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Topic: What are you going to plant this year?

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craftnut avatar
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Subject: What are you going to plant this year?
Date Posted: 1/23/2013 9:15 AM ET
Member Since: 7/10/2011
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I want to plant more tomatoes of course, and I have a local nursery who is growing a flat of torenia for me since I cannot seem to get them to grow from seed.  I have a bunch of pots on my porch, and will be looking for all kinds of colors.  I usually have geraniums, begonia, verbena, and johnny-jump-ups.  I just love those little jump-ups!!

I'd love to have a wisteria, but I cannot figure out where I could put it so it would have room to climb but not take over the bed.

louieg avatar
Date Posted: 1/25/2013 11:43 PM ET
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I'm cutting back on the number of different things I'm growing in my veggie garden this year. Last year I had way too many things going on. I plan on doing tomatoes, potatoes, a couple different kinds of squash, sweet corn, beans and carrots. I am hoping our blueberries might decide to do something someday. We also started strawberry and raspberry gardens last year so it'll be fun to see what those do. We've had pretty good luck with strawberries before but we only had a tiny spot for them so hopefully I'll get enough to make jam and freeze someday. We don't do much for flowers, we just have a spot where we throw out some wildflower seed. It usually turns out really pretty though. If you like johnny jump-ups you should see our yard, the grow wild all over.

craftnut avatar
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Date Posted: 1/30/2013 1:55 PM ET
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Last spring I bought a hyacinth in a pot, and enjoyed it for a couple of weeks.  When it finished blooming, I planted it in the front flowerbed just for fun. Saw today that it has come up and is blooming!   I really didn't expect it to survive and bloom again, so this is fun.

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Date Posted: 2/15/2013 12:26 AM ET
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Gonna have the usual - more tomatoes than I should plant, more summer squash than I should plant, chard, carrots, peas (for the deer probably), parsley, leeks, onions, garlic, beets, annuals such as  as zinnias, panseys, alyssum.   Actaully I have the garlic, leeks, fennel, onions, chard, beets, carrots already growing. as well as Shasta Daisies, foxgloves, lychnis.

craftnut avatar
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Date Posted: 2/15/2013 7:46 AM ET
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Sounds like a nice garden, David.  So you do any canning of your produce?

Cosmina avatar
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Date Posted: 2/23/2013 4:39 PM ET
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Lemon grass, peas, snow peas, spinach, chard, kolrabi, yellow and striped zucs, delicata squash, red and gold beets, carrots, tomatoes, 10 variety of peppers (our favorite food and my favorite to grow), cabbage, three kinds of cukes, tomatillos, carrots, parsnips, etc. 

I like to grow a little of everything.  I freeze and can the usual stuff.  I built a permanent greenhouse last year and there are things that will be put in there that I couldn't grow before, like the tomatoes and peppers.

I would love to get some chickens.

The shallots and garlic are already in the beds.  We have such a short growing season at 7,500 feet that I have learned to put them in in Oct and get them started.

Last Edited on: 2/23/13 4:40 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 5/13/2013 1:41 AM ET
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We don't try to can anything.   What we don't eat or give away, we either freeze or dehydrate.  We have also processed basil into pesto and frozen that.  Not sure what we will do with a gallonbof pesto, but we have been slowly eating it.    Since the kids have scattered to their current locations, we have cut back a lot on what we do grow.   I didn't mention that we do have a plum tree ( a friend's daughter takes the plums and makes jam), a Eureka Lemon, a Bearss Lime, and a dwarf Owari Satsuma Mandarin Orange. 


Last Edited on: 5/13/13 1:41 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
tkhooper avatar
Date Posted: 5/10/2014 9:49 AM ET
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I'm putting kale on the deck this year in flower boxes.