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Topic: Unmoded - Multi Genre Reading Challenge 6 - Reading April 7th

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massreader avatar
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Date Posted: 5/10/2014 10:31 PM ET
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Received my credit, thanks!

tinereads avatar
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Date Posted: 5/10/2014 10:48 PM ET
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Hey Jamie, are you going to do another one of these?

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Date Posted: 5/11/2014 6:47 PM ET
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Christine it will probably be a month or two before I start another one. I have some TV shows to catch up on and some things to do with my Kidos but then I will get to craving a challenge so I will start another one :) I will PM everyone when I get it up and going.  

tinereads avatar
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Date Posted: 5/12/2014 7:28 PM ET
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Sounds good Jamie!  I'll try to get my act together before then.  ;)

4ukcats avatar
Date Posted: 5/14/2014 11:36 AM ET
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I received my credits--thank you!  Thanks for running another challenge, Jamie! I'll be ready when you do another!

If anyone is still around, I just noticed that Teresa Mummert has several of her ebooks on sale on Amazon. If you've noticed, now that she's become "published", most of her Kindle books are over $7.00.  Here's a link to her web page with the sale.

C.M. Stunich has also put the first 2 books of her Triple M MC series series on sale for $.99

While I was looking at these sales, I noticed that many authors who mark their books down to $.99 are listing them at #99cent


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Date Posted: 5/14/2014 11:46 AM ET
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Thanks for the heads up Renee. I need to catch up on C.M. Stunich's series. 

4ukcats avatar
Date Posted: 5/14/2014 11:56 AM ET
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Me too!  I read the first book of her raunchy Hard Rock Roots series, and I really liked it, but I haven't read any of the others yet. I haven't even started her MC series yet.

I have SO many books in my "Up Next" pile right now, but I haven't read a book since the challenge ended because I've been helping DH with that assembly work.

I know I'll drop everything for the new Charley Davidson book, Sixth Grave on the Edge next Tues. though! Are you caught up on that series, Jamie? The 5th one was AWESOME (LOTS of Reyes!)

4ukcats avatar
Date Posted: 5/14/2014 12:18 PM ET
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Found another GREAT sale!  All 3 Blow Hole Boys series books by Tabatha Vargo are included in Get Rocked, which is only $.99 for the ebook on Amazon. It also includes a few chapters of her next book, Little Black Book.  I checked her Twitter and she just mentions the sale--she doesn't say whether the price with remain this low or not.

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Date Posted: 5/14/2014 12:23 PM ET
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"hangs head in shame" no I am not caught up with the Charlie series blush

4ukcats avatar
Date Posted: 5/14/2014 12:47 PM ET
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They are pretty quick reads--you should do it next time you're in the mood for PnR.

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Date Posted: 5/14/2014 1:44 PM ET
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As a Charley Davidson fan I was surprised to find two short extras on her website>>>>GLOW and SHIMMER

Don't read them if you haven't read all the books and are just waiting on Book 6!


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Date Posted: 5/28/2014 11:01 AM ET
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Not sure if anyone is still around but I started a read at you own pace challenge to help you pick what to read next or if you just loves Alpha Males in general I started a Alpha Addict Challenge. No credit required. You can jump in at anytime and just fill in your lists as you read. Come join me if you like :)

Alpha Addict Challenge 2014

 Alpha Addict Challenge 2014 - LISTS ONLY

chickpicks avatar
Date Posted: 7/29/2014 10:18 AM ET
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Back To Top is everyone? Anyone ready for a new challenge in August maybe? :)