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Topic: Weight Loss Buddies

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Subject: Weight Loss Buddies
Date Posted: 2/27/2008 1:15 PM ET
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Hi, this is a new thread for those interested in becoming weight loss buddies.  I am just beginning the weight watchers points plan, and hope lots of you who also want to lose weight will post here.  Hopefully we can motivate each other and share great success stories.  My plan is to start with a small and reasonable goal, like to lose 10 percent of my weight.  But all goals are welcome!  And your plan doesn't have to be WW, just whatever is working for you.  Please just leave a post if you are "in". 



Robey avatar
Date Posted: 2/27/2008 1:22 PM ET
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I'm in, I've been reading the posts with great intrest because I was also considering joing WW, and have decided I want to, will have to wait till next tuesday for my first meeting.

I have gained a lot of weight after having my son......4 years ago and am sad to say, still have not lost a lb. Some of it was due to medical, but most to poor eating habits.

This extra weight has affected my life in so many (bad) ways. I am now ready to shed all the excuses and unwanted pounds and be the fit, healthy me I know is still in there.

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Kim (Mistry) -
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Date Posted: 2/27/2008 2:00 PM ET
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  I'm here!   I've started back up again, on my own this time.  Believe it or not, with just 2 days done, I slept better last night than I have in a long time :)

  Oh, and I am only drinking water, milk and juice, on occasion.  All the stuff I've read about artificial sweeteners had me wondering if it was true.  I haven't had a headache since I stopped drinking Diet Coke.  I was up to like 6  sodas a day!   I did have a major craving for one today, but kept right on driving and drank a huge glass of water when I got  home!

 I can really use the support and hope to be able to lend an ear for any of you when we all need it :)

nickie76 avatar
Date Posted: 2/27/2008 2:46 PM ET
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I'm in too!  I have done WW on and off for a coouple of years, does work when I'm doing it right.  I just started again and after 1 week, was down 1 lb...thought it would be more because I used the treadmill alot that week...but wasn't perfect in my food.  Sigh! :)

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Date Posted: 2/27/2008 10:06 PM ET
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I'd be interested in participating in a WW-esque program. I'm cheap and I don't want to pay to get weighed, in fact I don't want to get weighed at all! Seeing that number on the scale, I'm afraid, will send me into a downward spiral of depression.  I'll know when I'm losing by how I'm feeling. I have the books and point counters from the last time I went to WW. I'm in!


ETA: sp

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Date Posted: 2/28/2008 5:24 PM ET
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Great you guys (Robey, Kim, Nicole and Donna)!!  I hope being buddies will help us all stick to our programs and see some great results.  I'm not sure how this all should go, so do you have any ideas?  Like, should we have formal weekly weigh-ins or biweekly weigh-ins, or what do you think?  Should we check in regularly, or be completely informal?  I think some sort of consistant accountability will be helpful, but I am in no way dictating anything.  What do you suggest?   

Plus, I am so new to PBS that I don't really know anybody.  I am not sure if you all already know each other.   But just to tell you about me, I am 50 years old and in the evil throes of menopause which has really made my weight creep up in the past few years.  It is so maddening, none of my clothes fit right any more, but thankfully I don't think my health has been negatively affected.  It's just so frustrating, though, since I don't think my eating habits have changed very much in these past years, and I eat fairly healthfully, but my size and weight have just gone up and up.  I want to regain control before I reach the point of no return, I guess.  I hope to lose about 45-50 pounds overall, but I think I will concentrate on the first 10 percent, which sounds less impossible and more do-able.  That's about 19 pounds.  And I want to do it safely and sensibly, so I am hoping weight watchers points will be the solution.

So, please let's let each other know how we can best be buddies, and how you think we should proceed. 

Robey avatar
Date Posted: 2/28/2008 6:07 PM ET
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Kim (Mistry) -
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Date Posted: 2/29/2008 8:12 AM ET
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 Hello, ladies :)

   I'm a SAHM pushing the nearer side of 40 (and having  a very hard time with that this year!)  I had lost 38 lbs on WW before I got pregnant with my DD.  I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight  within 2 weeks, and then I got cocky.  Everything I learned with WW fell out of my head, and I've gone right back to where I was when I started.      

        What I would love to do is get off of my BP meds, stop listening to the dr. complain about my high cholesterol (which is genetic in my family and where even meds don't help those who take them) and really, just know I'm going to be there for my daughter.

    So I'm very motivated now to get down to business and lose some of this weight!  Oh, and I just found out my 20th High school reunion is in 9 months!  OMG!!

    I'm also interested in teaching my DD how to eat  healthy and get a lot of excercise.  We've been going to a great playground that I found and it's quiet and usually empty, so I've been running after her and playing with her on the slides and equipment.

   I'm ready to start walking every day and really get moving.

  Thanks, Roberta, it was hard at first to go without the soda, but I'm really not missing it.  I am sleeping better because of it, even though it was caffeine free. I do the juice once in a while when I want something sweet, and so far it's working :)


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Date Posted: 2/29/2008 1:37 PM ET
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I just did my 60 minutes on the treadmill.

I'm going to try doing a WW-type eating regimine, with the points, using the South Beach program as a basis for my choices. In other words I'm going to keep the carbs low, choosing whole grains and beans and eliminating white potatoes and white flour. I'm also going to try to cut portion size. I'm only 5 ft body just doesn't need that much food, which is my biggest problem. I eat like an adult, when I think I should just be picking.

I'm shooting for low sugar, and I'm trying to cut aspartame from my diet. I'm cutting all diet sodas completely. I'm trying to limit myself to water, tea and coffee with Splenda, and if I absolutely have to have soda I'm drinking regular soda and limiting it to one glass.   

We're supposed to go Florida in May, and I'm shooting to be able to wear the shorts I wore two summers ago...that will be a 2 size decrease.  

Good luck everyone!  

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Date Posted: 3/1/2008 10:45 AM ET
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Good morning you guys!  I just thought I'd say I hope you are all as motivated as I am to get going with our weight loss plans.  For some reason, I am very motivated at this moment.  Hope it lasts!   I officially began the WW points plan only 2 days ago (!), but the week before I began writing down everything I ate, and it was eye-opening of course, and showed me specific places where I need to trim back and be extra careful.  Do any of you track what you eat?

Also, Donna, you mentioned you did not want to weigh in because it might depress you.  Oh, I hope not Donna.  Here we're all "buddies" here, and we're all in the same boat, and so hopefully we won't let you slide into a depression.  I personally think a weekly weigh in would in itself be motivational, and help reinforce accountability, but I of course don't want you or anyone doing what you don't want to do.  So, do you, Robey, Kim and Nicole, feel the same about not weighing in?   

If so, another way to check in would be just  "pounds lost" this week.    Our current weights would not be revealed, just how we did each week.  Or, we could also post the total number we want to I want to lose 50 pounds.  Or I want to lose 70 pounds, or whatever.  Do you know what I mean?  We need ways to both congratulate ourselves, and also cheer each other on. 

Anyway, I think I'm rambling.  Sorry about that.  But let me know what your thoughts are.  Have a great day everyone!


Robey avatar
Date Posted: 3/1/2008 10:57 AM ET
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Oh, no, I'm not putting my weight down, yikes! But, I will say how many pounds lost. I want to loose 60lbs. What day are we going to weight in?  Am I the only one who hasen't "started" yet? Now I feel bad.

Monday, I'm going to start (again) using my elliptical 3 days a week, and on the other two days I'm going to walk around this field that has a nice walking path while my son rides his bike. (provided the weather is okay)

Donna, I can't believe you used your treadmill for 60 min. I can only use my elliptical for 20 at a time. I'm going to work my way up though.

Anyone else going to workout?

fluttrby avatar
Subject: can i join?
Date Posted: 3/2/2008 4:11 PM ET
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hi all you fellow PBS members

im paula from Virginia, and I too im on a mission for weight loss and to feel better!...Im currently working for a chiropractor and we are a Creating Wellness Center and started the program in November, now when i first started i did not jump in ....i eased my way into it but im now really enjoying this, i would love to lose another 50 lbs....i just had my re-assessment done at work where we take all these measurements and BP along with strength tests and plug into computer program and i have lost 3 inches in waist 2 in hips and my BP has gone down...we also started  the Butt and Gutt class at our local YMCA, boy does she kick our butt!!!! i just wanted to share with you and i am proud for all of you making the decision to try to lead a healthier here to listen to any tips you all may have, and will share some of my own..


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Date Posted: 3/3/2008 8:32 AM ET
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Hi everyone! And welcome Paula!  The more the merrier.

I was wondering if we should just pick a day "to officially" start--i.e. declare our weight loss goals to each other and then commit to at least posting in once a week on a specific day with our weight loss for that week.  I am not sure how else to proceed.

Since Robey's first meeting back on to her plan is tomorrow, Tuesday, how about we declare our goals this Wednesday, March 5th?  Does that work for everyone?  Then, each Wednesday after that we weigh in and say how we are doing.  If we are up or down, and whatever else is on anyone's mind--what's working, what's frustrating, etc.  Please note I am not exactly comfortable with leading this buddy thread, or deciding the day or making up the plan for please be open and honest with your thoughts!!  If something else would work better, by all means share!!

And Robey, just because you haven't started yet, don't feel bad.  Because you have a plan to start, that's the important first step.

Well, have a great day everyone!!


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Date Posted: 3/3/2008 10:35 AM ET
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Welcome Paula!

Wednesday is good for me. Tomorrow is my husband's birthday - pizza and cake will be involved. ;) So I like Wednesday as an offical start date. I won't be weighing myself initially...I don't even own a scale. But once I get back into those shorts I was telling you about, I will begin to weigh in. Until then I'll be using this thread as peer pressure to make sure I get on the treadmill everyday! 

ETA: Robey about the 60 minutes on the treadmill...I go 3 mph, so I can do the full hour (50 minutes at 3, then I cool down at 2.7 and 2.4). When I worked out with the treadmill going at a faster speed, like 3.5 or higher (the girl at the gym used to tell me to try to hit 4.0 walking very briskly) my face gets beet red and I'd always get a headache later on. I figure it's not all that good for my high blood pressure. So now I go slower, for a longer period of time.    

Last Edited on: 3/3/08 11:53 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
Robey avatar
Date Posted: 3/3/2008 10:39 AM ET
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Wed. Sounds good to me, but it'll have to be next week that I will give results, since between tomarrow and Wed. I doubt if I will have any.

I just finished my first workout. I think it about killed me, I looked at the timer and noticed I was only 6 min. into it. I though, how the hell am I going to do 20 min? Well, with the help of my girls, Christina, Fergie, Gwen, and Joss, I got through it. I'm off to take a shower.

Welcome, Paula.


Last Edited on: 3/3/08 10:41 AM ET - Total times edited: 2
fluttrby avatar
Date Posted: 3/4/2008 8:47 AM ET
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hi again

ill go ahead and post today because wed is a long day at work plus i go to a butt and gutt class at the local YMCA....i would love to lose 50 to 55 struggles are trying to stay motivated and not get bored with going to the gym also, trying to make sure i work out challenge, or goal is to walk/run a 5k in april...i knowi can walk it, but will be fantastic if i can run some of it!

a win? i have lost 3 inches in my waist since November!

have a wonderful day you guys...keep up the good work and drink lots of water!

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Kim (Mistry) -
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Date Posted: 3/4/2008 12:01 PM ET
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 Hey everyone!     Wednesday is good for me, too. It's the day my mom, my sister and I report to each other, so I'll be ready for it :)    I did a beginner's cardiac workout today, and I was almost dead 5 mins. in.    I started to get a headache, so I slowed it down and finished it at 10 mins.  I am SO out of shape, but I'm glad I put that DVD in and at least got started.

   I have a lot of weight to lose, but I'm going to start in small increments.  When I look at the big numbers, it breaks me down a little, so I'm going for the 10 lb marks at first.


Oh.. and, um... about the cupcakes..... I'm craving, but not eating!  

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Date Posted: 3/5/2008 7:30 AM ET
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Hi all.  I'm up here is my goal: I want to lose 48 pounds!!



Robey avatar
Date Posted: 3/5/2008 10:04 AM ET
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HI all, Weight Watchers was good last night, I actually have a lot of food to eat, that's some of my problem, I don't eat, if that makes sense. I haven't worked out yet, but it's still early here, 8am and I just got up, will get my butt moving by 9am. Have to drink some water and eat some yougart to get me going. I didn't go for a walk yesterday, b/c it was really cold outside and I'm a weenie. I'm still blurry eyed as I write this, so I'm going to go wake up now.

PS Thanks, Kim, now I want cupcakes. :)

ETA:Finished working out, whew!

Here are links to some of the music I listen to when I workout.

Christina/ Nelly A little racy, not for everyone.

Joss Stone

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Date Posted: 3/5/2008 12:51 PM ET
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Kim, love your sig :)

Off to work out!

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Kim (Mistry) -
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Date Posted: 3/5/2008 6:53 PM ET
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 :)  Thanks, Donna!    They're just sooo pretty :)  And when I really get a craving, I bought those Hostess 100 calorie mini ones. The carrot cake ones are pretty good!

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Date Posted: 3/7/2008 8:24 AM ET
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Leaving in a few minutes for Connecticut for a few days to visit with family. Going to put a wrench in my exercise routine (no treadmill)...but we are planning to take the train into NYC one day, so that will be a full day of walking. I'm going to try to stay on track food-wise, but going home is always a struggle: fried seafood I can't get here anymore, pizza, italian and mexican, all my favorites that just aren't the same in NJ. K, now I'm drooling. :)


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Kim (Mistry) -
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Date Posted: 3/7/2008 9:07 AM ET
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 Donna, I know how you feel!  I'm leaving for a visit home next week and there is so much food I love that I can't get here in N.C.  Portuguese food, fried seafood, the pizza and Chinese that are so different here.   But I do plan on walking as much as I can, and limiting what I eat.  2 slices of pizza can taste just a good as 5! 

    It will be a test, but we can do it!!!   Have a great time!!

fluttrby avatar
Date Posted: 3/8/2008 7:21 AM ET
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good morning all! just wanted to check in so how all of you are feeling and doing so day at a  time right?!

anyone or everyone have a win from this week, or a specific challenge?

i did go to teh gym yesterday worked out for over an hour, i even ran on the treadmill some, not much i get out of breath! but i tried!

so what are some of your favorite low-cal snacks?

well gotta go for now, have a great day!


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Kim (Mistry) -
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Date Posted: 3/9/2008 9:06 AM ET
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  I had a good week so far.  I splurged Friday night for dinner, but I saved my points and didn't overeat. Feeling all full and bloated is not fun!  I'm feeling good and getting back in the swing of measuring and eating a serving size, not what I think it should be!

Paula, check out the above thread.  I started a thread for tips, and lots of snack ideas as well!
