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Topic: Westerns for my father-in-law

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Subject: Westerns for my father-in-law
Date Posted: 5/23/2011 8:07 AM ET
Member Since: 1/14/2009
Posts: 41
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My father-in-law is 82 years old and loves Westerns.  He has read every L'Amour book at least 3 times.  He doesn't love the more modern westerns because there's too much sex in them.  ;-)

Any suggestions for books or authors I should look into for him where the focus is more on the men, horses, guns, lawbreakers and all that non-sexual manly stuff?


Cosmina avatar
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Date Posted: 5/27/2011 9:53 PM ET
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Try Robert J. Randisi (Gallows and Lancaster's Orphans)   I love his character,  Lancaster.  

Luke Short (The Branded Man)    and       Lauren Paine (Lockwood).  

My all time favorite is Loren D. Estleman but there is slightly more sex in his books.  Not overt sex like romance novels, but the main characters have it once in a while.

These authors write lots of books and many are in Large Print which is why I read them.  Lots of horse stuff, too. 

southernboy avatar
Subject: Westerns
Date Posted: 5/28/2011 2:07 AM ET
Member Since: 6/18/2010
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I can feel for your father-in-law.  I despise the current "Adult" westerns. I think he will like anything by Ray Hogan, Max Brand, L.P. Holmes, Fred Grove, Frank Gruber, Ernest Haycox, Elmer Kelton or Giles Lutz. If you need more, PM me. I may also have some unpostable older westerns if you are interested in them.

hardtack avatar
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Subject: Elmer Kelton
Date Posted: 6/21/2011 11:30 PM ET
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Gergory G is right, your father would probably like almost anything by Elmer Kelton.

Here is a listing of Kelton's books:

I really enjoyed the Texas Ranger series (six books),  but start him with the The Pumpkin Rollers as it is a single book and has all the flavor of Kelton's stories.

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Subject: Westerns for your father in law
Date Posted: 8/16/2011 8:33 AM ET
Member Since: 9/5/2009
Posts: 11
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Hi Stefanie, my dad suggests the authors, Wm W Johnstone & his uncle, J A Johnstone. They write both westerns & sci-fi. My dad only reads the westerns. He says they are shoot'em up bloody! Just like in the old days. He doesn't like all the sex in the stories either. lol

You could contact a book buddy of mine: Judy (glitterb). She's a super nice lady & I believe she's got a ton of westerns. Maybe even some Johnstone books for your father in law. Go into the member directory & punch in her nick name.

Good luck Stefanie.
