Helpful Score: 2
I was a bit nervous about reading this book, since PTerry (the author) had mentioned starting to be off his game a bit since his diagnosis with Alzheimer's (boo!). On the other hand, I found it refreshing.
It's a bit like Moving Pictures or Soul Music in that a phenomenon is sweeping the city of Ahnk-Morpork, or rather, has been, and both the movers and shakers (the wizards) and the little people (in this case, the various folks that keep the university running) are affected.
But the story isn't just a sports story. We also get more fantasy satire, the commentary about social classes and the fashion industry, and cameos from previous Disc characters -- Brother Oats was mentioned, Lady Margolotta makes an appearance, and we even get Rincewind out of his comfy retirement. (He gets to stay within the city bounds, this time, and in the realm of minor characters.)
Plus, as I mentioned, it's nice to see the city from a new POV, that of the new characters. I like Ahnk Morpork, and as much as I like Moist and Co. and the Watch and the Wizards and Vetinari, I like seeing new things as well.
One nitpick is that the US hardcover version's flap text seems to confuse football with football -- the game mostly seems to be what America calls soccer, but the copy-writers seem to think of it like football. (Granted, the street version probably could be compared as a combination of a fight and any game whose point is 'get the ball over to one side'.)
It's a bit like Moving Pictures or Soul Music in that a phenomenon is sweeping the city of Ahnk-Morpork, or rather, has been, and both the movers and shakers (the wizards) and the little people (in this case, the various folks that keep the university running) are affected.
But the story isn't just a sports story. We also get more fantasy satire, the commentary about social classes and the fashion industry, and cameos from previous Disc characters -- Brother Oats was mentioned, Lady Margolotta makes an appearance, and we even get Rincewind out of his comfy retirement. (He gets to stay within the city bounds, this time, and in the realm of minor characters.)
Plus, as I mentioned, it's nice to see the city from a new POV, that of the new characters. I like Ahnk Morpork, and as much as I like Moist and Co. and the Watch and the Wizards and Vetinari, I like seeing new things as well.
One nitpick is that the US hardcover version's flap text seems to confuse football with football -- the game mostly seems to be what America calls soccer, but the copy-writers seem to think of it like football. (Granted, the street version probably could be compared as a combination of a fight and any game whose point is 'get the ball over to one side'.)
As sad as it is to admit this, I think Terry Pratchett needs to declare Discworld closed for the duration. The last half-dozen novels in the series have lacked the wonderful zaniness that was the hallmark of the early entries. There was a time when I wouldn't read a Discworld novel in public, fearing someone would come and throw a net over me for laughing uncontrollably with tears running down my cheeks. Alas, no more. This latest entry, in which Lord Vetinari, for reasons never explained, decides to take the chaotic, murderous "sport" of street football and create a league with rules and referees, is . . . I'm sorry . . . It's dull.
Probably due to the fact that I'm not a big fan of either sports or fashion, this was one of my least favorite Discworld novels. It was nice to see appearances by some of my favorite characters, but cameos do not make for a great plot. It's still an interesting story and very much like the Pratchett we know and love, but I think that the subjects of satire in this one just weren't my cup of tea.

I got a big kick out of this book, as I do with most of Pratchett's Discworld series. Highly recommended satire.