Helpful Score: 4
Was disappointed ,I feel the author did not pay attention to important details. Just felt like there was no plot.
Helpful Score: 4
This book was terrible, The author spends way to much time on details and not enough on the characters.
Helpful Score: 3
This book was a disappointment. The plot meanders aimlessly throughout and Delilah does many illogical things with no explanation (after requiring a boatload of powerful allies to save her boyfriend from Karnak in the last book, Delilah returns there facing the same enemies with just the boyfriend and her wolfhound on a whim, with no explanation as to how they think they will survive) she also jumps to illogical conclusions without any explanation as to how she got there (the wolfhound falls into a pit in Karnak and once she is out she decides that if she finds her twin in Vegas, she will find her hound. ?? Doesn't make any sense and the thinking behind it is not explained.) It seems like the book was poorly edited and is missing chunks of passages that would better explain both the plot and Delilah's choices.