Helpful Score: 9
Most women consider this the pregnancy Bible. :] I have read it with each of my pregnancies and while I don't agree with a lot of the "do what the doctor says every time" mentality, it does have some great info about each stage of pregnancy and what the baby is doing, etc. I enjoyed it for that part.
Helpful Score: 5
I used this book 2 times, once with my first child then, with my second. I found it really helpful and easy to use when i was looking up something. It takes you month by month, and thats how i would recomend reading it. Plus, its a great book to have for reviewing the important stuuf you might have forgotten.
Helpful Score: 5
More like, 'What to Fear When You're Expecting'. Don't recommend. Better to get a book by Sheila Kitzinger or Ina May Gaskin.
Karen M. (raetsch1) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 2 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 5
This is not called 'the pregnancy bible' for nothing! It has info for all situations you might encounter and is a great resource for all your 'what if's'.
Alison S. (alisanders) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 7 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 4
Absolutely essential reading when you are expecting. Includes decent coverage of twin/multiple pregnancies as well.
Helpful Score: 4
Every new mom needs this!!! Answers questions before, during, and after the birth of your baby.
The pregnancy bible! A month-by-month guide, full of answers to all your questions! Very reassuring to know that you're not the only one suffering from all the weird symptoms!
Helpful Score: 3
An old standby, and just as helpful the 3rd time around as it was the 1st!
Helpful Score: 3
Great book for all new Moms - especially first timers.

Helpful Score: 3
Was very helpful during my pregnancy! Straight-forward and informative. A good read for parents-to-be.

Helpful Score: 3
This is a fantastic book for any expectant parents to read. There is a lot of useful information regarding many topics.
Colleen B. (teachergirl) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 18 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 3
As a first time mom, this book was an invaulable resource to me as I went through pregnancy. There were so many questions in the book asked by other moms that were the same questions I had. I read this book constantly when I was pregnant and have given it as a gift to many friends who were pregnant for the first time.
Tia H. (tmhchevelle) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 2 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
I found this book both helpful and terrifying. I have not given birth yet, but felt I should read the whole book in order to prepare myself. BIG MISTAKE! The book offers insight on many medical maladies (most of which are incredibly rare) and all of this medical knowledge made me paranoid about all of the horrible things that could possibly be wrong with my unborn child. Also, I didn't find out I was pregnant until I was 20 weeks pregnant, and the book doesn't really take situations like mine into account. The information early in the book is referenced repeatedly and I ended up reading it, though a lot of it didn't apply to me. Each pregnancy is different, and I feel that I would be a lot less paranoid if I hadn't read this great reference.
N. D. S. (NaturalSpice) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 78 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
Very comprehensive month-by-month information. Tons of information. Very helpful
Carrie W. (carriew) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 6 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
The preganancy guide that answers the concerns of the mother and father to be. I personally found that this book scared me more than it helped. However it did spark a lot of questions for my midwives which helped me communicate with them.
Helpful Score: 1
This book is a must have! I have referred to it for 5 pregnancies now, and couldn't live without it!
Helpful Score: 1
Very Helpful!!
Helpful Score: 1
Lots of information. A very good reference.
Kimberly P. (KimP) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 5 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
wonderful read for any expecting mother
Julie L. (euchre35) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 23 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
very accurate book. Enjoyed reading this through my pregnancy.
Helpful Score: 1
A must-read for pregnant women!
Helpful Score: 1
Some of it is pretty scary--focusing on everything that could go wrong in pregnancy. But otherwise, a pretty good manual of what goes on those nine months.
Helpful Score: 1
This book was so helpful. I referred to it constantly while I was expecting.
Erin B. (rubiegirl) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 6 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
This was a very helpful book I used to prepare for the upcoming months. The title says it all.
Helpful Score: 1
This is a good information source for mothers to be.
Helpful Score: 1
I thought this book was a bit out of date and actually a bit sexist. I know it is the industry standard, but it's time for either a truly updated version, or a new standard. I much preferred the combination of "I'm Pregnant" and "Eating Expectantly."
Helpful Score: 1
Do not read while you are pregnant. Terrific reference - not a good idea to read about everything that can possibly go wrong.
Helpful Score: 1
Not as helpful as I was expecting! I would have liked more statistics and things to be aware of, rather than stories.
Amy W. (amycwalker) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 41 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
It's like having a best friend/doctor throughout your pregnancy.
Helpful Score: 1
This book is a must for first time expectant mothers. It is very informative and covers pretty much all aspects of pregnancy.
Helpful Score: 1
I really enjoyed having this book to read through as my pregnancy progressed. It is also a great reference guide when things come up during your pregnancy, especially when no one else is available to answer any questions. The question and answer format is easy to follow, and a must have for the expectant mother.
probably the most informative book i've ever read.

Helpful Score: 1
I was scared out of my mind before I had my first daughter. Think goodness for this book, it was a lifesaver. Everytime she kicked or I felt something was wrong I could pick up this book and save myself from calling my doctor and sounding like a lunatic.
A must have for especting mothers
Riannon M. (mamazeta) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 6 more book reviews
Very informational and helpful book. It answered a lot of questions for me and I used is as a guide through my pregnancy for sure! I would definitely recommend this book to any new moms.
It's a great book to have if you have lots of questions about anything during pregnancy.
Hollie E. (VHS) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 10 more book reviews
This classic book answers all the basic pregnancy questions in a very handy format.
Miranda M. (mirandamo) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 23 more book reviews
I was actually very disappointed with this book. It was about things I already knew or things that I wasn't experiencing. Once I got to about five months I quit reading it.

very imformative
lots of great info in this and a very easy format to read.

It's very informative, although I don't like how opinionated it is. It makes it sound like you'll never lose the baby weight and/or your baby will be unhealthy if you don't eat totally healthy or have an occasional junk food, or if you're within a mile of someone whose smoking your baby will have serious complications. Other than that it's a great read.
A must have
This book is great! I am going to be a first time mom in March (2010), and it has everything that I could possably want to know in it! I am so glad that I bought it and actually read the whole thing!
Really helpful book for first time moms or a refresher for other expecting moms. Tells about symptoms you should be experiencing each month and what to expect at dr. visits. Very good book.
Molly C. (mollytm) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 3 more book reviews
Great resource for any mom-to-be.
Jackie B. (blossum) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 9 more book reviews
I have had three boys and all three time this book was a life savor. My husband even got some good advice, most for those days I went nuts and could not understand. A handy book to use for good times and bad. This book answer most of all questions I had.
Molly B. (vintagereader) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 21 more book reviews
Full of information and things you need to know. A lot of people get freaked out by some of the things it talks about (like preeclampsia and other things that happen more often on TV than in real life) but I found it kind of reassuring to read about what you can do if you *do* develop complications.

used this book very much and found it very useful a wonderful tool to use for answering questions and easing fears w/o turning to the internet where you end scaring yourself with more what if's
Ashley S. (southernmommy) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 25 more book reviews
A wonderful book to read during your pregnancy! Very informative!
Very frilly, not much medical information, but a pretty good book.
Heather C. (yanquiloca) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 75 more book reviews
I preferred the Sears's "Pregnancy Book" but it's a useful, comprehensive guide.
Heather S. (thesnovels5) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 82 more book reviews
This is America's pregnancy Bible!! Incorporating everything that's new in pregnancy, childbirth, and the lifestyles of parents-to-be, complete with a preconception plan, information on choosing a practitioner, birthing alternatives, second pregnancies, twins, making love while pregnant, and coping with common and not-so-common pregnancy symptoms. Plus: a new section for working mothers, an expanded chapter for fathers-to-be, an updated Pregnancy Diet, monthly illustrations of your baby's progress, and step-by-step guides through labor and delivery, the postpartum period, and breastfeeding.

I thought this book was a great reference. We used it to answer questions. I wouldn't advise reading it page by page it might freak a new parent out.
this book has tons of great information in question and answer form. It does a month by month detailed overview of what to expect. (it covers planning through postpartum)
Nicole M. (CBJPL31) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 170 more book reviews
Very helpful and informative for a first time mother.
Great book for when you have any questions or concerns about pregnancy.
Great book for mommies to be
Very helpful
Miriam (rainga) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 15 more book reviews
Great book.
Leeanna E. (WeeDragon97) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 6 more book reviews
A good book to use as a general information sort of resource but not the be all end all. I like Your Pregnancy Week by Week much better
Joycie E. (Joycie) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 31 more book reviews
A must have book when expecting!! I loved it through all my 5 children and now I have 2 of these books so here is one must have for you.
The authors provide medical advice without offering any legitimate references to support their statements. I am much more impressed by the books on pregnancy available by Dr. Sears who is a licensed OBGYN.
This is a very good book. Lots of information on having a baby. Found it very helpful.
Mandi V. (mandivan) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 17 more book reviews
This book is very helpful while you're pregnant. It helps to answer a lot of questions that first-time parents have.
Kristen S. (kris10s) - , reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 3 more book reviews
This is a pretty helpful guide. Don't let it make you neurotic.
good book

An excellent book for all expectant mothers, whether it is your first or fifth!
Must have for the expecting mother, good illustration, and easy to skip through and find just what you're looking for
Audrey R. (angelrossiter) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 23 more book reviews
Very informative, the best pregnancy book I read.
I absolutely LOVED this book when I was pregnant the first time. It answered questions I was too embarrassed to ask at the beginning of my pregnancy, and helped me with the difficulty of nursing when my son was a newborn. (And, don't let anyone fool you--- you don't just pop out your breast and the baby goes to town; it can be difficult to get the proper latch, and frustrating and scary.)But, this book was a great comfort to me at that time.
This is a pregnacy bible! Very helpful! I read it during my 2 pregnancies!
excellent resource for pregnancy... absolutely everything imaginable is covered here!!
I found this book helpful when going through my first pregnancy. They seem to be a dime a dozen, very popular.
Good Recourse for Parents
i read this book, front to back while i was pregnant!
Carmen N. (almadedmom) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 6 more book reviews
i used this book for all 3 of my pregnancies and I really enjoyed it with each one.
Brand new book. Excellent for first time parents.
This book is a long list of problems. If you are prone to worry, avoid it.
the pregnancy bible.
Meghan R. (Meegrit) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 15 more book reviews
This is the third printing, from 1991.
Stephanie H. (Stephseanlogan) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 4 more book reviews
*note: this book is in very good condition besides some writing on the back inside cover
In corporating everything that's new in pregnancy, childbirth, and the lifestyles of parents to be, complete with preconception plan, information on choosing a practitioner, birthing alternatives, second pregnancies, twins, making love while pregnant, and coping with common and not so common pregnancy symptoms. PLus: new section for working mothers, an expanded chapter for fathers to be, an updated pregnancy diet, monthly illustrations of your baby's progress and step by step guides through labor and delivery, the postpartum period and breastfeeding.
In corporating everything that's new in pregnancy, childbirth, and the lifestyles of parents to be, complete with preconception plan, information on choosing a practitioner, birthing alternatives, second pregnancies, twins, making love while pregnant, and coping with common and not so common pregnancy symptoms. PLus: new section for working mothers, an expanded chapter for fathers to be, an updated pregnancy diet, monthly illustrations of your baby's progress and step by step guides through labor and delivery, the postpartum period and breastfeeding.
David H. (xwingr2) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 10 more book reviews
alarmist and doctor-centric. There are MUCH better baby books out there. However, I would like you take my copy... please!
Noel C. (tehillahmom) reviewed What to Expect When You're Expecting (3rd Edition) on + 31 more book reviews
Some wear of the cover and bending of the cover corners. Otherwise clean interior and in great shape!
Condition: Very Good
Condition: Very Good