Unbreakable - Unraveling, Bk 2 Author:Elizabeth Norris Unbreakable, the sequel to Elizabeth Norris' Unraveling, blends science fiction, mystery, and romance into a thrilling story YA listeners won't be able to put down. — It's been four months since Janelle Tenner stopped the Earth's destruction with the help of Ben, the boy who resurrected her after she died. Ben is gone now -- disap... more »peared through a portal to his home world.
Even though Ben broke her heart, Janelle refuses to believe it when Interverse Agent Taylor Barclay tells her Ben is suspected of running a human-trafficking ring across several universes. She vows to uncover the true culprit and rescue the people who have been sold into slavery on alternate Earths -- not to mention find Ben and prove his innocence.
In addition to Ben, Barclay, and Janelle, Unbreakable brings back fan-favorite characters Elijah and Cecily in this action-packed thriller.« less