Helpful Score: 2
Oldies, do you remember \"You are There\" the television series? This is like that. This is a journey across America after a \"limited\" nuclear war. It is so very real that it is scary.
Helpful Score: 2
Except for the Towers still being in New York City this book is relevant today: especially in light of the growing nuclear community. Where do we want to be as human beings and our relationships with others? The book makes you really think about the barriers we erect between peoples, countries & cultures. Barriers that could kill us. A really good read.
Helpful Score: 2
This book is awesome! One of the best post-apocalyptic books I've come across. It is a well-researched, well-thought out look into the future following a "limited" nuclear exchange with Russia.
Helpful Score: 2
As postapocalyptic novels go, this one is a little bit dated, especially in light of 9/11. The approach is broad, less focused on character and more on the mechanics of life "after."

Helpful Score: 2
I have read and re-read this book many times throughout the years. I still find it a very scary look at what our future could hold for us. One of the best apocolyptic books ever written!