A Very Pukka Murder - Maharajah, Bk 1 Author:Arjin Raj Gaind 1909 - Deep in the hinterland of the Punjab, in the small princely state of Rajpore, the British Resident, Major William Russell, is found dead. The Maharaja of Rajpore, Sikander Singh, who has a keen passion for mysteries and fancies himself somewhat of a detective, rushes to the Residency to investigate the scene of the crime. — Once... more » there, he concludes that the Major was poisoned and takes it upon himself to find out who could have killed him so mercilessly. Now, even as the authorities in Simla dispatch an investigator to look into his private affairs, Sikander must race against the clock to deduce who murdered Major Russell, a bewildering chase as he uncovers twist after twist, all leading towards a staggeringly unexpected denouement.« less