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Topic: Weight Loss Buddies

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Subject: Congratulations !!
Date Posted: 9/17/2010 7:14 AM ET
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Wow- A grandmother -twice!  Babies are always good news.  Life is precious.  Meg, this is why I love you-- " I worry about my children but can't wait for the babies"   I'll add them to my prayers ( I'm trying to say the rosary everyday).  If you can share their first names and those of their partners, it would help with my prayers.  I know your daughter is Vanessa but is it Ryan or Eric who is going to be a father?

In any case, I'm having problems with baked goods.  Seems as if that milk I'm drinking when I get home in late afternoon begs for a slice of cake, cookie, banana bread etc.  Same with my evening milk.   Michelle is taking creative foods at school and is coming home with black bottom cupcakes ( a PA favorite) tonight.  I'm in trouble.  The scale is boucing around- mainly in a northerly direction.  

Talk later- Marion

mommy5 avatar
Date Posted: 9/17/2010 5:56 PM ET
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BLACK BOTTOM CUPCAKES!!! I would love to see and taste those! Maybe it can be a below 200 pound goal. Should I be using food as a reward? I say, whatever works. I know the hot wings with ranch dressing for two days in a row isn't helping that goal at all. UGH!!

Ryan is the dad and Kim is his girlfriend. Looks like the due date will be in April or May. I am doing everything not to get too excited. I want to sew, crochet and knit every pattern I see and buy every deal that passes in front of me!! My husband is the voice of reason making me at least wait until after the first trimester. It's really not easy.

Looks like we lost Vanessa 's. It is really for the best. She hasn't been treating her body well and there were concerns for the health of the baby. I was hoping that it would give her a purpose to clean up her act but she has to do it for herself as well. She is on her 5th day of detox...round 2. I worry so much about her. Her boyfriend isn't good for her but doing the best he can. Actually he is doing more than I would've ever expected for only being with her for 3 months. He does not use but "has it around" if you know what I mean. He would be wonderful for her if it wasn't for that fact. Great guy, bad childhood and doesn't know another life. SAD!! I'm going to see her this weekend. She lives near San Francisco. It's only a 2 1/2 hour drive (the way I drive). She has taught me how to worry but accept the ugly fact that another person's life is out of my control. (hard lesson) I have to give her to God over and over because I want to take her problems and fix them. They aren't mine to fix. Sad fact. I've learned to love her through it and dish out tuff love and throw out threats.. this is very uncharacteristic for me. I always worry about the tuff love thing. It can do just the opposite of what you want sometimes. I actually told her recently that if she didn't fix herself I would!! I told her I would prove she was unfit to take care of herself and get power of attorney and make her do the right things and force her to take care of herself and if that didn't work I would put her in a facility to get the care she needs. I really don't know if I could legally, but she doesn't know this either. Needless to say, that was day one of her sobriety...Victory! I don't care if it "looked" like "I" was trying to fix it. It did the job....for now. Prayers are welcome for her ALL the time. Thank you so much.

Up the pound I lost.... My husband also made his salsa yesterday. I'm up against too many odds!!


Last Edited on: 9/17/10 6:03 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
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Date Posted: 9/19/2010 9:10 AM ET
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Oh Meg,  my heart goes out to everyone and I'm keeping the whole family in my daily prayers.  You are right, Vanessa needs to learn her own hard lessons but addictions are hard to overcome on your own.  Group therapy with other recovering addicts may be what she needs. 

I gained 2 pounds this week.  :(   Steve gained 3.   We have to buckle down.  This week we ate out twice & had take out.  We've been busy and it was our anniversary this week so we are not beating ourselves up over it.  This coming Saturday starts the Fall 5% challenge on SparkPeople.  I joined the Shooting Stars team.  I've never done this before on SP.  Join us, it may help keep us on track :)

....Talk Later...  I'll be thinner then...... Marion

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Subject: Sunday weigh-in
Date Posted: 9/26/2010 8:17 AM ET
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Lost 1.2 pounds this week..  Not quite down to my lowest yet (that was only 2 weeks ago).  I started the Sparkpeople challenge yesterday.  It's a little confusing- lots of new ppl to get to know- but I think I'm getting to understand which forums I'm suppose to go to.  That site is so busy it can be intimidating. The challenge for this week is exercise (easy for me) and blogging (blogs must be positive).  So far so good, but i've only commented on another blog.

How is everything going?  Meg, remember to take care of yourself too !   I'm keeping you and your family in my daily prayers.

Talk later, Marion

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Date Posted: 10/1/2010 9:20 AM ET
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Good Morning!  Yes I know I've been forever gone but the computer connection is sporadic at times and typing is murder.  Meg!!!  Thoughts are with you, all I can say is you have an inner strength that's truly amazing.  School is closed today due to torrential downpours and roads flooded swimming without a pool.  It's always difficult when this happens in the fall because the leaves clog the storm drains and makes the flooding worse.  Yesterday before it all started I hooked up all the pumps and hoses for draining if we took water on but hubby had put a french drain around the whole house and it seems to have taken care of everything.  Waiting for strong winds which are forecasted for this afternoon - pines line the property and they have a shallow root base so hoping they hold, lost large one 3 years ago no damage other than it partially blocked the road.  Mother nature is truly amazing. 

Marion looks like a skinny minnie so I am going to have to buckle down and start.  Since home today I'm going to start on the treadmill, have to take the 4 inches of dust off it first. 

Thinking of you all.


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Date Posted: 10/4/2010 8:56 AM ET
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Me ??  Skinny??    Only in my dreams!    Lost a pound last week but I'm sure I ate it back this weekend.   Had a wonderful time at Ithaca's Apple Festival.

Meg- Hope things are going well for you & family.  Thinking & praying for everyone.        Marion

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Subject: I lost a little bit
Date Posted: 10/19/2010 8:03 AM ET
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Hi Guys,        I'm doing this 5% Fall challenge on sparkpeople. So far I've lost-- drum roll please---   2 lbs!!!  WooHoo!    You have to record exercise (you get points for every minute) , weekly challenges- such as drinking lots of H20 or tracking food.  I'm thrilled to have lost 2 lbs in 3 1/2 weeks.  I'm not going to make it to the 5% loss by Nov 20th but I'm thrilled to be losing a little.  I usually gain weight this time of year. The darkness makes me crave carbs, baked goods, halloween candy, etc.   So Onward- another 4 lbs before this challenge is over would be great.

How is everyone else doing on diets??  With Life??   Meg,  Suzie is coming over later this AM,  we'll be thinking and praying for you and your family.  Hope everything is going well--  Marion

Last Edited on: 10/19/10 8:05 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 11/10/2010 7:46 AM ET
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Help!   My scale is stuck.  If it moves at all it seems to go upwards.   What to do??     Marion

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Subject: Happy New Year
Date Posted: 1/3/2011 8:44 AM ET
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Well, I've gained about 5 pounds this holiday season.  Time to reverse that. 

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Subject: Happy New Year
Date Posted: 1/3/2011 8:44 AM ET
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Well, I've gained about 5 pounds this holiday season.  Time to reverse that. 

mommy5 avatar
Date Posted: 1/3/2011 9:11 PM ET
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Hi Marion! Nice to hear from you! I'm was at 215 on the 28th but so far lost 4 pounds. I'm just not burning enough calories with the job I have. I'm actually working on getting enough energy to head on out to the gym. I've worked all day and it's now 6:10...not sure if I have it in me. I may just plug in a video and work out at home. Hope you had wonderful holidays.

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Subject: Exercise???
Date Posted: 1/4/2011 10:18 AM ET
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Hi Meg,   So nice to hear from you too!   I just got on  the scale and I've gained even more!  This has got to stop.  It took me 4 months to lose 6.5 pounds and I gained it back in about 3 weeks.   There has been lots of goodies, cake, pie, cookies, holiday dinners, etc.  ( And yes, the holidays were wonderful!)  But the thing that has really been bad is lack of exercise.  I started to get tired & achy and my bloodwork showed I was recovering from a virus (only symptoms was being tired & achy- it's happened to me before).  So I cut back on exercise.  I fell better now, no soreness, just tired.  I'm going to start exercising again today.  I had joined a challenge team on Sparkpeople and I haven't even participated in several weeks.  I can't weigh-in,  I'll ruin the team average. 

How is your family?  Mine is doing well.  Kristin has finished school and is heading back to NY in 2 weeks to look for a job.  I'll miss her but she wants to live where her friends are.  Michelle is doing well (admitted to  honor society in school!).  She aced her SATs (college entrance exams) so we soon start visiting perspective colleges for her.  Steve is the same- busy, busy, busy- but his job is going well.   My aunt is a permanent resident at the same nursing facility and is physically well and happy most of the time.  My uncle is at home but unhappy most of the time.  I don't know what to do about him.

I'll tell Suzie I heard from you. She has limited computer access.  Hope to hear back soon.  We need some weight loss inspiration around here! --- Marion

Last Edited on: 1/4/11 10:20 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
mommy5 avatar
Date Posted: 4/17/2011 10:36 PM ET
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Don't know how inspirationsal I'll be.... Lost 13, gained back 6.  Still the yo yo. I don't know if I'll ever get into the mind set needed to get it off and keep it off. Miss hearing from you but I'm rarely on line any more. Everyone is well. The big news is that my grand baby will be here in only one month!! Can't wait for that!! My oldest daughter is clean... I trust. The other children are fantastic. My honey is battleing the weight again too. Can't find my glasses and I can't see the screen well. I'm going to try and check in soon.



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Date Posted: 5/16/2011 5:06 AM ET
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It's funny, actually, as a result of three years ago I lost twenty five pounds however never created it past the number/weight i am at currently. each times it got stuck at this specific weight and in spite of what I do the stupid range will not go down


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mommy5 avatar
Date Posted: 5/27/2011 4:41 PM ET
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I get it Mathew. I just get too involved with life on this end. It really gets in the way of my goals. I watch all the weight reality shows. I know how to do it but I'm just not disciplined enough to stick to it. I go out with the family and make all the wrong choices when I'm not focused. I only wake up when I'm full and feeling ugly and fat. When I'm hungry and laughing with the family, it doesn't even cross my mind. Exercise is always the last priority as well. I know I should go to the gym or take a walk, but I have other things I would rather do. It's a mind set, for sure. How do we change that without taking a sabbatical!!

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Date Posted: 1/17/2012 8:11 AM ET
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Gulp......anyone out there interested in revisiting this old chestnut? 

The holidays are over and I know (without even getting on the scale!) that I've regained some of the weight I lost a couple years back.  I just have not been able to get motivated or focused for the past year+, but I'm finally about ready to begin again.  Be nice once again to have some buddies on the same journey.



Well, it's 3 days later, and no one has yet to respond.  But, I'm going to post a few more times because it'll help me motivate myself.  I've made one small change this month, which is to elimiinate bread from my diet.  I LOVE bread (and enjoy making my own) so this is quite a sacrifice.  However, I like a lot of other stuff too, so this is just one small denial.   My brother-in-law lost 35 pounds last year by switching to a lower carb diet (lower, not LOW), and he started by simply eliminating bread.  So, I'm going to follow his lead and hope for the same success.

Anyway, be nice to have some buddies again.  Hope somebody out there will join me......

Happy New Year to all! 


Another 3 days, and no takers.  Oh well, I'll still post, hoping...
I went food shopping today (not the BIG shop, but the supplemental one) and I tried to take a page from my B-I-L.  I have been craving yogurt, and I read all the labels.  The carbs range from 19 to 38!!  Quite a difference!.  The lower carb cups cost a bit more, but I decided my health is worth more, so I went for the more expensive and lower carb cups.  This might be a very easy swap in order to lower carbs and lose weight without even trying.  Hmm...

Also, I already have been more inclined to exercise these past few days.  That HAS to be good.  I am feling very encouraged....

Wish someone out there would join me....




Last Edited on: 1/22/12 7:45 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
mommy5 avatar
Date Posted: 1/24/2012 2:23 AM ET
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Hello Stephanie,

It's Margaret...I'm sorry I didn't see this earlier. I will join you. I have to lose now. My doctor said I have to...soooo I have to. I haven't started yet. I guess finding you again is a sign.



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Date Posted: 1/26/2012 7:36 AM ET
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Hi Margaret!!  I am so glad you posted!  It just really helps to have a buddy on this weight loss road.  I want to lose about 45 pounds.  It seems like a ton right now and such a big proposition.  So I don't overwhelm myself, that's why I am starting by just making the small changes, like no bread.  I am also trying to stop what I am doing several times a day to drink a cup of water.  I know I don't drink enough, so I am trying to be conscious about it.  So far, these are just tiny changes, but they are helping me to focus.  Little steps will hopefully lead to bigger steps. 

Are you planning to follow a specific diet or plan?  Please tell me how you are starting out.  If your doctor has advised some weight loss, then of course you must try.   I wish us both success!  Please let me know your ideas.  Thank you again for posting!!

mommy5 avatar
Date Posted: 1/27/2012 7:20 PM ET
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I need to because of possible sleep apnia. I want to lose weight so I don't have to wear the CPAP machine. He said it may help, but may also just run in the family. ANYWAY, he didn't give me any type of plan to do. He said anything will help. Any program or cutting down, but absolutly wants me to start moving more. He wants my first goal to be getting under 200 lbs. As of this morning, that's only 8 lbs, so I have to try. I have the "Body Media" device. It works great to let me know how many calories I burn and how many steps I take, but I also need to keep track of how much I'm eating to make that work. Calories going in minus calories going out is a no brainer. I just hate writing everything down. It only lasts about 3 months tops and I get tired of it. I kind of know what my average intake is if I don't do fast food, so I can go by that and still keep track of what I burn. Maybe that's what I'll do for a few weeks and see how that pans out. I know I won't be able to keep up with the reduction of bread, cheese or other foods I just love. That won't last for me either. A friend suggested I go on a vegan diet. She did and lost 130 lbs and has kept it off for two years. She even has added things back into her diet. She read this book called... "The Engine 2 diet"? Worked great for her. Still deciding. I have 3 months until my next doctor visit. I beter get busy on something.

Am I remembering right? Are you the person that works in the bakery? Without reading all the back posts, I'm trying to refresh myself about you.

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Date Posted: 1/30/2012 1:07 AM ET
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I know I won't be able to keep up with the reduction of bread, cheese or other foods I just love. That won't last for me either. A friend suggested I go on a vegan diet. She did and lost 130 lbs and has kept it off for two years. She even has added things back into her diet. She read this book called... "The Engine 2 diet"? Worked great for her. Still deciding. I have 3 months until my next doctor visit. I beter get busy on something.


Margaret, the key is finding *new* foods that you don't even know you love.

Engine 2 diet rocks.  I lost 30 pounds and did it slowly slowly, and lowered my cholesterol by almost 100 points in just a few months.  The key is recipes and input.  Who knew I would love Kale chips (bite size pieces of kale, sprinkle w/sea salt, drizzle a tiny bit of olive oil, bake for 10 min.) 

My doctor is in awe.  You WILL have to take vit b12 supplement or use nutritional yeast sprinkle on your cereal. The recipes are fabulous.  Then, get Forks Over Knives.  Tons of more recipes in there, too.  I wasn't hungry at all, and my cravings for sugar, etc. have completely gone away.  Cheese seems like "poison" to me now.

(Margaret, I was one of those who thought cheese and bread was something I could live on, that's how much I loved it, didn't think I could live without it.   Now, I use NO dairy products at all.)   I don't feel like I'm suffering AT ALL.

Rip Esselstyn is wonderful, and what a hunk, these guys are trianthalon fit, and all adhere to plant-based diet. 

Book changed my life, hope others are helped.  You can do his "slow" adaption to this, he explains it in the book.

Best of luck in whatever you choose.

Last Edited on: 1/30/12 1:11 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 1/30/2012 1:12 AM ET
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PS.  I'm still losing......not trying, just my body metabolism is changing, and I expect to probably *even out* at about 10 pounds less than the 30 I've already lost.

This and walking is all I did. 

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Date Posted: 1/30/2012 8:10 AM ET
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Hi Margaret, yes I am the one who used to work in a bakery.  Good memory you have!  However, I left after about 2 1/2 years, and now work at a hospital.  Very different!!

I think the key to weight loss is finding what works for you.  There are so many programs out there, and each one works for different people, and also does not work for some.  For me, writing down what I eat was very helpful, because after a time it really kept me honest.  If you worry about not keeping it up after three months, I think by then you will have learned a great deal about when/why/what you eat, and it will already have benefitted you. 

Like you, a program that would eliminate cheese would also not work for me.  But, focussing on carbs this time around lets me keep some cheese.  One thing I am trying to do is make substitutes.  For instance, I have been crAving mac and cheese, but since I don't want the carbs of the pasta, I bought two cauliflowers and have roasted them, and I'll make the mac n cheese with that.  I still get to have the cheese AND keep my carbs lower.  I've been off bread (and pasta and rice) for the month of January so far, and while nothing dramatic has happened, I feel different and can tell something positive is happening.  My plan is slow and steady this time around, just like last time (when I lost 30+ pounds), nothing dramatic and no illusions of huge losses every week.  That's not the way it works, usually. 

Hi Laura-- welcome!  I LOVE kale, so your idea of kale chips is truly intiguing to me.  I will definietly try them.  I will also check out  the Engine 2 diet.  I can't imagine ever getting to the point where cheese is like poison to me---but who knows??  The key  is often just trying new things and finding changes I can stick with.

Just checking in here every couple of days will definitely help me.  Thank you both for joining me!. 


Last Edited on: 1/30/12 8:12 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
mommy5 avatar
Date Posted: 1/31/2012 11:14 PM ET
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Okay... Another reason to try that Engine diet. My girl friend said she would walk me through it and give me tips and recipes. Her husband is the cook of the family, as is mine. He is also a chef so I'm sure she will have some wonderful ideas. I will let you both know what she shares. Just not sure when I will be able to talk to her next. I will make a point of talking with her soon.


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Date Posted: 2/1/2012 9:29 AM ET
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Well, I weighed myself this morning since it's the first of the month, and I have regained 14 pounds of the 30+ pounds I lost a couple years back.  About half.  I am not thrilled, of course, But I actually felt I'd gained more because of how my body felt.  I just have felt big and bloated for quite a while now.  So, I am glad that I am trying to get a handle on it before it truly gets out of control.

I found a lower carb (18g) store brand yogurt that I like, which costs about half of the name brand.  So that was a good discovery.  And my new obsession is pineapple coleslaw.  A bag of coleslaw mix, a 12 oz can of pineapple chunks, drained, mixed together, then add just enough mayo (2 tablespoons or so) to get it to come together.  Delisious!!  So refreshing!  Only the pineapple has any carbs at all, and at least it's a fruit.  It makes a big batch (which is even low calorie, a plus) which lasts for several meals, and each time really takes up a lot of space on a plate.   It's a treat that I can easily live with!!

Margaret, I hope you get to talk to your friend soon.  But, perhaps there is a small change you can make starting today that will start you on your road?  If you can't talk to your friend for a couple weeks, say, that's a couple weeks lost.  Don't wait!  Start today with one small step..... 


Three days later, and I just wanted to post here because it will keep me in line.  I had a good week, brought lunch to work every single day and avoided bread and other classic starches (carbs) quite easily.   On Friday, I had a hankering for "something sweet" and went down to the employee cafeteria to drool over the cheese cakes, etc., and was strong enough to come back with a fruit cup instead.  I was so pleased with myself that I didn't cave in to the moment.

Quiet weekend otherwise.  I'm not into the Superbowl so will not have to resist all that YUMMY footback snack food, all of which I love.  I'll take even a small victory when I can get it.

Oh well, be nice to have a couple more buddies joiin in......Hope so!! 


Today is Feb. 7th, and I'm posting again because it helps me to put my thoughts down.  Margaret or Laura (and anyone else!) I'd love to hear how you're doing.  As for me, I am not going to weigh myself again until March 1st.  I don't want the number to be my focus, but rather how I am feeling.  However, I was feeling very good the past few days, and I would swear that my clothes are fitting a bit better.  As I am only about 5 weeks into this lower carb thing, I didn't believe there could be any results so quickly.  However, yesterday, on a whim, I tried on 3 pieces of clothing that back in the fall were definitely "tight".  A blouse where it strained at the buttons across my bust and stomach, a jacket that I love but was ridiculously tight if I attempted to zip it, and a pair of pants.  And---I am in shock!!-- all fit well!!  All are comfortable now!  I am so happily surprised by this.  And needless to say, I am thrilled I took the chance to try them on because it has really boosted by motivation.  Something positive is happening!!  Hooray!!   It is definitely helping me stay on track.    So, today I packed a nice lunch of a half chicken breast over pineapple coleslaw, with a lower carb yogurt.  I am feeling very positive!

Anyway, wish I had some pbs buddies.......


Today is Feb. 13th, and I'm still doing pretty well watching the carbs.  Reading labels is very educational, since the carb values vary so much from product to product.  I'm just trying to make wise choices, without being too unforgiving about it all.  It's about 6 weeks now and I still feel something positive is happening with my body.  Clothes seem to fit better.  And it seems surprisingly easy (and reasonable) to add another vegetable to the plate, to replace a bread or pasta or rice.  I guess I'm thankful that it hasn't been difficult and I don't feel deprived (or hungry!). 

Anyway, just posting an update today to keep myself on track. 

Sat. Feb 18th---just checking in, happily and amazingly still on track.   I'm choosing lower carb items more easily now---I guess because I've learned which ones are the lower ones!  It's been quite easy to avoid breads, pastas and rice when I keep substitutions on hand in the fridge.  This week, I put whatever I would normally put on a sandwich on a bed of kale or coleslaw instead of on the bread.  Very easy to do!  And I continue to feel something positive happening with my body.  Clothes are fitting more comfortably.

Margaret, are you still out there?  Have you had a chance yet to talk to your friend about he Engine Diet?  I'd like to learn more about that, and also hear how yoou're doing.  Be nice to have some feedback....

Well, have a good weekend, all!

Fri. Feb 24th--a quick check in.  Margaret, how are you doing?  I have been able to mostly choose lower carb foods quite easily.  Surprisingly I am not missing bread or pasta at all, and these were big staples in my diet before.   I am anticipating weighing in on March 1st.  If I've lost any actual pounds, I will be pleased because this has not been torturous at all.  Probably because I'm trying to be "lower" carb most of the time, not "low carb" all of the time.  Well, time will tell!

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Feb.28th -- well, I weigh myself in 2 days, and I'm not dreading it!.  I don't feel anything miraculous like a huge 10 pound loss has occured, but I still feel confident that something positive has happened to my body.  If I've lost any pounds, it will be very encouraging because just trying to leat lower carb has not been difficult.  It's definitely doable, for me, and I can see myself sticking with this long term.   My fingers are crossed.

One thing I do is make sure I have food on hand so I can bring my lunch to work everyday, instead of buying it in the cafeteria.  This helps me stay in control.  It's so simple to make sure I have a yogurt and at least one piece of fruit to bring every day.  And to put whatever I would normally put on a sandwich, on a bed of lettuce or kale instead.  Also the cafeteria is expensive!!  But, of course, I don't eat perfectly every day.  Far from it.  The otherday a coworker brought in a coconut cake to share, and believe me I had my share!!  Couldn't resist!  But I feel as long as I try to make the best choices most of the time, this way of eating will be doable for me.  That's all I'm hoping for right now.

Anyway, once again I'll  just put it out there that it would be nice to have someone join me.  Tomorrow is the leap year---a good day to start something new!!    Still wishing for some buddies....


Thurs. March 1st---weighed myself this morning and....I lost 2.5 pounds.  Not a huge amount (and thruthfully, despite what I've posted earlier, I was hoping for a tad more), BUT, I swear it's all fat gone from around my gut, because my clothes are fitting much better!!  So, I am happy.   If I visualize two 2-pound boxes of sugar, that's a lot to be gone from my body.  I am mostly happy because these small changes that I have made to my diet are resulting in good things happening to my body.  And again, it's all so doable. 

So, hope I didn't disappoint with a small weight loss.  But it's not the number on the scale that's important, it's how I feel, both physically and mentally.  And I feel good physically and am mentally ready to tackle the month of March doing the same lower carb thing, and not weighing mysef again until April.  As always, wish a buddy or two would join me.  No time like the present, you know.... 

March 8th---checking in quickly because it keeps me on track.  Feel good and just forging ahead through the month. 

March 12th---checking in and still on course.  Found some beautiful collard greens at the supermarket, had most raw as salad and then wilted some down with garlic to have as a side like spinach.  Delicious!   Most days I don't even think about "avoiding carbs" but I find it just comes naturally, to preparee another veggie instead.   So I'm still on track I think. 

March 17th---Happy St. Patrick's Day!  I still feel good and on course with my lower carb eating.  (I had a routine doctors appointment yesterday and they weighed me (groan!), but I am pleased to report that I am un-officially down another 2 pounds.  But it's unofficial since I won't weigh myself  officially again until April first).   Anyway, the best part of trying to be lower carb is that I don't feel pressured, as I am just trying to make the best decisions most of the time.  If I slip up, I slip up.  The next meal always gives me another chance to make a better choice.  I'm going out to brunch with a bunch of girlfriends tomorrow, and can't wait, and I know already I'll be eating some bread, and most likely imbibing in a Mimosa or two.  So be it.  Life still has to be lived and enjoyed.  And Monday will come and back to better choices I'll hopefully be. 

March 22--just checking in that I'm still hanging in there.  About another week before I weigh in.  I still feel positive and on track.  A short update today.

April 1st----well, I weighed myself this morning and have lost 3.4 pounds!  And I'm pleased!!  No, it's not a huge amount, but it's a definite move in the right direction, and all with very little sacrifice, just some tweaks here and there.  I am really pleased.  It's almost a pound a week.  And just removing some carbs from the day has been very easy and not torturous.  I will keep on.  But, no more posting after today; I'd hoped to gain a buddy or two here, but that has not worked out.  Oh well.  But Happy Spring and Summer to everyone!!  Be well! 





Last Edited on: 4/1/12 10:37 AM ET - Total times edited: 12
mommy5 avatar
Date Posted: 8/28/2012 11:33 PM ET
Member Since: 9/22/2009
Posts: 138
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Feel horrible that I left you hanging. Life has been a roller coaster!!!! I've even missed books requested from me. I'm so sorry if I let you down. I will try and keep up this time. I have two grandchildren, started school and still working full time! I did do the vegan diet and lost 13 pounds in about 3 months. I felt wonderful! The problem is the food and temptations were still in the house. Once weak moment and one month later and almost all my old habits are back.....including the weight. UGH!! I just wish the will power was there. With that kind of a change, the house needs to be cleansed of all the bad foods. Anyway, checking in and hope you're well.
