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The Eclectic Pen - A View Through Tia's Window

By: Paul C. (gothic-boy)   + 4 more  
Date Submitted: 9/19/2014
Genre: Literature & Fiction » Poetry
Words: 78

  In a weeping garden
Of dry October roses,
I stand,
Gazing into Tia's window.

She stands, immobile,
In Nubian wilderness,
Holding a large green bowl
And thinking.

The core of her heart
Is blatantly exposed---
Stripped of pretenses
And augmentations.

In that fleeting moment,
I can see
Interplanetary wisdom
In a death grip hold with
Global sadness---
Never a good pairing
Within the constricting walls
Of A restless heart.

An errant breeze
lifts her Athenian hair
And she does a half turn,
still not seeing me.

She smiles suddenly,
thoughts of ghost lovers
And Victorian Valentines
Momentarily alleviating
the stygian darkness
Upon her soul.

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Paul C. (gothic-boy)

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