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Topic: Why does it take me submitting lost mail searches to get books moving?

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Subject: Why does it take me submitting lost mail searches to get books moving?
Date Posted: 12/22/2022 5:43 PM ET
Member Since: 11/12/2005
Posts: 1,381
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I had 4 books get marked lost in the mail since this summer so I did a missing mail search form on December 17th and I checked on the status today as I told the people with the lost books that I had submitted them and I would keep the people updated and it is awful funny that on December 19th, they had all moved to a different location.  Has anyone else had that happen lately?


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Judith L. (JML) - ,
Standard Member medal
Date Posted: 1/19/2023 8:04 PM ET
Member Since: 10/28/2005
Posts: 216
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Yes, especially in New England. Don't know why, but I ask them to trace the mail and it always seems to be recovered. Hmmm.