I Loved this book! Terrific "falling in love with your spouse all over again" romance.

A nice inspirational book. Plot slow at times. Would be good as a book club discussion.

Fall in love with the McKaslin Clan, must read all books.

The book begins with Jonas's return home after a lengthy hospital stay, and many months in rehab. Jillian Hart takes the reader through the emotional turmoil his wife, Danielle, experiences as she waits for her husband to remember their life together. As Jonas struggles to remember, he works hard to become the man he thinks Danielle wants him to be -- the man she married. The book centers around Danielle, and the emotion she experiences during their struggle. Typically, Ms. Hart takes the reader through the emotional struggles of the characters, which I honestly find tiresome. However, I found this book to be one of her better ones and difficult to put down; thus, my rating of 4 stars.