Each month has a page for notes which you can use to plan ahead and at the back, you will find a handy Submissions Tracker to keep track of where and when you sent your work out, as well as many other features for you to use and enjoy throughout the year. And, courtesy of our friend Abby Denson, for that time when you just need a total break from it all: there are paper dolls! A Quick Index to A Working Writer’s Daily Planner 2010 Finding an MFA Program
Kelly Link, “Beyond Competent and Accomplished: A Call to Action for Workshoppers”
How to Format a Manuscript
Kate Wilhelm, “Trivia Vs. Writing Real Stories”
Contest and Award Fees
Goal Planner
Further Resources
CLMP Contest Code of Ethics
Paper Dolls
Submission Tracker
Photo and illustration credits Reading Lists
Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer, Late Summer, Winter Writing Exercises
Quick, Truth Or . . .?, Fifty First Sentences, Clichés, Soundtrack First Writing PromptsSpotlights
Grants, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Poetry, Independent Magazines, State Arts Focus, Younger Writers, Residencies, Online Writing Classes« less