Not one of my favorite Garlock's that's for sure. Two stories- in one book....yet, they are so similar....the second story loses it's shine.
This is 2 books, Hidden Dreams and She Wanted Red Velvet. The first one is about a rich girl who goes to check on one of her businesses. He partner thinks she is just a spoiled rich girl and good for nothing. She sets of to prove him wrong. The second book is about a woman and her son who are fleeing a terrible marriage. She is saved from danger on a Montana road by bearded, long haired Jack Evans. She doesn't trust him and thinks he is an aging hippy. But her son loves him and so she tolorates him.

This is a reprint of two of Garlock's books from years ago. Books written under the alias Johanna Phillips (1983) - Hidden Dreams and under the alias Dorothy Phillips (1986) - She Wanted Red Velvet.