This book looks at the transitions and choices in our lives from middle age on until death. The author addresses such issues as the empty nest, the boomerang generation, caring for elderly parents, widowhood, remarriage, retirement, aging, and facing death. All of these are heavy subjects and must be faced by everyone. The author tries to show that these are normal and not to feared, but rather to be prepared for. Each chapter contains insightful and thoughtful information about meeting each of these challenges with grace and peace. The next to the last chapter was my favorite, a very thought provoking article about ways to leave a lasting legacy and write an ethical will. Summed upthis was a very informative book on an important subject. While the subject was interesting, I had a hard time finishing the book as the authors presentation style did not hold my interest. That was just my personal experience and does not in any way reflect on the significance of the material covered.
I received this complimentary copy from Bethany House Publishers for this review. A positive review was not requiredjust an honest opinion.
I received this complimentary copy from Bethany House Publishers for this review. A positive review was not requiredjust an honest opinion.