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Topic: Unmoded - Multi Genre Reading Challenge V - DONE

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bibliobuff avatar
Date Posted: 2/26/2014 10:29 AM ET
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My numbers are good. 

tinereads avatar
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Date Posted: 2/26/2014 10:42 AM ET
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My numbers look right.  Gah!  Manda beat me by one.

citygrrl avatar
Date Posted: 2/26/2014 10:48 AM ET
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Mine are good. 

chickpicks avatar
Date Posted: 2/26/2014 11:21 AM ET
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I accidently listed Enforcer under week 1, should be week 6
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Date Posted: 2/26/2014 11:54 AM ET
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Mine look good.

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Date Posted: 2/26/2014 12:29 PM ET
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Got it fixed Manda wink

chickpicks avatar
Date Posted: 2/26/2014 12:35 PM ET
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Ty! :)
gremlin avatar
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Date Posted: 2/26/2014 3:27 PM ET
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mine looks fine, and i got the week 5 credit.  thanks!

tiger-in-berlin avatar
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Date Posted: 2/26/2014 9:05 PM ET
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Mine looks good.  I had a typo in a title (Medicine and the Mobby should be Mob), but it doesn't affect my total.  This is one of the lowest total books read for me in a challenge, but I got my buddy and secret books read so I say success!   Thanks to Gina my reading buddy for such good picks.  Strangers and Painted Faces were two of my favorite reads. 

chickpicks avatar
Date Posted: 2/27/2014 10:00 AM ET
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My fave was def Wild Merit
4ukcats avatar
Date Posted: 2/27/2014 10:04 AM ET
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Mine looks good!

bibliobuff avatar
Date Posted: 2/27/2014 10:32 AM ET
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Thanks to Gina my reading buddy for such good picks.  Strangers and Painted Faces were two of my favorite reads. 

And thanks to you, too, for choosing Painted Faces for me. I absolutely loved it. :) So different from everything I've been reading lately, and I needed that. 

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 2/27/2014 11:41 AM ET
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Week 6 Results

Name Pages Page Rank Points Points Rank Total Rank Winners
Renee C. 2929 1 1800 1 2 1
Manda G. 2699 2 1475 2 4 2
Jamie B. 2314 3 1350 5 8 3
Susan P. 2031 5 1400 3 8 4
Theresa C. 2086 4 1325 6 10 5
Ellen 1978 6 1375 4 10 6
Christine E. 1778 7 1225 7 14 7
Lsressler 1709 9 1225 8 17 8
Hollie M. 1735 8 1100 10 18 9
Gina 1275 11 1200 9 20 10
Jasmine S. 1285 10 600 13 23 11
Margaret G. 1243 12 825 11 23 12
Melissa H. 1182 13 725 12 25 13
Jennifer G. 668 14 300 14 28 14
Jessica P. 0 15 0 15 30 15
Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 2/27/2014 11:53 AM ET
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I am fixin to post the Total Results and give out credits but before I did I wanted to give you ladies that want to join the next challenge the link to it. It doesn't start until April 7th but I wanted to get everything read to go before I went on vacation at the end of March. It will only be a 4 week challenge and I made a few minor adjustments but nothing major. If you are a winner and want me to keep a credit for the next challenge let me know. 

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Date Posted: 2/27/2014 12:04 PM ET
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Name Total Pages Page Rank Secret Bonus Buddy Bonus Total Points Points Rank Total Rank Winners
Renee C. 14691 1 300 525 10900 1 2 1
Susan P. 14245 2 300 525 9900 2 4 2
Ellen 12472 4 300 525 9800 3 7 3
Jasmine S. 12891 3 300 525 7975 5 8 4
Manda G. 12192 5 300 525 8025 4 9 5
Hollie M. 11356 6 300 525 7875 7 13 6
Lsressler 10355 7 300 525 7950 6 13 7
Melissa H. 10261 8 300 525 7200 8 16 8
Christine E. 8941 9 300 525 6375 9 18 9
Theresa C. 8265 10 300   5250 12 22 10
Gina 7349 12 300 525 5575 11 23 11
Margaret G. 6853 13 300 525 5625 10 23 12
Jamie B. 7532 11     4675 13 24 13
Jennifer G. 6790 14     3600 14 28 14
Jessica P. 784 15     450 15 30 15

Final Winners

  • 1st Place - 3 Credits  - Renee
  • 2nd Place - 2 Credits - Susan
  • 3rd Place - 1 Credit - Ellen
  • 4th Place - 1 Credit - Jasmine
  • 5th Place - 1 Credit - Manda
  • 6th Place - 1 Credit - Hollie
  • 7th Place - 1 Credit - Lsressler

Weekly Winners - ties will be broke with page counts

  • Week 1 - Most Ebooks Read - 1 Credit - Susan
  • Week 2 - Book with the most Pages - 1 Credit - Gina
  • Week 3 - Most Points - 1 Credit - Jasmine
  • Week 4 - Most Pages Read - 1 Credit - Renee
  • Week 5 - Most Books Read - 1 Credit - Ellen
  • Week 6 - Most DTB's (print books) Read  - 1 Credit - Manda
gremlin avatar
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Date Posted: 2/27/2014 4:55 PM ET
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wow, i did better overall than i thought i'd do this time around.

since the next challenge ends before i'm home from my vacation, i'll be missing it for sure,. i'd definitely like to know about the one after that though, whenever it happens!  they definitely push me to get more knocked off Mt. TBR.  :)

4ukcats avatar
Date Posted: 2/28/2014 10:57 AM ET
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OMG--I didn't realize the results were up. I think this is my first big win!

Of course I'm doing the next challenge!  Sending credit, Jamie

For anyone who's interested, here are the March 2014 releases I've got marked on my GR shelf.  In anticipation of the next challenge, here's the April 2014 releases link as well.

Please keep in mind that the April book release dates have not been verified yet, and I will also probably be adding a bunch more (except for 3/2104, I usually end of up anywhere from 80-120 books on the release shelves).  I go through about once a week to try to pin down exact release dates and/or changes.  Then a few days before the end of the month, I really try to get as many of the dates verified as possible, usually by going to author's FB pages.

March 2014 Releases

April 2014 Releases

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Date Posted: 2/28/2014 11:19 AM ET
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Ok I am going to start sending credits now. I wanted to congrats everyone and I can't wait for the next one because I am hopefully going to be in my full challenge capacity by then and I can actually compete with you ladies :) 

So just in case you missed it before here is the link for the NEW CHALLENGE!! Come on over and join us and send your friends. 

4ukcats avatar
Date Posted: 2/28/2014 11:26 AM ET
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Received my prize credits and just sent my credit for the next challenge.

Thanks, Jamie!!

Oh, and congrats, Manda for getting the weekly win last week!!

4ukcats avatar
Date Posted: 2/28/2014 11:28 AM ET
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I see it begins on 4/7. So is anyone going to hold out and save The King for the challenge?  I highly doubt it!  I know I'll be reading it on 4/1!

sneyers11 avatar
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Date Posted: 2/28/2014 11:39 AM ET
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Received my credits!  See you all in the next challenge!

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Date Posted: 2/28/2014 11:39 AM ET
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I will be holding out but only because we are going to be on Vacation all that week so I won't have time to read it. But I am excited to get my Brother fix. 

holmaus avatar
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Date Posted: 2/28/2014 12:20 PM ET
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I got my credit!  Thanks Jamie!!

missyh avatar
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Date Posted: 2/28/2014 12:29 PM ET
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Nope, gotta read that one on the 1st!!

citygrrl avatar
Date Posted: 2/28/2014 12:44 PM ET
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I got my credit! And what a nice surprise it was - I didn't think I'd be even close.  Thanks for a very fun game.
