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Topic: Unmoded - Multi Genre Reading Challenge III - DONE

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missyh avatar
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Date Posted: 6/19/2013 10:05 PM ET
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I'm beyond excited about the new IAD book but I don't know if I'll get my hands on it during the challenge, so I cant put it on my challenge TBR. Façade is most definitely on there though!

Losing Hope, I'm going to wait for some reviews to come in first. I hate spending almost $8 on an ebook.

After the whole Entwined With You fiasco, I'm traumatized. I want to wait and make SURE that This Man Confessed IS MOST DEFINITELY the last in the series. And if so, then I may go ahead and read those during the challenge. I just picked up the first two this morning when I was scrolling through my Amazon WL and noticed a price drop for them...1.99 and .99!!!

missyh avatar
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Date Posted: 6/19/2013 10:48 PM ET
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omg.....the cover for the next BDB.....LOVE....


bibliobuff avatar
Date Posted: 6/20/2013 11:05 AM ET
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Ooh, thanks Melissa! I just picked up the This Man books too. They've been on my WL but I hadn't noticed the price drop.


Here are some other new releases that will come out during the challenge:

Burn (Breathless, #3) by Maya Banks (8/6)

Unconditional (Cascadia Wolves, #7) by Lauren Dane (8/6)

Uncharted: An "On the Island" Novella by Tracey Garvis-Graves (7/2)

Tempting a Devil (The Saint’s Devils, #2) by Samantha Kane (7/8)

Unforgettable (The Dalton Gang Series, #3) by Alison Kent (8/6)

Vaughn (Circle Eight #4) by Emma Lang

Caught Up In You (Loving on the Edge #4) by Roni Loren (8/6)

Enthralled (Includes Breeds #28, Iron Seas #3.5) by Lora Leigh, Alyssa Day, Meljean Brook (7/2)

Taken By the Duke (The Pleasure Wars, #1) by Jess Michaels (7/2)

Warrior's Moon (Children of the Moon, #5) by Lucy Monroe (7/2)

Biting Bad (Chicagoland Vampires, #8) by Chloe Neill (8/6)

The Marriage Merger (Marriage to a Billionaire, #4) by Jennifer Probst (7/30)

I Dream of Danger (Ghost Ops, #2) by Lisa Marie Rice (7/2)

The Redemption of Callie and Kayden (The Coincidence, #2) by Jessica Sorensen (8/6)

Inked Destiny (Inked Magic World, #2) by Jory Strong (7/2)

Kitty in the Underworld (Kitty Norville #12) by Carrie Vaughn (7/30)


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Date Posted: 6/20/2013 11:07 AM ET
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I know it is nice isn't it!! Kelli posted it on my Facebook Page yesterday right after it was posted. The only think I don't like about it is the model don't quiet look right for Wrath but it is still cool as hell!!

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Date Posted: 6/20/2013 11:09 AM ET
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Nice list Gina thanks!! I see some good ones on there!!

missyh avatar
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Date Posted: 6/20/2013 11:54 AM ET
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Ooooh, I forgot about The Redemption of Callie and Kayden. I'm sure I'll be reading that one soon after it comes out.

I agree, that Wrath doesn't look a lot like 'my' Wrath, lol. Love the cover though!

sneyers11 avatar
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Date Posted: 6/20/2013 1:16 PM ET
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I'm in!  Here is my Reading Challenge list.  Also, a suggestion for the 2 remaining weekly challenge, most ebooks read and most DTBs read.  

Last Edited on: 6/20/13 1:36 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
4ukcats avatar
Date Posted: 6/20/2013 2:05 PM ET
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Gina--thanks for posting those books.  I need to make sure I have them marked!  I didn't start keeping up with release dates on GR until all the New Adult books started coming out, so a lot of my PNR/UF and erotica books that I already had marked aren't on a date shelf yet.  If anyone ever wants to see what's coming out on a particular day, go to my goodreads account and look for the folder for that day.  As I said, many of them are New Adult, and, of course, they are books that I personally want to read, but it still may help some of you find some releases.

I love the Wrath cover, but I agree that it doesn't at all look the way that I pictured him in my head.  If he had on sunglasses, it would definitely help, but I'm glad his eyes are uncovered here. I also imagine his hair being dark, long and more unruly.  Guess it's in a ponytail for his cover shot!

I just finished the newest Rough Riders book, Redneck Romeo, and although it wasn't my favorite of the series, it was still really good.  It was an emotional one.  It was about the last male McKay standing, Dalton, who is Brandt and Tell's brother and cousin to all the original McKays from the early books in the series.  According to L.J., there will be 16 books in the series, so that means there's only one left :( Most likely, it will be Sierra McKay (Gavin from Gone Country's daughter) and Boone's (son of one of the West boys) story.  They were introduced to each other in Gone Country when Sierra was still in high school.  L.J. says there may still be some novella's or short stories but no more books after the 16th one.  And I checked her FB page and she's says it will be awhile until that 16th book comes out because of her current production schedule.  I'm guessing a year. 

In honor of Redneck Romeo's release, however:



4ukcats avatar
Date Posted: 6/20/2013 2:26 PM ET
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Oh wow, I completely overlooked my 8/6 folder.  Here's more on top of what Gina posted:

Turn and Burn (Blacktop Cowboys, Bk 5) by Lorelei James -- 8/6

Wicked Beat (Sinners on Tour, Bk 4) by Olivia Cunning -- 8/6 LURVE this cover!!!

Grave Visions (Alex Craft, Bk 4) by Kalayna Price -- 8/6



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Date Posted: 6/20/2013 2:48 PM ET
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Danmmmmm I can't wait for WICKED BEAT!!! Love me some Sinners. 

sneyers11 avatar
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Date Posted: 6/20/2013 3:31 PM ET
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I can't wait to read Wicked Beat so I can finally read Double Time!  I'm a little OCD about reading order.

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Date Posted: 6/20/2013 3:36 PM ET
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LOL I already broke down and read Double I can't wait with my But you will be glad you did Susan because their is alot of wierd time line issuse and spoilers. The publishers really screwed up on that one but I am happy that Olivia didn't rewrite the book like they wanted her to. 

4ukcats avatar
Date Posted: 6/20/2013 3:54 PM ET
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I started reading Double Time and then after about 25 pages, I realized I better wait.  I still have to read Hot Ticket! And I also have 2 books to read in her One Night with Sole Regret series. I need to get caught up!

chickpicks avatar
Date Posted: 6/20/2013 4:07 PM ET
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soooooooooooo many good books coming out...thanks for the lists!

So off topic...but Jamie's pics made me think of it. I watched Magic Mike the other day....what a terrible movie. HORRIBLE storyline and HORRIBLE acting. Why on earth did they pick that chick for the sister? She was a horrible actress. The only redeeming part was when Channing Tatum danced. And seeing Alcide (yes thats how i see him) without a shirt. Thank goodness I didn't pay to see it.

Susan that is a great idea to have ebook challenge for those that read a lot of them.

bibliobuff avatar
Date Posted: 6/20/2013 4:26 PM ET
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And seeing Alcide (yes thats how i see him) without a shirt.

Did you happen to catch up? blushdevil

chickpicks avatar
Date Posted: 6/20/2013 4:46 PM ET
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Ha...yes. bad Gina...BAD Gina
gremlin avatar
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Date Posted: 6/20/2013 4:50 PM ET
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i have 3 of those Sinners books in ebook, but i haven't even started them.  i happened to find them at a decent bookstore when i was out of town, and they're *huge*.  so i didn't add them to my challenge list, at least this time.

I watched Magic Mike the other day....what a terrible movie.

good to know!  i taped it during the HBO free preview last weekend, but haven't watched it yet.  maybe i'll just find the dancing parts and watch those.  :)

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Date Posted: 6/20/2013 5:06 PM ET
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I loved Magic Mike but of course I ONLY watched it to see them shirtless and dancing YUMMMMM. I mean where else would you see Channing, Matthew, Alcide & Diesel all shirtless at one time DAMNNNNNN!!!

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Date Posted: 6/20/2013 5:09 PM ET
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Ellen the sinners books are one of my fav. erotic series out at th moment. They are well worth it if you love hot sexy erotic reads!! 

I can't wait until she starts on Dare's bands books!!


missyh avatar
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Date Posted: 6/20/2013 6:23 PM ET
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Oooh....count me in as another Magic Mike fan. Yeah, there was practically no plot. Yeah, some of the acting freakin' SUCKED. But they could NOT have picked a better cast for the damn movie. DROOL  

I have not been able to hear My Pony since then and not think of that movie. I probably never will again. LOL The hottest men on earth can be found on our page! 


missyh avatar
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Date Posted: 6/20/2013 6:24 PM ET
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I need to catch up on the Sinners too. Its one of my fave series. I left off at the whole publishing in the wrong order thing. lol  

chickpicks avatar
Date Posted: 6/20/2013 7:23 PM ET
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Haaaaaaa so true about My Pony!!!
4ukcats avatar
Date Posted: 6/20/2013 8:34 PM ET
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Magic Mike--I agree the acting in it was horrible!  I thought Matthew McConaughey made the movie.  He did such a great job as an actor and as eye candy.  Our cable company is Charter Communications, and when you pull up the description for a movie, it usually has a star rating, 4 being the highest, and I was SHOCKED to see that they gave Magic Mike 4 stars! I couldn't believe it.

I was just going through the Amazon freebies and found this:

Try Me (One Night with Sole Regret, Bk 1) FREE on AMAZON!!


Last Edited on: 6/20/13 8:34 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
sneyers11 avatar
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Date Posted: 6/20/2013 8:42 PM ET
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Another Amazon freebie (was $2.99 last week) Wickedest Witch by Eve Langlais

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Date Posted: 6/20/2013 8:45 PM ET
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Damn the day after the challenge is over THIS comes out Rock Chick Revolution (Rock Chick #8) by Kristen Ashley YAYYYYYY! I am in KA withdrawls right now. 
