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Topic: Wish list book on hold

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Subject: Wish list book on hold
Date Posted: 3/14/2025 4:02 PM ET
Member Since: 4/25/2007
Posts: 66
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I was just reviewing  my wish list books and one of them is on hold. There no offers of the book on my account.  Why would it be "on hold"?

rebeccam avatar
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Date Posted: 3/15/2025 7:59 AM ET
Member Since: 9/25/2008
Posts: 34,724
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Diane, maybe this will help you figure it out from the Help Center

An item goes on hold on your Wish List if:

(1) You put it on hold. You can put individual items on hold using the buttons on your Wish List if you are not ready to accept those items when they are offered to you. This will preserve your "place in line" for the book but will hide the wish from the system. This is useful if you have no credits in your account and don't want to decline a copy of the book (and lose your place in line) if the book becomes available while you have no credits.


(2) When a Wish List book is offered to you, then alternate versions of that book will go on hold on your Wish List. This prevents you from being offered two different versions of a book and having to choose between them.  When the first version arrives, you can remove the alternate versions from your Wish LIst.  If the first version is lost in the mail or arrives damaged, then you can re-activate the wishes for the other versions without having lost your place in line.


(3) When you order a book from the PBS Market and it is mailed to you, if the book is on your Wish List it will go on hold, so that you are not offered a second copy while your Market book is on its way to you.   Again, when the first version arrives, you can remove the alternate versions from your Wish List.


(4) You were offered the book previously, and you clicked "Not Now" on the Wish List offer. That put the book back on your Wish List in its previous position, but on hold.  

To take the item off hold:

  • check the box to the LEFT of the item on the Wish List, then

  • click the "Unhold" button at the top of the Wish List.  That will make the wish active again.