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Topic: UNMOD - All Genre Reading Challenge - FINALS POSTED

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Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Subject: UNMOD - All Genre Reading Challenge - FINALS POSTED
Date Posted: 7/31/2012 6:54 PM ET
Member Since: 11/11/2008
Posts: 16,558
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"This is an UNMODERATED challenge. Unmoderated means that no Games Mods are supervising this challenge, and gamers are playing at their own risk. If something should happen (no prize recevied), the gamers will not have the assistance of the Games Moderators or the PBS Team to resolve the problem."

In this challenge, you will gain points by reading print and ebooks. There will also be opportunities to obtain bonus points for various other activities. ANY AND ALL GENRES ARE ALLOWED.

Just a heads up, the majority of this group started out as an ebook hot & steamy (erotica) vb. We took a break for the summer so I started the other challenge to keep people occupied. Because of this, the core group at this time, are mainly erotica and a smattering of paranormal readers. This is an all genre challenge, so everyone is welcome, but I wanted to give fair warning for when we discuss books we've read. :)

1 credit to me will be required to sign up. Once the challenge has started, credits will be non-refundable.






Need some help with time zones?

Central - Add 1 Hour for EST

Mountain - Add 2 Hours for EST (except Arizona - add 3)

Pacific - Add 3 Hours for EST

Alaska - Add 4 Hours for EST

Quick Links

You must check-in on each date to be eligible for the prizes. HERE IS THE FORM FOR SUBMISSIONS. If you read 0 ebooks for that week, submit a form anyways and put your name and "none" for where text is required, select the "short story" option and choose "no" for the bonuses.


CHECK-IN DATES (by 11:59 PM):

WEEK 1: SUNDAY, AUGUST 19 (for books read during August 12th - August 18th)

WEEK 2: SUNDAY, AUGUST 26 (for books read during August 19th - August 25th)

WEEK 3: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 (for books read during August 26th - September 1st)

WEEK 4: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 (for books read during September 2nd - September 8th)

WEEK 5: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 (for books read during September 9th - September 15th)

WEEK 6: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 (for books read during September 16th - September 22nd)

WEEK 7: MONDAY, OCTOBER 1 (for books read during September 23rd - September 30th)


Point Breakdown:

Short Story - 0 to 50 pages: 25 points

Novella - 51 to 110 pages: 50 points

Novel - 111 to 250 pages: 100 points

Super Novel - 251 to 360 pages: 150 points

Super Plus Novel - 361 pages to 450 pages: 200 points

Neverending Novel - 451 pages and greater: 250 points

FOR EBOOKS - If there is a print version of your ebook, use that number for your page count. If your book does not have a print version OR the equivalent page number on a reputable site, we will use the following formula - WORD COUNT/280. This number will equal your page count. If you can not find either a page count or a word count, the book cannot be used for the challenge. Word counts can be found at a variety of sites: All Romance, Fictionwise, BookStrand, etc.

I am figuring this out by pulling the word count that Total-e-Bound uses to distinguish their types of books and using the formula (rounding to something sensible). The number 280 came from pulling 20 random books that were available in print and ebook, dividing their word count by the number of pages in the book. Then I averaged all of them to get an average words per page. Since we don't have WL info or stuff like that that most challenges use, I am having to use the page count for points.


Bonus Points:

Buddy Bonus: 50 points - Before we begin, I will buddy up participants and have each pick and post 5 novel or super sized TBR books for their buddy to read. In addition to the regular base points, 50 bonus points will be added for each book read.

Secret Book Bonus: 100 points - Again, before we start I will select one novel or super novel sized book from each player's TBR. If that book is read during the challenge, in addition to the base points, 100 bonus points will be added. This book will not be a buddy book.

eBook Bonus: 25 points - for every ebook that is read, you will receive these bonus points. An extra incentive to get through that stash!

Review Bonus: 10 points - For every book that is reviewed, whether it's here on PBS's description page, Amazon, B&N, Goodreads, etc, you will receive 10 bonus points. These do not have to be large reviews. Why did you like the book, what did you dislike? How many stars?


Total standing will be determined each week (and for the final) by:

Totaling up your points standing (person with the most points at the end of the week will get 1, second gets 2, etc) and adding it to your page standing (determined by totaling up number of pages read - rank again, person with most pages read will get a 1 and so on). The person with the lowest total number (both page and points added together) will be the winner. In the case of a tie for points, the ranking will be determined by the highest number of pages read. In the case of a tie for page ranking, standing will be determined by highest number of points. In the case of a total points tie, pages read will be the tie breaker. 

Credit prize distribution will be dependent on the number of sign ups.



Please submit information on ALL books you read during the challenge. You CANNOT pick and choose the books you read, it can screw up the ranking. Library books, books borrowed from a friend, ebooks that are on loan to you are all okay. Audio books will not be allowed for this challenge.

If you would like to participate in the buddy or secret book bonus, please post a link to your TBR. Due to some of these being ebooks, you probably want to create one offsite (away from PBS).

To make a TBR on Goodreads, just mark your books with the "to read" option. I had created a separate shelf called "to read books" or "to read ebooks" so that I could find those quicker.

You can also go on Amazon and create a Wish List and just add the books that you already have to it. Login to Amazon and click the Wish List button at the top right. This will bring up your Wish Lists. To the left, under your name, there will be a button that says "create another wish list" or something like that. Click that. Name it whatever you want. I would name it something like - Books To Be Read. Then, make sure to either mark it as public or shared. Shared means that it wil be private and only those with a link can view it. If you mark it private, only you will be able to see the list. Public means everyone out in the world can see it.

There is also Library Thing and Shelfari. Though I am not on there and have no idea how they work. I'm not sure of others.

Last Edited on: 10/4/12 3:25 PM ET - Total times edited: 47
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Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Subject: PLAYERS, TBR LINKS & Buddy Bonus Book Selections
Date Posted: 7/31/2012 6:56 PM ET
Member Since: 11/11/2008
Posts: 16,558
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Angela (angelinagrl) - Susan picked - Angela's TBR

  • Colters' Woman by Maya Banks >
  • Hot in Handcuffs Anthology
  • Unexpected Consequences by Cara Bristol >
  • Animal Attraction by PaigeTyler >
  • To Command and Collar by Cherise Sinclair

Anne (booklover6) - Renee C picked - my summer TBR & my next in series TBR & my 1st in series TBR

  • Hard Bitten (Chicagoland Vampires, Bk 4) by Chloe Neill
  • Pleasure Unbound (Demonica, Bk 1) by Larissa Ione
  • One Foot in the Grave (Night Huntress, Bk 2) by Jeaniene Frost >
  • I'll Be Slaying You (Night Watch, Bk 2) by Cynthia Eden
  • Blood Destiny (Blood Curse, Bk 1) by Tessa Dawn

Christine T. (DestinysAngel) - Margaret picked - Aug TBR & Aug-TBR-Novel Size

  • Accidentally Demonic by Dakota Cassidy
  • Finding Zach by Rowan Speedwell
  • Why I Love Geeks by T.A. Chase
  • The Ghost on My Couch by L.A. Gilbert >
  • Daddy, Daddy, & Me by Sean Michael

Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) - Mandy picked - Cindy's Kindle & All Genre Reading Challenge TBR

Courtney (coco1019) - Jamie B picked - Courtney's TBR

Cynthia M. (clariail) - Heather picked - Cynthia's Kindle TBR  & Cynthia's PBS TBR

  • Beauty to Die For: A Spa Mystery by Kim Alexis & Mindy Starns Clark
  • Pies and Prejudice (Charmed Pie Shoppe, Bk 1) by Ellery Adams
  • Murder for Choir (Glee Club, Bk 1) by Joelle Charbonneau
  • Brownies and Broomsticks (Magical Bakery, Bk 1) by Bailey Cates
  • The Touch by Randall Wallace

Darlene (depper1) - Lori picked - TBR is here

  • Over the Edge :: Mary Connealy
  • Wedding Belles :: Janice Hanna
  • Sky's Bridal Train :: Margo Hansen
  • Wildflowers from Winter :: Katie Ganshert
  • Heart of Glass :: Jill Marie Landis

Ellen (gremlin) - Ming picked - Ellen's Challenge TBR

  • Once Burned (Night Prince, #1)
  • Bad Boyfriend (Bad in Baltimore, #2)
  • Not Your Ordinary Faerie Tale (The Others, #5) >
  • Almost Everything (Vampire Princess of St. Paul, #3)
  • Black Dawn (The Morganville Vampires, #12)

Gina (bibliobuff) - Hollie picked - all-genre-challenge

Heather F. (AZmom875) - Cynthia picked - TBR reading challenge & middle books & 50 state books I need...

  • Fundraising the Dead (Museum Mystery, Bk 1) by Sheila Connolly
  • The Turtle Catcher by Nicole Lea Helget
  • All Over But the Shoutin' by Rick Bragg
  • Ranch Dressing: The Traveling Kind / Dakota Dreaming by Janet Dailey
  • The Masque of the Black Tulip (Pink Carnation, Bk 2) by Lauren Willig

Hollie M. (holmaus) - Gina picked - Hollie's Challenge TBR

  • Taken (Dark Elves, Vol 1) by Jet Mykles >
  • Bear Meets Girl (Pride, Bk 7) by Shelly Laurenston
  • Into the Crossfire (Protectors, Bk 1) by Lisa Marie Rice
  • Colters' Woman (Colters' Legacy, Bk 1) by Maya Banks (glad to see I'm not the only one who hasn't started this series!) >
  • Coyote's Mate (Breeds, Bk 18) by Lora Leigh >

Jamie B. (vampobsessed) - Courtney picked - All Genre Challenge

  • Sempre by J.M. Darhower (this is the big book and I'm interested in hearing what people think - I wanna read it)
  • Nobody's Angel (Rescue Me #2) by Kallypso Masters (I liked the 3rd one better, but still enjoyed this one)
  • Colters' Woman (Colters' Legacy #1) by Maya Banks (I haven't read it but from the way people talk about it, it seems like a must read) >
  • Hard Bitten (Chicagoland Vampires #4) by Chloe Neill (Big fat duh)
  • Burn For You (Club Mephisto) by Annabel Joseph (I am such a fan girl of AJ's and love Mephisto - make sure to read Molly's Lips first) >

Jamie S. (2lilmonkees) - Missy picked - Jamie S's TBR

Kirsten (kpbunny) - Rachel picked - KP's All Genre Reading Challenge ~ TBR

  • Immortal Rider by Larissa Ione
  • Lethal Rider by Larissa Ione
  • Visions of Magic By Regan Hastings
  • Shadow Before the Sun by Kelley Gay
  • A Devil Named Desire by Terri Garey

Lai M. (lai-brary) - Nicole picked - Lai Reading Challenge

  • Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off by Cara North >
  • She Thinks My Tractors Sexy by Cara North >
  • Rough, Raw and Ready by Lorelei James
  • 15 Seconds by Andrew Gross >
  • Jabril by D.B. Reynolds

Les (tomboymom) - Shelley picked - Tink's Reading Challenge TBR

  • Scorched by Ashwood
  • A Duty to the Dead by Todd
  • The Other Tudors Henry VIII's Mistresses and Bastards by Jones
  • Death Taxes and a French Manicure - Tara Holloway, Bk 1 by Kelly
  • Butterfly Tattoo by Knight

Lori S. (sugarandgrits) - Darlene picked - Sugar's *definitely* Wanna Read TBR & Sugar's TBR

  • How To Knit a Heart Back Home >
  • Wishes & Stitches >
  • My Stubborn Heart
  • In Shining Whatever
  • Bared to You

Mandy P. (mpyff) - Cindy picked - Mandy's TBR

Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) - Christine picked - Margaret's Kindle TBR & (for easy picking - Margaret's Buddy TBR)

  • Shades of Gray by Brooke McKinley (loved this book) >
  • Never Cry Wolf by Cynthia Eden
  • PsyCop: Partners by Jordan Castillo Price
  • Corralled: A Blacktop Cowboys Novel by Lorelei James
  • Crux by Moira Rogers

Mary L. (MsRight) - Theresa picked - all-genre-reading-challenge ‎(43)

  • Game For Love by Bella Andre
  • A Deadly Whisper by Stacey Kennedy
  • Master of the Highlands by Veronica Wolff
  • Black Gold by Vivian Arend
  • In a Lover's Silence by Qwilla Rain

Melissa H. (missyh) - Jamie S picked - Missy's Mutli Genre Challenge TBR

  • Giving Up the Ghost by G.A. Hauser >
  • Big Temptation by R.L. Rotham (me likey) >
  • Chasin' Eight by Lorelei James (duh)
  • Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher (really diff & good) >
  • Bondage Boys by L.H. Leroux >

Ming (wildroses) - Ellen picked - Courtney made me do it!

Nicole G. (nyteacher) - Lai picked - Nicole G. TBR

  • Beastly by Alex Flinn >
  • Whisper Falls by Toni Blake >
  • This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen >
  • Perfect Chemisty by Simone Elkeles >
  • Room by Emma Donoghue

Rachel M. (miz-rachel) - Kirsten picked - Rachel's TBR list

  • Blood of the Rose (Embraced, Bk 1) by Anya Bast
  • The Taken (Celestial Blues, Bk 1) by Vicki Pettersson >
  • By a Thread (Elemental Assassin, Bk 6) by Jennifer Estep
  • Cyborg by Kaitlyn O'Connor
  • The Darkest Passion (Lords of the Underworld, Bk 8) Gena Showalter >

Renee C. (4ukcats) - Anne picked - Renee C's TBR & Renee C's Buddy TBR

  • Temptest's Fury by Nicole Peeler
  • Eternal Beast by Laura Wright
  • Ashes of Honor by Seanan McGuire
  • Woman on the Run by Lisa Marie Rice
  • Captive in the Dark by CJ Roberts

Renee L. (planonae) - Tonya picked - Renee L's TBR

  • Wicked by Sasha White >
  • Unclaimed by Courtney Milan
  • Rode Hard and Put Up Wet by Lorelei James >
  • The Darkest Passion by Gina Showalter
  • I Want Candy by Susan Donovan

Shelley S. (lucybelle) - Les picked - Shelley's Goodreads TBR List!

  • Kissin' Tell (Rough Riders #13)
  • Talson's Wait (Talson's Temptations #1)
  • Hemovore >
  • Kiss and Kin (Werewolves in Love #1)
  • Rude, Nude and Socially Unacceptable

Susan P. (sneyers11) - Angela picked - Multi TBR

  • Sweet Addiction by Maya Banks >
  • Rock Chick (#1) by kristen ashley
  • Seal of my drems by stephanie bond >
  • Ral's woman by laurann dohner >
  • Knight by kristen ashley >

Tami W. (DragonBreath) - Valerie picked - Tami's Kindle TBR & Tami's Print TBR

  • Flicker (Flicker bk 1) by Kaye Thornbrugh
  • Backstage Pass (the sinners on tour) by Olivia Cunning
  • Marly's Choice by Lora Leigh
  • Dark Lover by J.R. Ward
  • Nerd in Shining Armor by Vicki Lewis Thompson >

Theresa C. (massreader) - Mary picked - Theresa's Challenge TBR

  • Savannah's Vision by Nicole Austin (read it)
  • Carnal Deceptions by Scottie Barret (I have this) >
  • A Desperate Longing by Brenda Williamson (have this too)
  • Deadly Fear by Cynthia Eden (read it)
  • Second Chances by Denise Belinda McDonald (have it).

Tonya B. (sasfras72) - Renee L picked - Sassy's TBR & Tonya's Ebooks

  • Coming Undone by Lauren Dane
  • The Departed by Shiloh Walker
  • Marly's Choice by Laura Leigh
  • Welcome to Temptation by Jennifer Crusie
  • Pride & Passion by Charlotte Featherstone >

Valerie (IDOLFAN) - Tami picked - valsmixedtbr & ebooktbr

Last Edited on: 8/21/12 9:19 PM ET - Total times edited: 18
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Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 7/31/2012 6:56 PM ET
Member Since: 11/11/2008
Posts: 16,558
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Week 1 Standings
Player Books Read Total Points Points Rank Total Pages Page Rank TOTAL RANK STANDING
Hollie M. (holmaus) 12 2100 1 3762 1 2 1
Renee C. (4ukcats) 8 1580 3 2864 3 6 2
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) 12 1680 2 2691 4 6 3
Ellen (gremlin) 7 1395 5 2891 2 7 4
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) 7 1545 4 2525 5 9 5
Nicole G. (nyteacher) 7 1370 6 2284 6 12 6
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) 8 1125 9 1834 7 16 7
Susan P. (sneyers11) 6 1215 7 1705 9 16 8
Ming (wildroses) 5 1025 11 1808 8 19 9
Melissa H. (missyh) 6 1135 8 1544 11 19 10
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) 5 920 14 1615 10 24 11
Jamie S. (2lilmonkees) 6 985 12 1448 14 26 12
Angela (angelinagrl) 8 1095 10 1155 17 27 13
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) 4 800 16 1515 12 28 14
Valerie (IDOLFAN) 4 910 15 1476 13 28 15
Renee L. (planonae) 5 925 13 1419 15 28 16
Gina (bibliobuff) 4 790 17 1260 16 33 17
Courtney (coco1019) 4 740 18 982 19 37 18
Theresa C. (massreader) 5 650 20 1041 18 38 19
Lai M. (lai-brary) 3 655 19 860 21 40 20
Anne (booklover6) 4 630 21 861 20 41 21
Mary L. (MsRight) 2 420 24 827 22 46 22
Tonya B. (sasfras72) 2 470 23 790 23 46 23
Shelley S. (lucybelle) 3 525 22 787 24 46 24
Darlene (depper1) 2 320 27 639 25 52 25
Heather F. (AZmom875) 2 320 28 624 26 54 26
Les (tomboymom) 4 350 26 477 28 54 27
Mandy P. (mpyff) 2 420 25 388 29 54 28
Tami W. (DragonBreath) 2 320 29 548 27 56 29
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) 1 210 30 384 30 60 30
Kirsten (kpbunny) 1 160 32 298 31 63 31
Cynthia M. (clariail) 1 185 31 288 32 63 32
TOTALS 152 26970   43590      



Name/PBS User Name Book
Angela (angelinagrl) Animal Attraction by Paige Tyler
Angela (angelinagrl) Time Out: The Game Plan Bk2 by Breanna Hayse
Angela (angelinagrl) Sinful Southern Ink by S.J. Drum 
Angela (angelinagrl) Space Fever by Kate Donovan
Angela (angelinagrl) the Game Plan by Breanna Hayes
Angela (angelinagrl) Unexpected Consequences by Cara Bristol
Angela (angelinagrl) Colters' Woman by Maya Banks
Angela (angelinagrl) Something Wicked this way comes (Vol 2) by Jaid Black, etc
Anne (booklover6) The Spawning by Kaitlyn O'Connor
Anne (booklover6) Wyoming Triple Heat by Delilah Hunt
Anne (booklover6) Flicker by Viola Grace
Anne (booklover6) One Foot in the Grave by Jeaniene Frost
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Alphabet Soup by C B Conwy
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Dance with Me by Heidi Cullinan
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Ghost on my Couch by LA Gilbert
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Kissing Steel by Laurann Dohner
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Melting Iron by Laurann Dohner
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Stealing Coal by Laurann Dohner
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) The Trap by Indigo Wren
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Touching Ice by Laurann Dohner
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) When Angels Fall by ZA Maxfield
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Blood Awakening by Tessa Dawn
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Kiss the Dead by Laurell K Hamilton
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Blood Possession by Tessa Dawn
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) Incarnate by Jodi Meadows
Courtney (coco1019) Diving in Deep (Florida Books, Bk 1) by K.A. Mitchell
Courtney (coco1019) Promises (Coda, Bk 1) by Marie Sexton
Courtney (coco1019) The Last Girl by Kitty Thomas
Courtney (coco1019) Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire
Cynthia M. (clariail) Halflings by Heather Burch
Darlene (depper1) Hot in Handcuffs by Shayla Black et al (Anthology)
Darlene (depper1) Simply From Scratch by Alicia Bessette
Ellen (gremlin) Born of Silence by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Ellen (gremlin) Lover Reborn by J.R. Ward
Ellen (gremlin) Deadly Descendant by Jenna Black
Ellen (gremlin) Hex Appeal by P. N. Elrod
Ellen (gremlin) Magic on the Line by Devon Monk
Ellen (gremlin) Not Your Ordinary Faerie Tale by Christine Warren
Ellen (gremlin) Sky Dragons by Anne McCaffrey
Gina (bibliobuff) Swan and the Bear by Eve Langlais
Gina (bibliobuff) Take Me by Bella Andre
Gina (bibliobuff) Rock Chick by Kristen Ashley
Gina (bibliobuff) Rock Chick Rescue by Kristen Ashley
Heather F. (AZmom875) 62 Projects to Make with a Dead Computer by Randy Sarafan
Heather F. (AZmom875) Gem of a Ghost by Sue Ann Jaffarian
Hollie M. (holmaus) Colters' Daughter by Maya Banks
Hollie M. (holmaus) Colters' Promise by Maya Banks
Hollie M. (holmaus) At Last by Jill Shalvis
Hollie M. (holmaus) Colters' Lady by Maya Banks
Hollie M. (holmaus) Colters' Woman by Maya Banks
Hollie M. (holmaus) Coyote's Mate by Lora Leigh
Hollie M. (holmaus) Dark Elves:  Taken by Jet Mykles
Hollie M. (holmaus) Shattered Legacy by Lora Leigh
Hollie M. (holmaus) Dark Elves: Salvation by Jet Mykles
Hollie M. (holmaus) If You Know Her by Shiloh Walker
Hollie M. (holmaus) If You See Her by Shiloh Walker
Hollie M. (holmaus) Lucky in Love by Jill Shalvis
Jamie B. (vampobsessed)  Rock Chick Reckoning (Rock Chick #6)  by Kristen Ashley
Jamie B. (vampobsessed)  Rock Chick Regret (Rock Chick, #7)  by Kristen Ashley
Jamie B. (vampobsessed)  Rock Chick Revenge (Rock Chick, #5)  by  Kristen Ashley
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Burn For You  by Annabel Joseph
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Her Best Worst Mistake  by Sarah Mayberry
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Molly’s Lips: Club Mephisto Retold  by Annabel Joseph
Jamie B. (vampobsessed)  Colters' Woman (Colters' Legacy, #1)  by Maya Banks 
Jamie S. (2lilmonkees) A Tabloid Love by T.A Chase
Jamie S. (2lilmonkees) Playing for Keeps by R. L. Mathewson
Jamie S. (2lilmonkees) Promises by Marie Sexton
Jamie S. (2lilmonkees) With This Ring by T. A. Chase
Jamie S. (2lilmonkees) Kindling the Moon by Jenn Bennett
Jamie S. (2lilmonkees) Stygian's Honor by Lora Leigh
Kirsten (kpbunny) When He Was Bad (anthology) by Shelly Laurenston and Cynthia Eden
Lai M. (lai-brary) She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy by Cara North
Lai M. (lai-brary) 15 Seconds by Andrew Gross
Lai M. (lai-brary) Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off by Cara North
Les (tomboymom) Photographs and Phantoms by Cindy Spencer Pape
Les (tomboymom) Premonition (Tarot Cafe) by Lynn LaFleur
Les (tomboymom) Kamikaze (Last CALL #1)  by Moira Rogers
Les (tomboymom) Desperate Fantasies by Elizabeth Lapthorne
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) Feels Like Home by Vicki Lewis Thompson
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) Dream Lake by Lisa Kleypas
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) Just Desserts by Barbara Bretton
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) To Knit a Heart Back Home by Rachael Herron
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) Wishes and Stitches by Rachael Herron
Mandy P. (mpyff) Revenge Sex by Jasmine Haynes
Mandy P. (mpyff) Collision Course by K.A. Mitchell
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Bear Necessities by Dana Marie Bell
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Dual Abduction by Eve Langlais
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) St. Nacho's by Z.A. Maxfield
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) The Prince With No Heart by Emma Holly
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Cynful by Dana Marie Bell
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Gift of the Goddess by Denise Rossetti
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Physical Therapy by Z.A. Maxfield
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Shades of Gray by Brooke McKinley
Mary L. (MsRight) Land of Echoes by Daniel Hecht
Mary L. (MsRight) Small Favor by Jim Butcher
Melissa H. (missyh) Bondage Boys by L.H. Leroux
Melissa H. (missyh) Giving Up the Ghost by G.A. Hauser
Melissa H. (missyh) BIG Temptation by Robin L Rotham
Melissa H. (missyh) Fetish by J.F. Gonzalez
Melissa H. (missyh) Megans Mark by Lora Leigh
Melissa H. (missyh) Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
Ming (wildroses)  Shadow Kin [Half-Light City, Bk 1] by M J Scott
Ming (wildroses)  The Iron Wyrm Affair (Bannon and Clare) by Lilith Saintcrow
Ming (wildroses) Trapped (The Iron Druid Chronicles, Book Five) by Kevin Hearne
Ming (wildroses) Gunmetal Magic (Kate Daniels) by Ilona Andrews
Ming (wildroses) The Lady is a Vamp (Argeneau, Bk 17) by Lynsay Sands
Nicole G. (nyteacher) Bound by Donna Jo Napoli
Nicole G. (nyteacher) Beastly by Alex Finn
Nicole G. (nyteacher) Eleven On Top by Janet Evanovich
Nicole G. (nyteacher) Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles
Nicole G. (nyteacher) This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen
Nicole G. (nyteacher) Holly Lane by Toni Blake
Nicole G. (nyteacher) Whisper Falls by Toni Blake
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Biting Cold by Chloe Neill
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Dusky Kisses by Kate Hill
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) The Darkest Passion by Gena  Showalter
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) The Taken by  Vicki Pettersson
Renee C. (4ukcats) Rock Chick Reckoning (Rock Chick, Bk 6) by Kristen Ashley
Renee C. (4ukcats) Rock Chick Regret (Rock Chick, Bk 7) by Kristen Ashley
Renee C. (4ukcats) Loving on Borrowed Time (Lover's Leap, Bk 1) by Olivia Cunning
Renee C. (4ukcats) Coming Undone by Lauren Dane
Renee C. (4ukcats) Inside Out by Lauren Dane
Renee C. (4ukcats) Never Enough (Brown Bros, Bk 4) by Lauren Dane
Renee C. (4ukcats) Taking Chase (Chase Bros, Bk 2) by Lauren Dane
Renee C. (4ukcats) Cherished (Delicious, Bk 1) by Lauren Dane & Maya Banks
Renee L. (planonae) Gateway to Heaven by Beth Kery
Renee L. (planonae) Oracle's Moon by Thea Harrison
Renee L. (planonae) Rode Hard, Put Up Wet by Lorelei James
Renee L. (planonae) Wicked by Sasha White
Renee L. (planonae) No Chance by Christy Reece
Shelley S. (lucybelle) Carnal Thirst by Celeste Anwar
Shelley S. (lucybelle) Hemovore by Jordan Castillo Price
Shelley S. (lucybelle) Rock Chick ! by Kristen Ashley
Susan P. (sneyers11) Ral's Woman by Laurann Dohner
Susan P. (sneyers11) Heart of Steel by Meljean Brook
Susan P. (sneyers11) Knight by Kristen Ashley
Susan P. (sneyers11) Sweet Addiction by Maya Banks
Susan P. (sneyers11) Wicked Business by Janet Evanovich
Susan P. (sneyers11) SEAL of My Dream by Anthology
Tami W. (DragonBreath) Intuitive Parenting by Debra Snyder
Tami W. (DragonBreath) Nerd in Shining Armor by Vicki Lewis Thompson
Theresa C. (massreader) Carnal Deceptions by Scottie Barrett
Theresa C. (massreader) Hooked by Cat Johnson
Theresa C. (massreader) Slow Ride by Lorelei James
Theresa C. (massreader) Holding Out for a Hero by Shelli Stevens
Theresa C. (massreader) Jabril by D.B. Reynolds
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Eternal Rider by Larissa Ione
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Pride and Passion by Charlotte Featherstone
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Covet by J.R, Ward
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Hidden Talent by Bianca D'Arc
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Kiss of the Dead by Laurell K. Hamilton
Valerie (IDOLFAN) The Calling by Jennifer Ashley



Last Edited on: 8/21/12 10:53 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
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Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 7/31/2012 6:56 PM ET
Member Since: 11/11/2008
Posts: 16,558
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Week 2 Details Spreadsheet


Week 2 Standings
Player Books Read Total Points Points Rank Total Pages Page Rank TOTAL RANK STANDING
Susan P. (sneyers11) 10 1930 1 3719 1 2 1
Ming (wildroses) 9 1700 2 3044 2 4 2
Ellen (gremlin) 8 1530 3 2736 3 6 3
Hollie M. (holmaus) 10 1370 5 2709 4 9 4
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) 7 1445 4 2351 5 9 5
Renee C. (4ukcats) 9 1265 7 2231 6 13 6
Valerie (IDOLFAN) 6 1285 6 2167 7 13 7
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) 7 1150 9 2100 8 17 8
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) 9 1250 8 2073 9 17 9
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) 7 1040 10 1614 10 20 10
Melissa H. (missyh) 6 910 12 1456 11 23 11
Renee L. (planonae) 4 785 14 1414 12 26 12
Angela (angelinagrl) 6 960 11 1254 15 26 13
Theresa C. (massreader) 6 725 15 1282 13 28 14
Lai M. (lai-brary) 4 815 13 1237 16 29 15
Gina (bibliobuff) 4 665 19 1270 14 33 16
Anne (booklover6) 4 720 16 1040 18 34 17
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) 4 670 18 1219 17 35 18
Les (tomboymom) 5 600 20 1013 19 39 19
Courtney (coco1019) 4 720 17 899 23 40 20
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) 3 530 23 976 20 43 21
Darlene (depper1) 3 580 22 906 22 44 22
Nicole G. (nyteacher) 3 530 24 936 21 45 23
Tonya B. (sasfras72) 4 590 21 751 27 48 24
Heather F. (AZmom875) 4 490 26 865 24 50 25
Shelley S. (lucybelle) 3 495 25 782 25 50 26
Mary L. (MsRight) 3 480 27 767 26 53 27
Kirsten (kpbunny) 2 320 29 564 28 57 28
Mandy P. (mpyff) 6 385 28 276 30 58 29
Cynthia M. (clariail) 1 210 30 319 29 59 30
Jamie S. (2lilmonkees) 1 185 32 276 31 63 31
Tami W. (DragonBreath) 1 210 31 269 32 63 32
TOTALS 163 26540   44515      


Name/PBS User Name Book
Angela (angelinagrl) Collision by Cassandra Carr
Angela (angelinagrl) Hot in Handcuffs by Shayla Black, Sylvia Day, Shiloh Walker
Angela (angelinagrl) Impact by Cassandra Carr
Angela (angelinagrl) Make Me Sir -  MOSL by Cerise Sinclair
Angela (angelinagrl) Slade (New Species) by Laurann Dohner
Angela (angelinagrl) Sweet Possession by Maya Banks
Anne (booklover6) Creation's Control by Marie Harte
Anne (booklover6) Dragonquest by Anne McCaffrey
Anne (booklover6) Infected by Andrea Speed
Anne (booklover6) Pleasure Unbound by Larissa Ione
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Angel Betrayed by Cynthis Eden
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Bayou's End by Lynn Lorenz
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Bear, Otter & the Kid by TJ Klune
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Daddy, Daddy & Me by Sean Michael
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) His Teddy Bear by Eve Langlais
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Rock and a hard Place by Jane Davitt
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) The Christmas Throwaway by R J Scott
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) Captivate by Carrie Jones
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) Changeling by Kelly Meding
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) Entice by Carrie Jones
Courtney (coco1019) Captive in the Dark by CJ Roberts
Courtney (coco1019) The Auction by Kitty Thomas
Courtney (coco1019) Knight (Unfinished Hero, Bk 1) by Kristen Ashley
Courtney (coco1019) Strangers  by Barbara Elsborg
Cynthia M. (clariail) Brownies and Broomsticks by Bailey Cates
Darlene (depper1) Need You Now by Beth Wiseman
Darlene (depper1) Sky's Bridal Train by Margo Hansen
Darlene (depper1) Wedding Belles by Janice Hanna
Ellen (gremlin) Almost Everything by Tate Hallaway
Ellen (gremlin) Crave by J.R. Ward
Ellen (gremlin) Elfhome by Wen Spencer
Ellen (gremlin) Home for a Spell by Madelyn Alt
Ellen (gremlin) Live and Let Drood by Simon R. Green
Ellen (gremlin) On the Prowl by Christine Warren
Ellen (gremlin) The Guardian by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Ellen (gremlin) Undead and Unstable by MaryJanice Davidson
Gina (bibliobuff) Rock Chick Redemption by Kristen Ashley
Gina (bibliobuff) Sex or Suffer by Lara Santiago
Gina (bibliobuff) Shotgun Groom by Ruth Ann Nordin
Gina (bibliobuff) The Geek Job by Eve Langlais
Heather F. (AZmom875) Cat Quilts and Crafts  by  Lavera Langeman
Heather F. (AZmom875) Elvis and the Memphis Mambo Murders - by Peggy Webb
Heather F. (AZmom875) Hot for Words by  Marina Orlova
Heather F. (AZmom875) Mr Darcy Broke My Heart by Beth Pattillo
Hollie M. (holmaus) Bear Meets Girl by Shelly Laurenston
Hollie M. (holmaus) Desperate Fantasies by Elizabeth Lapthorne
Hollie M. (holmaus) Forever and a Day by Jill Shalvis
Hollie M. (holmaus) Hell For Leather by Beth Williamson
Hollie M. (holmaus) Jaded Prey by Lorie O'Clare
Hollie M. (holmaus) One Night Rodeo by Lorelei James
Hollie M. (holmaus) Tainted Purity by Lorie O'Clare
Hollie M. (holmaus) The Surrender of Lady Jane by Marissa Day
Hollie M. (holmaus) Untamed by Kathleen Lawless
Hollie M. (holmaus) Wrangled and Tangled by Lorelei James
Jamie B. (vampobsessed)  Masters at Arms (Rescue Me, #1)  by Kallypso Masters
Jamie B. (vampobsessed)  Melt Into You (Loving On The Edge, #2)  by Roni Loren
Jamie B. (vampobsessed)  Wrong Bed, Right Guy (Come Undone, #1)  by Katee Robert
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) At Peace (The 'Burg, #2)  by Kristen Ashley
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Black Butterfly  by Sienna Mynx 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Crash Into You (Loving On The Edge, #1)  by Roni Loren 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Flat-Out Love  by Jessica Park 
Jamie S. (2lilmonkees) Perfection by R.L. Mathewson
Kirsten (kpbunny) Catch a Falling Star by Allyson James
Kirsten (kpbunny) Shadows Before the Sun by Kelly Gay
Lai M. (lai-brary) Bad Boys Inc by J.A. Saare, Tressie Lockwood, E. Jamie, Candace Donovan, etc
Lai M. (lai-brary) Biting Cold by Chloe Neill
Lai M. (lai-brary) Nevermore (Maximum Ride, Bk 8) by James Patterson
Lai M. (lai-brary) Rough Raw and Ready by Lorelei James
Les (tomboymom) Claimed by K.R. Smith
Les (tomboymom) Deadlock (Southern Arcana, Bk 3)  by Moira Rogers
Les (tomboymom) Hot Property by Lacey Diamond
Les (tomboymom) Toil and Trouble (Bk 2, Jolie Wilkins) by H.P. Mallory
Les (tomboymom) Yvwette's Haven (Scanguards Vampires, Bk 4) by Tina Folsom
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) Can't Hurry Love by Molly O'Keefe
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) Enchanting Lily by Anjali Banerjee
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) In Shining Whatever by Carolyn Brown
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) Willow Springs by Toni Blake
Mandy P. (mpyff) Blissfully Broken by Red Phoenix
Mandy P. (mpyff) Blissfully in Love by Red Phoenix
Mandy P. (mpyff) Blissfully Snowbound by Red Phoenix
Mandy P. (mpyff) Convincing Quinn by Chloe Cole
Mandy P. (mpyff) Inked by Everly Drummond
Mandy P. (mpyff) Safe With Me: The Beginning by Shaina Richmond
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) A Mutual Favor by Ann Jacobs
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Alcandian Rage by Mary Wine
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Alcandian Soul by Mary Wine
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Come Unto These Yellow Sands by Josh Lanyon
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Crux by Moira Rogers
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Deadly is the Kiss by Rhyannon Byrd
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Rush of Pleasure by Rhyannon Byrd
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Storm Lords, Bks. 1 & 2 by Marie Harte
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) The Dickens with Love by Josh Lanyon
Mary L. (MsRight) Pack of Lies by Laura Anne Gillman
Mary L. (MsRight) Requiem For a Mezzo by Carola Dunn
Mary L. (MsRight) Sanctuary Lost by Moira Rogers
Melissa H. (missyh) But My Boyfriend Is by K.A. Mitchell
Melissa H. (missyh) Chasin' Eight by Lorelei James
Melissa H. (missyh) Cracked Up to Be by Courtney Summers
Melissa H. (missyh) Echoes at Dawn by Maya Banks
Melissa H. (missyh) Not Knowing Jack by K.A. Mitchell
Melissa H. (missyh) Softly at Sunrise  by Maya Banks
Ming (wildroses) When the Cookie Crumbles (Cookie Cutter Shop, Bk 3) by Virginia Lowell
Ming (wildroses) A Witch Before Dying (Wishcraft, Bk 2) by Heather Blake
Ming (wildroses) Allergic to Death (Gourmet de-Lite, Bk 1) by Peg Cochran
Ming (wildroses) Beast Behaving Badly (Pride, Bk 5) by Shelly Laurenston
Ming (wildroses) Kept A Coveted Novel by Shawntelle Madison
Ming (wildroses) Opal Fire (Stacy Justice, Bk 1) by Barbra Annino
Ming (wildroses) Rogue Rider - Lords of Deliverance by Larissa Ione
Ming (wildroses) Sacre Bleu: A Comedy of Art by Christopher Moore
Ming (wildroses) Two Weeks' Notice (Revivalist, Bk 2) by Rachel Caine
Nicole G. (nyteacher) Armed and Magical  by Lisa Shearin
Nicole G. (nyteacher) Room by Emma Donaghue
Nicole G. (nyteacher) Twelve Sharp by Janet Evanovich
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Blood of the Rose by Anya Bast
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Embedded Formative Assessment by Dillon Wiliam
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Heart of Steel by Meljean Brook
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Infinity  by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Rapture Untamed by Pamela Palmer
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) When the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin
Renee C. (4ukcats) At His Mercy by Tawny Taylor
Renee C. (4ukcats) Chased (Chase Bros, Bk 3) by Lauren Dane
Renee C. (4ukcats) Dare to Love by Jaci Burton
Renee C. (4ukcats) Lisa's Gift by Mackenzie McKade
Renee C. (4ukcats) Melt Into You (Loving on the Edge, Bk 2) by Roni Loren
Renee C. (4ukcats) So Sensitive (Hard to Get, Bk 1) by Anne Rainey
Renee C. (4ukcats) Surrender (Bound Hearts, Bk 1) by Lora Leigh
Renee C. (4ukcats) The Future of our Past (The Remembrance Trilogy, Bk 1) by Kahlen Aymes
Renee C. (4ukcats) The Perfect Play (Play by Play, Bk 1) by Jaci Burton
Renee L. (planonae) Accidentally Dead, Again by Dakota Cassidy
Renee L. (planonae) Irresistible Forces by Brenda jackson
Renee L. (planonae) That Thing Called Love by Susan Andersen
Renee L. (planonae) Unclaimed by Courtney Milan
Shelley S. (lucybelle) Accidentally Dead, Again by Dakota Cassidy
Shelley S. (lucybelle) Rock Chick Rescue by Kristen Ashley
Shelley S. (lucybelle) Talson's Wait by Marie Harte
Susan P. (sneyers11) Arms of Love by Samantha Kane
Susan P. (sneyers11) Fragile by Shiloh Walker
Susan P. (sneyers11) Hard Mated by Jennifer Ashley
Susan P. (sneyers11) In a Witch's Wardrobe by Juliet Blackwell
Susan P. (sneyers11) Lacybourne Manor by Kristen Ashley
Susan P. (sneyers11) Love Me by Bella Andre
Susan P. (sneyers11) Rock Chick by Kristen Ashley
Susan P. (sneyers11) Rock Chick Redemption by Kristen Ashley
Susan P. (sneyers11) Rock Chick Rescue by Kristen Ashley
Susan P. (sneyers11) Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness
Tami W. (DragonBreath) Marly's Choice by Lora Leigh
Theresa C. (massreader) Love's Strategy by Samantha Kane
Theresa C. (massreader) Love's Surrender by Samantha Kane
Theresa C. (massreader) Prisoner of Love by Samantha Kane
Theresa C. (massreader) Savannah's Vision by Nicole Austin
Theresa C. (massreader) The Fireman Who Loved Me by Jennifer Bernard
Theresa C. (massreader) The Hired Hand by Melissa Schroeder
Tonya B. (sasfras72) For I Have Sinned by Darynda Jones
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Hostile Witness by Rebecca Forster
Tonya B. (sasfras72) The Morning After by Sally Clements
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Tomorrow Will be too Late by Ellen Wolf
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Infamous by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Into the Lair by Maya Banks
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Kiss of a Demon King by Kresley Cole
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Once Burned by Jeaniene Frost
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Retreat from Love by Samantha Kane
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Untouchable  by Kresley Cole


Last Edited on: 8/30/12 3:30 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Generic Profile avatar
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 7/31/2012 6:57 PM ET
Member Since: 11/11/2008
Posts: 16,558
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Week 3 Details
Player Books Read Total Pages Page Rank Total Points Points Rank TOTAL RANK STANDING
Renee L. (planonae) 14 3418 1 1935 1 2 1
Renee C. (4ukcats) 10 3396 2 1800 2 4 2
Ming (wildroses) 8 3101 3 1560 3 6 3
Susan P. (sneyers11) 11 2851 4 1550 4 8 4
Valerie (IDOLFAN) 6 2256 5 1120 7 12 5
Ellen (gremlin) 6 2130 6 1135 6 12 6
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) 7 2089 7 1325 5 12 7
Hollie M. (holmaus) 8 2038 8 1020 9 17 8
Theresa C. (massreader) 7 1606 10 1005 11 21 9
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) 11 1430 13 1010 10 23 10
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) 7 1422 15 1025 8 23 11
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) 4 1619 9 810 15 24 12
Les (tomboymom) 4 1494 11 880 14 25 13
Gina (bibliobuff) 7 1453 12 895 13 25 14
Melissa H. (missyh) 6 1429 14 900 12 26 15
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) 5 1419 16 740 16 32 16
Nicole G. (nyteacher) 3 1193 17 580 18 35 17
Anne (booklover6) 4 1040 18 720 17 35 18
Darlene (depper1) 3 960 19 570 19 38 19
Lai M. (lai-brary) 3 914 20 555 20 40 20
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) 3 627 22 350 22 44 21
Jamie S. (2lilmonkees) 2 613 23 395 21 44 22
Tonya B. (sasfras72) 2 681 21 310 24 45 23
Kirsten (kpbunny) 2 586 24 350 23 47 24
Mary L. (MsRight) 2 542 25 295 25 50 25
Courtney (coco1019) 1 338 26 150 27 53 26
Angela (angelinagrl) 2 269 28 185 26 54 27
Tami W. (DragonBreath) 1 273 27 150 28 55 28
Cynthia M. (clariail) 0 0 32 0 32 64 32
Heather F. (AZmom875) 0 0 32 0 32 64 32
Mandy P. (mpyff) 0 0 32 0 32 64 32
Shelley S. (lucybelle) 0 0 32 0 32 64 32
TOTALS 149 41187   23320      


Name/PBS User Name Book
Angela (angelinagrl) Valiant (New Species 03) by Laurann Dohner
Anne (booklover6) Bodies of Light by Lisabet Sarai
Anne (booklover6) Defiant by Pamela Clare
Anne (booklover6) I'll Be Slaying You by Cynthia Eden
Anne (booklover6) My Life as a White Trash Zombie by Diana Rowland
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) A Solid Core of Alpha by Amy Lane
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Blood and Roses by Aislinn Kerry
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Elevator Mechanic by Serena Yates
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Fantasy, Legend and the Guradian by Gabrielle Evans
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Life, Over Easy by KA Mitchell
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Nothing Ever Happens by Sue Brown
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Why I Love Geeks by TA Chase
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) Angel of Darkness by Cynthia Eden
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) Bear Meets Girl by Shelly Laurenston
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) Channeling Morpheus for Scary Mary by Jordan Castillo Price
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) Out of the Woods by Syd McGinley
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) Twice Caught by Syd McGinley
Courtney (coco1019) Hellbent (Cheshire Red Reports, #2) by Cherie Priest
Darlene (depper1) Heart of Glass by Jill Marie Landis
Darlene (depper1) The Guest Book by Marybeth Whalen
Darlene (depper1) Wildflowers from Winter by Katie Ganshert
Ellen (gremlin) Envy by J.R. Ward
Ellen (gremlin) Lenobia's Vow by P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast
Ellen (gremlin) Magic Without Mercy by Devon Monk
Ellen (gremlin) Shadow Bound by Rachel Vincent
Ellen (gremlin) Time Untime by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Ellen (gremlin) Yours, Mind, and Ours by MaryJanice Davidson
Gina (bibliobuff) A to Z by Marie Sexton
Gina (bibliobuff) Bightmares by Tymber Dalton
Gina (bibliobuff) Exclusive by Eden Bradley, Jaci Burton, Lisa Renee Jones
Gina (bibliobuff) Leaping Hearts by J.R. Ward/Jessica Bird
Gina (bibliobuff) Stephanie's Menage by Mari Byrne
Gina (bibliobuff) The Bride and the Brute by Laurel O'Donnell
Gina (bibliobuff) The Letter Z by Marie Sexton
Hollie M. (holmaus) AOEM Vol 1 by Kate Douglas, Eve Vaughn, Alice Gaines
Hollie M. (holmaus) AOEM Vol. 2 by Aubrey Ross, Willa Okati, Stephanie Burke
Hollie M. (holmaus) Dream Lake by Lisa Kleypas
Hollie M. (holmaus) Drui Claiming by Jory Strong
Hollie M. (holmaus) Fire and Rain by Lauren Dane
Hollie M. (holmaus) Sophie's Dragon by Jory Strong
Hollie M. (holmaus) Storm's Faeries by Jory Strong
Hollie M. (holmaus) Trace's Psychic by Jory Strong
Jamie B. (vampobsessed)  Justice (New Species, #4)  by Laurann Dohner
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Brawn (New Species, #5)  by Laurann Dohner
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Fury (New Species, #1)  by Laurann Dohner 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Slade (New Species, #2)  by Laurann Dohner
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Tiger (New Species, #7)  by Laurann Dohner
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Valiant (New Species, #3)  by Laurann Dohner
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Wrath (New Species, #6)  by Laurann Dohner
Jamie S. (2lilmonkees) My Soul to Save by Rachel Vincent
Jamie S. (2lilmonkees) Tall, Dark and Lonely by R. L. Mathewson
Kirsten (kpbunny) A Devil Named Desire  by Terri Garey
Kirsten (kpbunny) Hidden Talents by Emma Holly
Lai M. (lai-brary) Once and Again by Lauren Dane
Lai M. (lai-brary) One Night Rodeo by Lorelei James
Lai M. (lai-brary) You Don't Want To Know by Lisa Jackson
Les (tomboymom) A Kiss at Midnight by Eloisa James
Les (tomboymom) Bond With Me by Anne Marsh
Les (tomboymom) Death, Taxes and a French Manicure by Diane Kelley
Les (tomboymom) Tangle of Need  by Nalini Singh
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) A Witch Before Dying by Heather Blake
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) Mad About Max by Holly Fuhrmann
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) Magic for Joy by Holly Fuhrmann
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Cattle Valley Days by Carole Lynne
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Cattle Valley: Arm Candy by Carol Lynne
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Cattle Valley: Bent Not Broken by Carol Lynne
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Cattle Valley: Eye of the Beholder by Carol Lynne
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Cattle Valley: Firehouse Heat by Carol Lynne
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Cattle Valley: Making the Grade by Carol Lynne
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Cattle Valley: Recipe For Love by Carol Lynne
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Cattle Valley: Scarred by Carol Lynne
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Duty & Devotion by Tere Michaels
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Property (Psycop, Bk 1) by Jordan Castillo Price
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Psycop Partners by Jordan Castillo Price
Mary L. (MsRight) A Death In Mexico by Jonathan Woods
Mary L. (MsRight) Third Grave Dead Ahead by Darynda Jones
Melissa H. (missyh) A Match Made in High School by Kristin Walker
Melissa H. (missyh) At His Mercy by Tawny Taylor
Melissa H. (missyh) Joyride by Jack Ketchum
Melissa H. (missyh) Life Over Easy by K.A. Mitchell
Melissa H. (missyh) Seducing Cinderella by Gina L. Maxwell
Melissa H. (missyh) Sweet as Sin by Inez Kelley
Ming (wildroses) Shadows Return (Nightrunner, Vol 4) by Lynn Flewelling
Ming (wildroses) Death, Taxes, and a Skinny No-Whip Latte (Death and Taxes, Bk 2) by Diane Kelly
Ming (wildroses) Taken by Benedict Jacka
Ming (wildroses) The Emerald Storm (Ethan Gage, Bk 5) by William Dietrich
Ming (wildroses) The Spirit Eater - The Legend of Eli Monpress by Rachel Aaron
Ming (wildroses) The Spirit Rebellion - The Legend of Eli Monpress by Rachel Aaron
Ming (wildroses) The Spirit Thief (Legend of Eli Monpress 1) by Rachel Aaron
Ming (wildroses) The Spirit War - The Legend of Eli Monpress by Rachel Aaron
Nicole G. (nyteacher) Lean Mean Thirteen by Janet Evanovich
Nicole G. (nyteacher) Once Upon Stilettos by Shanna Swendson
Nicole G. (nyteacher) The Distant Hours by Kate Morton
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) By a Thread by Jennifer Estep
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Ghost Story  by Jim Butcher
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Lethal Rider by  Larissa Ione
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) The Unnatural Inquirer by Simon R. Green
Renee C. (4ukcats) Naked (Alex Kennedy, Bk 2) by Megan Hart
Renee C. (4ukcats) Tempted (Alex Kennedy, Bk 1) by Megan Hart
Renee C. (4ukcats) The Mighty Storm by Samantha Towle
Renee C. (4ukcats) Making Chase (Chase Brothers, Bk 4) by Lauren Dane
Renee C. (4ukcats) Pleasure Bound (Hard to Get, Bk 2) by Anne Rainey
Renee C. (4ukcats) Angel of Darkness (The Fallen, Bk 1) by Cynthia Eden
Renee C. (4ukcats) Deadly Captive (Deadly Captive, Bk 1) by Bianca Sommerland
Renee C. (4ukcats) Past Midnight (DeKnight, Bk 2) by Jasmine Haynes
Renee C. (4ukcats) What Happens After Dark (DeKnight, Bk 2) by Jasmine Haynes
Renee C. (4ukcats) The Principal's Office (DeKnight, Bk 3) by Jasmine Haynes
Renee L. (planonae) A Gift of Snow by Missy Maxim
Renee L. (planonae) B B Dalton by Cat Johnson
Renee L. (planonae) Calamity Jayne by Kathleen Bacus
Renee L. (planonae) Claimed by K. R. Smith
Renee L. (planonae) Dancing in the Moonlight by RaeAnne Thayne
Renee L. (planonae) Maximum Temptation by Annmarie McKenna
Renee L. (planonae) No Reservations by Megan Hart & Lauren Dane
Renee L. (planonae) Sunrise Point by Robyn Carr
Renee L. (planonae) The Darkest Lie by Gena Showalter
Renee L. (planonae) The Darkest Passion by Gena Showalter
Renee L. (planonae) The Darkest Secret by Gena Showalter
Renee L. (planonae) The Darkest Surrender by Gena Showalter
Renee L. (planonae) Wild Card by Moira Rogers
Renee L. (planonae) Wyatt:  Return of the cowboy by Cathy McDavid
Susan P. (sneyers11) Bad Girl by Night by Lacey Alexander
Susan P. (sneyers11) Criminal by Karin Slaughter
Susan P. (sneyers11) India Black and the Widow of WIndsor by Carol Carr
Susan P. (sneyers11) Kidnapping Casey by Laurann Dohner
Susan P. (sneyers11) Kitty Steals the Show by Carrie Vaughn
Susan P. (sneyers11) Marine Biology by Gail Carriger
Susan P. (sneyers11) The Lady is a Vamp by Lynsay Sands
Susan P. (sneyers11) The Law and Miss Penny by Sharon Ihle
Susan P. (sneyers11) The Mistress/Wanted: Mistress and Mother by Maya Banks/Carol Marinelli
Susan P. (sneyers11) To Bed a Montana Man by KyAnn Waters
Susan P. (sneyers11) Zola's Pride by Moira Rogers
Tami W. (DragonBreath) (Re)Cycler by Lauren McLaughlin
Theresa C. (massreader) A Dark Kiss of Rapture by Sylvia Day
Theresa C. (massreader) Bad Boys Ahoy by Sylvia Day
Theresa C. (massreader) For I Have Sinned by Darynda Jones
Theresa C. (massreader) Second Chances by Denise Belinda McDonald
Theresa C. (massreader) That Thing Called Love by Susan Andersen
Theresa C. (massreader) The Return of Patrick O'Rourke by N.J. Walters
Theresa C. (massreader) Tricked Truths by Beth Kery
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Bared To You by Sylvia Day
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Lead Me On by Victoria Dahl
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Bear Meets Girl by Shelly Laurenston
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Demon From the Dark by Kresley Cole
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Fair Game by Patricia Briggs
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Pleasure of a Dark Prince by Kresley Cole
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Retribution by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Valerie (IDOLFAN) The Guardian by Sherrilyn Kenyon


Last Edited on: 10/3/12 3:30 PM ET - Total times edited: 6
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Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 7/31/2012 6:57 PM ET
Member Since: 11/11/2008
Posts: 16,558
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Week 4 Standings & Details
Player Books Read Total Pages Page Rank Total Points Points Rank TOTAL RANK STANDING
Renee L. (planonae) 14 3071 1 1825 2 3 1
Ellen (gremlin) 16 2852 3 2085 1 4 2
Renee C. (4ukcats) 9 2938 2 1690 3 5 3
Tonya B. (sasfras72) 8 2768 4 1570 5 9 4
Ming (wildroses) 8 2554 5 1375 6 11 5
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) 12 2218 7 1665 4 11 6
Hollie M. (holmaus) 8 2334 6 1280 7 13 7
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) 9 2043 8 1150 8 16 8
Lai M. (lai-brary) 5 1447 9 925 9 18 9
Valerie (IDOLFAN) 4 1374 10 770 11 21 10
Gina (bibliobuff) 4 1354 11 765 12 23 11
Melissa H. (missyh) 5 1213 14 825 10 24 12
Mary L. (MsRight) 4 1219 13 740 13 26 13
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) 4 1315 12 650 17 29 14
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) 6 1036 17 700 15 32 15
Theresa C. (massreader) 4 1205 15 600 19 34 16
Shelley S. (lucybelle) 4 1035 18 700 16 34 17
Angela (angelinagrl) 7 872 21 705 14 35 18
Susan P. (sneyers11) 4 1176 16 585 20 36 19
Cynthia M. (clariail) 3 976 19 620 18 37 20
Darlene (depper1) 3 946 20 530 21 41 21
Jamie S. (2lilmonkees) 2 817 22 470 23 45 22
Anne (booklover6) 4 645 24 510 22 46 23
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) 3 691 23 380 24 47 24
Les (tomboymom) 2 634 25 300 26 51 25
Heather F. (AZmom875) 2 608 26 320 25 51 26
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) 2 480 27 260 27 54 27
Tami W. (DragonBreath) 1 400 28 260 28 56 28
Kirsten (kpbunny) 1 394 29 210 30 59 29
Courtney (coco1019) 1 374 30 225 29 59 30
Nicole G. (nyteacher) 1 300 31 160 31 62 31
Mandy P. (mpyff) 0 0 32 0 32 64 32
TOTALS 160 41289   24850      


Week 4 Books Read
Name/PBS User Name Book
Angela (angelinagrl) Brawn (New Species 5) by Laurann Dohner
Angela (angelinagrl) Death by Sex by Ari Thatcher 
Angela (angelinagrl) Hot Tin Roof by J Hali Steele
Angela (angelinagrl) Justice (new Species 03) by Laurann Dohner
Angela (angelinagrl) Sackmaster by Ann Jacobs
Angela (angelinagrl) Scavenger by BJ McCall
Angela (angelinagrl) With Extra Cream by J Hali Steele
Anne (booklover6) Bloodstained Oz by Christopher Golden
Anne (booklover6) Dragonsong by Anne McCaffrey
Anne (booklover6) Primal Passions by Stephani Hecht
Anne (booklover6) Seria's Star Warrior by Reese Gabriel
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Blind Space by Marie Sexton
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Claiming Her Geeks by Eve Langlais
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Last Call by DJ Manly
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Protection by SA Reid
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Squire by Jet Mykles
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) with the Band by LA Witt
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) Demoness by Morgan Hawke
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) Friday Night Bites by Chloe Neill
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) Girls Who Bite: Lesbian Vampire Erotica by Delilah Devlin, ed.
Courtney (coco1019) The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games #1) by Suzanne Collins
Cynthia M. (clariail) Beckon by Tom Pawlik
Cynthia M. (clariail) Murder for Choir by Joelle Charbonneau
Cynthia M. (clariail) The Touch by Randall Wallace
Darlene (depper1) Jade's Courtiing Danger by Margo Hansen
Darlene (depper1) Over the Edge by Mary Connealy
Darlene (depper1) Walks Alone by Sandi Rog
Ellen (gremlin) Adventurer by Kelley Armstrong
Ellen (gremlin) Bargain by Kelley Armstrong
Ellen (gremlin) Checkmate by Kelley Armstrong
Ellen (gremlin) Demonology by Kelley Armstrong
Ellen (gremlin) Escape by Kelley Armstrong
Ellen (gremlin) Fledgling by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller
Ellen (gremlin) Framed by Kelley Armstrong
Ellen (gremlin) Ghost Ship by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller
Ellen (gremlin) Recruit by Kelley Armstrong
Ellen (gremlin) Saltation by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller
Ellen (gremlin) Territorial by Kelley Armstrong
Ellen (gremlin) The Case of the Half-Demon Spy by Kelley Armstrong
Ellen (gremlin) The Darkest Seduction by Gena Showalter
Ellen (gremlin) Thirteen by Kelley Armstrong
Ellen (gremlin) Truth and Consequences by Kelley Armstrong
Ellen (gremlin) Unveiled by Courtney Milan
Gina (bibliobuff) Ask for It by Sylvia Day
Gina (bibliobuff) Naughty Nights by Charlene Teglia, Tawny Taylor, Dawn Ryder 
Gina (bibliobuff) Rock Chick Renegade by Kristen Ashley
Gina (bibliobuff) Settler's Mine: The Alphas by Mechele Armstrong
Heather F. (AZmom875) The Gabriel Method The Revolutionary DIET-FREE Way to Totally Transform Your Body by Jon Gabriel
Heather F. (AZmom875) The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom
Hollie M. (holmaus) A Bite of Magick by Rhyannon Byrd
Hollie M. (holmaus) AOEM Vol. 3 by Camille Anthony, Aubrey Ross, Eve Vaughn
Hollie M. (holmaus) Bedding The Enemy by Mary Wine
Hollie M. (holmaus) Enemy Overnight by Robin L. Rotham
Hollie M. (holmaus) Hotter Than Wildfire by Lisa Marie Rice
Hollie M. (holmaus) In Bed With A Stranger by Mary Wine
Hollie M. (holmaus) In The Warrior's Bed by Mary Wine
Hollie M. (holmaus) Into The Crossfire by Lisa Marie Rice
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) At His Command: The Billionaire's Beck and Call, Part 3 by Delilah Fawkes
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) At His Mercy: The Billionaire's Beck and Call, Part 2 by Delilah Fawkes
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) At His Service: The Billionaire's Beck and Call by Delilah Fawkes
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Blood Destiny (Blood Curse, #1)  by Tessa Dawn
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Burning up Flint (Cyborg Seduction #1)  by Laurann Dohner
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) His Purrfect Mate (Mating Heat, #2)  by Laurann Dohner
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) In Rides Trouble (Black Knights, Inc., #2)  by Julie Ann Walker
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Kissing Steel (Cyborg Seduction #2) by Laurann Dohner
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Mate Set (Mating Heat, #1)  by Laurann Dohner
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Melting Iron (Cyborg Seduction, #3)  by Laurann Dohner
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Obsidian (New Species, #8)  by Laurann Dohner
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) On Dublin Street  by Samantha Young
Jamie S. (2lilmonkees) Tall, Dark & Heartless by R.L. Mathewson
Jamie S. (2lilmonkees) Without Regret by R.L. Mathewson
Kirsten (kpbunny) Wild Thing (anthology) by Shayne, Liu, Day, Brook
Lai M. (lai-brary) Backfire by Catherine Coulter
Lai M. (lai-brary) Jabril by D. B. Reynolds
Lai M. (lai-brary) Let Me Be The One by Bella Andre
Lai M. (lai-brary) Playing To Win by Jaci Burton
Lai M. (lai-brary) Raphael by D. B. Reynolds
Les (tomboymom) A Seal in Wolf's Clothing by Terry Spear
Les (tomboymom) Nightfire by Lisa Marie Rice
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) Northern Fires by Jennifer LaBrecque
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) Texas Blue by Celia Yeary
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) A Bit of Rough by Laura Baumbach
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Duty & Devotion by Tere Michaels
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Leaping Hearts by J.R. Ward
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Love & Loyalty by Tere Michaels
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Lovers, Dreamers, and Me by Willa Okati
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Miss Firecracker by Lorelei James
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Mistress Christmas by Lorelei James
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Party of Three (H.O.T. Cops, Bk 2) by Lacey Alexander
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Texas Surrender by Claire Thompson
Mary L. (MsRight) Dragon Blues by Edie Ramer
Mary L. (MsRight) Game For Love by Bella Andre
Mary L. (MsRight) Heart Mate by Robin Owens
Mary L. (MsRight) Turn Coat by Jim Butcher
Melissa H. (missyh) Frog by Mary Calmes
Melissa H. (missyh) Honor and Obey by Teresa Mummert
Melissa H. (missyh) Lengths by Liz Reinhardt and Steph Campbell
Melissa H. (missyh) The Pact by Jodi Picoult
Melissa H. (missyh) Who We Are by TJ Klune
Ming (wildroses) Bruja Brouhaha - Mind for Murder, Bk 2 by Rochelle Staab
Ming (wildroses) Going Organic Can Kill You - Blossom Valley, Bk 1 by Staci McLaughlin
Ming (wildroses) In the House of the Wicked: A Remy Chandler Novel by Thomas E. Sniegoski
Ming (wildroses) Libriomancer - Magic Ex Libris, Bk 1 by Jim C. Hines
Ming (wildroses) Popped Off (Stay At Home Dad, Bk 2) by Jeffrey Allen
Ming (wildroses) Precinct 13 by Tate Hallaway
Ming (wildroses) Some Like It Hawk (Meg Langslow, Bk 14) by  Donna Andrews
Ming (wildroses) Wuthering Frights The Dulcie O'Neil Series - Volume 4 by HP Mallory
Nicole G. (nyteacher) Lord John and the Private Matter by Diana Gabaldon
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Animal Lust by Lacy Danes
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Shadow Walker by Allyson James
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) The Dragon Who Loved Me by G A Aiken
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Wicked Pleasure by Lora Leigh
Renee C. (4ukcats) Because of Low (Sea Breeze, Bk 2) by Abbi Glines
Renee C. (4ukcats) My Liege of Dark Haven (Mountain Masters, Bk 3)
Renee C. (4ukcats) Sweet Persuasion (Sweet, Bk 2) by Maya Banks
Renee C. (4ukcats) Sweet Possession (Sweet, Bk 5) by Maya Banks
Renee C. (4ukcats) Sweet Seduction (Sweet, Bk 3) by Maya Banks
Renee C. (4ukcats) Sweet Surrender (Sweet, Bk 1) by Maya Banks
Renee C. (4ukcats) Sweet Temptation (Sweet, Bk 4) by Maya Banks
Renee C. (4ukcats) Switch by Megan Hart
Renee C. (4ukcats) While It Lasts (Sea Breeze, Bk 3) by Abbi Glines
Renee L. (planonae) Always by Carol Rose
Renee L. (planonae) Baby Bonanza by Maureen Child
Renee L. (planonae) Bonded by Nicky Charles
Renee L. (planonae) Crux by Moira Rogers
Renee L. (planonae) Holiday Bound by Beth Kery
Renee L. (planonae) How to Drive a Dragon Crazy by G. A. Aiken
Renee L. (planonae) Proof by Seduction by Courtney Milan
Renee L. (planonae) Quade's Babies by Brenda Jackson
Renee L. (planonae) The Donor by Lizzie Lynn Lee
Renee L. (planonae) The Tycoon's Secret Affair by Maya Banks
Renee L. (planonae) Trial by Desire by Courtney Milan
Renee L. (planonae) Undeniable by Gayle Eden
Renee L. (planonae) When We Touch by Brenda Novak
Renee L. (planonae) Zola'a Pride by Moira Rogers
Shelley S. (lucybelle) Kissin' Tell: Rough Riders, Book 13 by Lorelei James
Shelley S. (lucybelle) Portrait of Seduction by Carrie Lofty
Shelley S. (lucybelle) Skin Deep (I-Team After Hours) by Pamela Clare
Shelley S. (lucybelle) Song of Seduction by Carrie Lofty
Susan P. (sneyers11) Croc and the Fox by Eve Langlais
Susan P. (sneyers11) Esprit de Corps by Anthology
Susan P. (sneyers11) Lessons in Loving a Laird by Michelle Marcos
Susan P. (sneyers11) The Highlander's Prize by Mary Wine
Tami W. (DragonBreath) Dark Lover by J.R. Ward
Theresa C. (massreader) All Summer Long by Susan Mallery
Theresa C. (massreader) Close Enough to Touch by Victoria Dahl
Theresa C. (massreader) Reckless Night and Hot Secrets by Lisa Marie Rice
Theresa C. (massreader) Simply Voracious by Kate Pearce
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Coming Undone by Lauren Dane
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Honor Student by Teresa Mummert
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Honor Thy Teacher by Teresa Mummert
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Saving You, Saving Me by Kailin Gow
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Smooth Talking Stranger by Lorraine Heath
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Sugar Daddy by Lisa Kleypas
Tonya B. (sasfras72) The Marriage Bargain by Jennifer Probst
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Whitney, My Love by Judith McNaught
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Camp Hell  by Jordan Castillo Price
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Crave by J.R, Ward
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Forgotten Song by Ally Blue
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Time Untime by Sherrilyn Kenyon


Last Edited on: 9/14/12 2:47 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Generic Profile avatar
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 7/31/2012 6:57 PM ET
Member Since: 11/11/2008
Posts: 16,558
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Week 5 Standings
Player Books Read Total Pages Page Rank Total Points Points Rank TOTAL RANK STANDING
Ming (wildroses) 13 3609 1 2050 1 2 1
Ellen (gremlin) 8 2726 2 1705 2 4 2
Renee C. (4ukcats) 8 2456 3 1480 3 6 3
Susan P. (sneyers11) 7 1967 4 1045 4 8 4
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) 4 1796 5 940 5 10 5
Theresa C. (massreader) 5 1466 6 850 6 12 6
Hollie M. (holmaus) 5 1367 7 790 9 16 7
Anne (booklover6) 4 1312 9 810 7 16 8
Lai M. (lai-brary) 3 1220 11 805 8 19 9
Valerie (IDOLFAN) 4 1259 10 755 11 21 10
Melissa H. (missyh) 4 1173 12 765 10 22 11
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) 5 1360 8 650 15 23 12
Mary L. (MsRight) 4 1164 13 740 12 25 13
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) 3 1152 14 700 13 27 14
Tonya B. (sasfras72) 3 1030 15 595 16 31 15
Angela (angelinagrl) 5 872 18 685 14 32 16
Shelley S. (lucybelle) 3 884 17 520 18 35 17
Heather F. (AZmom875) 2 983 16 470 22 38 18
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) 3 853 19 500 19 38 19
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) 3 838 20 480 21 41 20
Renee L. (planonae) 4 818 21 500 20 41 21
Darlene (depper1) 3 742 24 530 17 41 22
Jamie S. (2lilmonkees) 2 756 22 470 23 45 23
Kirsten (kpbunny) 2 752 23 420 24 47 24
Gina (bibliobuff) 2 677 25 370 25 50 25
Nicole G. (nyteacher) 2 430 26 220 27 53 26
Courtney (coco1019) 1 391 27 225 26 53 27
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) 1 274 28 185 30 58 28
Tami W. (DragonBreath) 1 213 29 210 29 58 29
Mandy P. (mpyff) 2 204 31 220 28 59 30
Cynthia M. (clariail) 1 208 30 125 31 61 31
Les (tomboymom) 0 0 32 0 32 64 32
TOTALS 117 34952   20810      
Name/PBS User Name Book
Angela (angelinagrl) Intergalactic Bad Boys (Intergalactic Mayhem, #1)  by Jaide Fox 
Angela (angelinagrl) Intergalactic Pain in the Ass (Intergalactic Mayhem, #2)  by Jaide Fox 
Angela (angelinagrl) His Wicked Ways  by Jaide Fox 
Angela (angelinagrl) Winter Thaw  by Jaide Fox 
Angela (angelinagrl) Obsidian by Laurann Dohner
Anne (booklover6) When Beauty Tamed the Beast by Eloisa James
Anne (booklover6) Brent: The Heart Reader by Wynn Wagner
Anne (booklover6) Surviving September 11th by Dan Holdridge
Anne (booklover6) Blood Red Road by Moira Young
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Big Cypress Crossroads by Bren Christopher
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) Black Magic Woman by Justin Gustanis
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) Enclave by Ann Aguirre
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) Glitch by Heather Anastasiu
Courtney (coco1019) Catching Fire (The Hunger Games, #2) by Suzanne Collins
Cynthia M. (clariail) Dead Pan by Gayle Trent
Darlene (depper1) Mistaken by Laurel Joseph
Darlene (depper1) Reckless Heart by Amy Clipson
Darlene (depper1) Emma's Marriage Secret by Margo Hansen
Ellen (gremlin) Cat's Cradle by Bianca D'Arc
Ellen (gremlin) Black Dawn by Rachel Caine
Ellen (gremlin) Unclaimed by Courtney Milan
Ellen (gremlin) Home from the Sea by Mercedes Lackey
Ellen (gremlin) Tangle of Need by Nalini Singh
Ellen (gremlin) Bad Boyfriend by K.A. Mitchell
Ellen (gremlin) Doubletake by Rob Thurman
Ellen (gremlin) Dragon Ship by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller
Gina (bibliobuff) Fever-Hot Dreams by Jaci Burton, Sherri L. King, Samantha Winston
Gina (bibliobuff) A Great Kisser by Donna Kauffman
Heather F. (AZmom875) The Winter Sea  by  Susanna Kearsley
Heather F. (AZmom875) Bad day for  Scandal Large print  by Sophie Littlefield
Hollie M. (holmaus) Catch A Falling Star by Allyson James
Hollie M. (holmaus) Shadowed Legacy by Lora Leigh
Hollie M. (holmaus) Feral Attraction by Marie Hart and Paige McKellan
Hollie M. (holmaus) Ellora's Cavemen:  Tales from the Temple III by Various
Hollie M. (holmaus) Nightfire by Lisa Marie Rice
Jamie B. (vampobsessed)  Golden Trail (The 'Burg, #3)  by Kristen Ashley
Jamie B. (vampobsessed)  More than Meets the Ink  by Elle Aycart
Jamie B. (vampobsessed)  Games of the Heart (The 'Burg, #4)  by Kristen Ashley
Jamie B. (vampobsessed)  Creed (Unfinished Hero, #2)  by Kristen Ashley
Jamie S. (2lilmonkees) City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare
Jamie S. (2lilmonkees) Altered Heart by Katie Steele
Kirsten (kpbunny) Touch the Dark by Karen Chance
Kirsten (kpbunny) Immortal Rider by Larissa Ione
Lai M. (lai-brary) Sweet Talk by Julie Garwood
Lai M. (lai-brary) Forever And A Day by Jill Shalvis
Lai M. (lai-brary) Fifty Shades of Grey by E. L. James
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) Northern Renegade by Jennifer LaBrecque
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) The Cowboy and the Princess by Lori Wilde
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) Pitch Perfect by LuAnn McLane
Mandy P. (mpyff) Midnight Playground by Eliza Gayle
Mandy P. (mpyff) Rough Cut by Mari Carr
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) 72 Hours by Clare London
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Raw Desire by Kate Pearce
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Notturno by Z.A. Maxfield
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Caught Running by Madeleine Urban/Abigail Roux
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Crossing Borders by Z.A. Maxfield
Mary L. (MsRight) Murder on the Flying Scotsman by Carola Dunn
Mary L. (MsRight) Urn Burial by Kerry Greenwood
Mary L. (MsRight) Hidden Talents by Bianca D'Arc
Mary L. (MsRight) Lady of Light and Shadows by C.L. Wilson
Melissa H. (missyh) Bound and Determined by Alexa Snow and Jane Davitt
Melissa H. (missyh) Gio (5th  street series) by Elizabeth Reyes
Melissa H. (missyh) Hot Ticket by K.A. Mitchell
Melissa H. (missyh) A Crack in Forever by Jeannie Brewer
Ming (wildroses) Ghost of a Dream (A Ghost Finders Novel by Simon R. Green
Ming (wildroses) A Tale of Two Vampires - Dark Ones, Bk 10 by Katie MacAlister
Ming (wildroses) Widow's Web - Elemental Assassin, Bk 7 by Jennifer Estep
Ming (wildroses) No Quest For The Wicked (Enchanted, Inc. #6) by  Shanna Swendson 
Ming (wildroses) Murder Unmentionable  by Meg London
Ming (wildroses) Death of a Neighborhood Witch (Jaine Austen, Bk 11) by Laura Levine
Ming (wildroses) Blood Kin (Half-Light City, Bk 2) by  M. J. Scott
Ming (wildroses) The Seduction of Phaeton Black (Paranormal Investigator, Bk 1) by Jillian Stone
Ming (wildroses) The Moonstone and Miss Jones (Phaeton Black, Paranormal Investigator) by The Moonstone and Miss Jones (Phaeton Black, Paranormal Investigator)
Ming (wildroses) A Cat Was Involved: by Spencer Quinn  
Ming (wildroses) Powdered Peril (Donut Shop Mystery, Bk 8)  by Jessica Beck
Ming (wildroses) Supernatural Born Killers (Pepper Martin, Bk 9) by Casey Daniels
Ming (wildroses) Red Hot Deadly Peppers by Paige Shelton 
Nicole G. (nyteacher) Austenland by Shannon Hale
Nicole G. (nyteacher) Mermaid by Carolyn Turgeon
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Unseen by Rachel Caine 
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Blood Challenge by Eileen Wilks
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Mercy Burns by Keri Arthur
Renee C. (4ukcats) Sweet Addiction (Sweet, Bk 6) by Maya Banks
Renee C. (4ukcats) Naked Games (Hard to Get, Bk 3) by Anne Rainey
Renee C. (4ukcats) Changing the Game (Play by Play, Bk 2) by Jaci Burton
Renee C. (4ukcats) No One But Madison by Doreen Orsini
Renee C. (4ukcats) Taking A Shot (Play by Play, Bk 3) by Jaci Burton
Renee C. (4ukcats) For the Love of Jazz by Shiloh Walker
Renee C. (4ukcats) Playing to Win (Play by Play, Bk 4) by Jaci Burton
Renee C. (4ukcats) Love Unrehearsed (Love, Bk 2) by Tina Reber
Renee L. (planonae) Bad Boys in Kilts by Donna Kauffman
Renee L. (planonae) Hired by the Cowboy by Donna Alward
Renee L. (planonae) Needing Nita by Norah Wilson
Renee L. (planonae) The Perfect Gift by Mark Stewart
Shelley S. (lucybelle) Breaking Point - I-Team, Bk 5 by Pamela Clare
Shelley S. (lucybelle) Don't Forget Me - Konigsburg, Texas by Meg Benjamin
Shelley S. (lucybelle) Texas Surrender by Claire Thompson
Susan P. (sneyers11) Wolf by Madelaine Montague
Susan P. (sneyers11) One Night Rodeo by Lorelei James
Susan P. (sneyers11) Nobody's Angel by Kallypso Masters
Susan P. (sneyers11) With a Twist by Deirdre Martin
Susan P. (sneyers11) Stygian's Honor by Lora Leigh
Susan P. (sneyers11) Howl for It by Shelly Laurenston & Cynthia Eden
Susan P. (sneyers11) The Geek Job by Eve Langlais
Tami W. (DragonBreath) Dance of the Seven Veils by Cris Anson
Theresa C. (massreader) Playing to Win by Jaci Burton
Theresa C. (massreader) Prisoner of Desire by Mary Wine
Theresa C. (massreader) Dream Lake by Lisa Kleypas
Theresa C. (massreader) Cajun Hot by Nikita Black
Theresa C. (massreader) Sweet Restraint by Beth Kery
Tonya B. (sasfras72) To Seduce a Sinner by Elizabeth Hoyt
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Like No Other Lover by Julie Anne Long
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Captive in the Dark (Dark duet) by CJ Roberts
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Bound to Shadows by Keri Arthur
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Moon Sworn by Keri Arthur
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Laid Bare by Lauren Dane
Valerie (IDOLFAN) A Few Good Men by Cat Johnson


Last Edited on: 10/2/12 2:44 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 7/31/2012 6:57 PM ET
Member Since: 11/11/2008
Posts: 16,558
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Week 6 Details
Player Books Read Total Pages Page Rank Total Points Points Rank TOTAL RANK STANDING
Renee C. (4ukcats) 10 3367 1 1925 1 2 1
Ming (wildroses) 9 2997 2 1725 2 4 2
Hollie M. (holmaus) 10 2643 3 1290 4 7 3
Ellen (gremlin) 9 2227 4 1440 3 7 4
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) 6 1867 5 1075 5 10 5
Susan P. (sneyers11) 5 1865 6 1045 6 12 6
Theresa C. (massreader) 5 1674 7 850 11 18 7
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) 7 1318 10 955 8 18 8
Mary L. (MsRight) 5 1287 11 965 7 18 9
Valerie (IDOLFAN) 4 1651 8 845 12 20 10
Lai M. (lai-brary) 4 1472 9 840 13 22 11
Anne (booklover6) 5 1106 15 855 10 25 12
Darlene (depper1) 4 1225 12 640 16 28 13
Tonya B. (sasfras72) 5 1148 14 840 14 28 14
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) 10 808 21 890 9 30 15
Gina (bibliobuff) 2 1156 13 570 18 31 16
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) 4 938 20 715 15 35 17
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) 3 1038 16 500 20 36 18
Renee L. (planonae) 3 1022 17 550 19 36 19
Melissa H. (missyh) 4 977 19 640 17 36 20
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) 3 1009 18 500 21 39 21
Shelley S. (lucybelle) 2 704 22 395 24 46 22
Courtney (coco1019) 2 638 23 450 23 46 23
Mandy P. (mpyff) 2 635 24 495 22 46 24
Angela (angelinagrl) 2 437 25 310 25 50 25
Nicole G. (nyteacher) 1 369 26 210 26 52 26
Kirsten (kpbunny) 1 336 27 160 27 54 27
Cynthia M. (clariail) 1 289 28 150 29 57 28
Jamie S. (2lilmonkees) 1 264 29 160 28 57 29
Heather F. (AZmom875) 1 198 30 135 30 60 30
Les (tomboymom) 0 0 32 0 32 64 32
Tami W. (DragonBreath) 0 0 32 0 32 64 32
TOTALS 130 36665   22120      


Week 6 Books Read

Name/PBS User Name Book
Angela (angelinagrl) If You Touched My Heart  by Isabel Allende
Angela (angelinagrl) To Command and Collar by Cherise Sinclair
Anne (booklover6) A Feral Christmas by Stephani Hecht
Anne (booklover6) Enforcer by Lauren Dane
Anne (booklover6) No Peace for the Damned by Megan Powell
Anne (booklover6) The Baddest Virgin in Texas by Maggie Shayne
Anne (booklover6) The Claiming of Moira Shine by E. A. Everaux
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Chase in Shadow by Amy Lane
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Croc and the fox by Eve Langlais
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Ghost of a Chance by TA Chase
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Love Ahead by Abigail Roux
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Running with the Pack by Beverly Rae
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Talker's Graduation by Amy Lane
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Talker's Redemption by Amy Lane
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) Master and Student (The Billionaires Way #2) by C. T. Sloan
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) Once Burned by Jeaniene Frost
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) Posses Me by R. G. Alexander
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) Vampire Dreams by Cheyenne McCray, Annie Windsor
Courtney (coco1019) Mockingjay (The Hunger Games, #3) by Suzanne Collins
Courtney (coco1019) Raphael (Vampires in America, #1) by D.B. Reynolds
Cynthia M. (clariail) Kiss of Night by Debbie Viguie
Darlene (depper1) A Man's Heart by Lori Copeland
Darlene (depper1) Love Finds You In Lancaster County Pennsylvania by Annalisa Daughety
Darlene (depper1) Reckless Heart by Amy Clipston
Darlene (depper1) The Keeper by Suzanne Woods Fisher
Ellen (gremlin) A Mere Formality by Ilona Andrews
Ellen (gremlin) Balance of Trade by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller
Ellen (gremlin) Biting Cold by Chloe Neill
Ellen (gremlin) How to Drive a Dragon Crazy by G.A. Aiken
Ellen (gremlin) Once Burned by Jeaniene Frost
Ellen (gremlin) Sanctuary Unbound by Moira Rogers
Ellen (gremlin) Sanctuary's Price by Moira Rogers
Ellen (gremlin) Sweeter Than Wine by Bianca D'Arc
Ellen (gremlin) The Governess Affair by Courtney Milan
Gina (bibliobuff) Rock Chick Reckoning by Kristen Ashley
Gina (bibliobuff) Rock Chick Revenge by Kristen Ashley
Heather F. (AZmom875) The Famous DAR Murder Mystery (Borderville, Bk 1)  by Graham Landrum
Hollie M. (holmaus) Along for the Ride by Michelle M. Pillow
Hollie M. (holmaus) Anchor and Storm by Kate Poole
Hollie M. (holmaus) Berrr's Vow:  Zorn Warriors by Laurann Dohner
Hollie M. (holmaus) Call of the Lycan by Michelle M. Pillow
Hollie M. (holmaus) Dark Elves:  Awakening by Jet Mykles
Hollie M. (holmaus) Dark Elves:  Discovery by Jet Mykles
Hollie M. (holmaus) Melt Into You by Roni Loren
Hollie M. (holmaus) Shifter by Angela Knight, Lora Leigh, Alyssa Day, Virginia Kantra
Hollie M. (holmaus) Tempting Rever:  Zorn Warriors by Laurann Dohner
Hollie M. (holmaus) What Happens After Dark by Jasmine Haynes
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Because I Am Yours (Because You Are Mine #8)  by Beth Kery
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Because I Could Not Resist (Because You Are Mine, #2)  by Beth Kery
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Because I Need To (Because You Are Mine #7) by Beth Kery
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Because I Said So (Because You Are Mine, #5)  by Beth Kery
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Because You Haunt Me (Because You Are Mine, #3)  by Beth Kery
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Because You Must Learn (Because You Are Mine, #4)  by Beth Kery
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Because You Tempt Me (Because You Are Mine, #1)  by Beth Kery
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Because You Torment Me (Because You Are Mine, #6)  by Beth Kery
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Bluegrass Undercover (Bluegrass Brothers, #1)  by Kathleen Brooks 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Tempt Me (One Night with Sole Regret, #2)  by Olivia Cunning 
Jamie S. (2lilmonkees) Hidden by Sophie Jordan
Kirsten (kpbunny) Blood Law by Karin Tabke
Lai M. (lai-brary) Last To Die by Tess Gerritsen
Lai M. (lai-brary) The Last Victim by Karen Robards
Lai M. (lai-brary) The Rise of Nine by Pittacus Lore
Lai M. (lai-brary) Zoo by James Patterson
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) Bared to You by Sylvia Day
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) Dog Days by Elsa Watson
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) The Guest Book by Marybeth Whalen
Mandy P. (mpyff) Dante's Girl by Courtney Cole
Mandy P. (mpyff) Wicked Nights by Gena Showalter
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Camwolf by J.L. Merrow
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Insatiable by Opal Carew
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Mystery Man by Kristen Ashley
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Never Cry Wolf by Cynthia Eden
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Somg of Oestend by Marie Sexton
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Taste by Mickie B. Ashling
Mary L. (MsRight) A Deadly Whisper by Stacey Kennedy
Mary L. (MsRight) Candy Store by Bella Andre
Mary L. (MsRight) Compromised Hearts by Hannah Howell
Mary L. (MsRight) His Darkest Hunger by Juliana Stone
Mary L. (MsRight) Smokin' Seventeen by Janet Evanovich
Melissa H. (missyh) On the Island by Tracey Garvis Graves
Melissa H. (missyh) Rough Cut by Mari Carr
Melissa H. (missyh) Take This Regret by A.L. Jackson
Melissa H. (missyh) Thoroughbreds and Trailer Trash by Beverly Pettersen
Ming (wildroses) Angel's Ink: The Asylum Tales by Jocelynn Drake
Ming (wildroses) How to Drive a Dragon Crazy - Dragon Kin, Bk 6 by G. A. Aiken
Ming (wildroses) ndia Black and the Widow of Windsor - Madam of Espionage, Bk 2 by Carol K. Carr
Ming (wildroses) The Asylum Interviews: Trixie  by Jocelynn Drake  
Ming (wildroses) The Night Beat, From the Necropolis Enforcement Files (Volume 1) by Gini Koch
Ming (wildroses) The Shape of Water (Inspector Montalbano, Bk 1) by Andrea Camilleri
Ming (wildroses) Two Ravens and One Crow by Kevin Hearne 
Ming (wildroses) Vicious Circle (Felix Castor, Bk 2) by Mike Carey
Ming (wildroses) Wild About You by Kerrelyn Sparks
Nicole G. (nyteacher) Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Bloodlines by richelle Mead
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Call of the Lycan  by Michelle Pillow
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Intertwined by Gena  Showalter
Renee C. (4ukcats) A fine Specimen by Lisa Marie Rice
Renee C. (4ukcats) Captive in the Dark (Dark Duet, Bk 1) by C. J. Roberts
Renee C. (4ukcats) Cowboy Fever by Delilah Devlin
Renee C. (4ukcats) Creed (Unfinished Hero, Bk 2) by Kristen Ashley
Renee C. (4ukcats) Down in Texas by Delilah Devlin
Renee C. (4ukcats) Honor Student (Honor, Bk 1) by Teresa Mummert
Renee C. (4ukcats) Honor Thy Teacher (Honor, Bk 2) by Teresa Mummert
Renee C. (4ukcats) Running Wild (Wild, Bks #1-3) by Sarah McCarty
Renee C. (4ukcats) Seduced in the Dark (Dark Duet, Bk 2) by C. J. Roberts
Renee C. (4ukcats) Wild Instinct (Wild, Bks 4-6) by Sarah McCarty
Renee L. (planonae) Chances Are by Shelli Stevens
Renee L. (planonae) Pride & Passion by Charlotte Featherstone
Renee L. (planonae) Seduction & Scandal by Charlotte Featherstone
Shelley S. (lucybelle) Still Life with Murder - Gilded Age, Bk 1 by P.B. Ryan
Shelley S. (lucybelle) Thief of Shadows - Maiden Lane, Bk 4 by Elizabeth Hoyt
Susan P. (sneyers11) For You by Kristen Ashley
Susan P. (sneyers11) Hunters: The Beginning by Shiloh Walker
Susan P. (sneyers11) Nobody's Hero by Kallypso Masters
Susan P. (sneyers11) Rock Chick Renegade by Kristen Ashley
Susan P. (sneyers11) Tempting Rever by Laurann Dohner
Theresa C. (massreader) A Desperate Longing by Brenda Williamson
Theresa C. (massreader) Delusion in Death by J.D. Robb
Theresa C. (massreader) Double Dare by Jeanne St. James
Theresa C. (massreader) Forever and a Day by Jill Shalvis
Theresa C. (massreader) The Great Escape by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Beautiful Mess by Lucy V Morgan
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Kidnapped The Wrong Sister by Marie Kelly
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Marly's Choice by Lora Leigh
Tonya B. (sasfras72) She Tempts the Duke by Lorraine Heath
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Sleeping in the Middle by Kari Lee Harmon
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Delusion in Death by J.D. Robb
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Dreams of A Dark Warrior by Kresley Cole
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Kitty Steals the Show by Carrrie Vaughn
Valerie (IDOLFAN) What Doesn't Kill You by Iris Johansen


Last Edited on: 10/3/12 2:06 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 7/31/2012 6:57 PM ET
Member Since: 11/11/2008
Posts: 16,558
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Week 7 Details
Player Books Read Total Pages Page Rank Total Points Points Rank TOTAL RANK STANDING
Ming (wildroses) 12 4164 1 2400 1 2 1
Ellen (gremlin) 12 3682 2 2120 3 5 2
Renee C. (4ukcats) 10 2993 3 2150 2 5 3
Lai M. (lai-brary) 7 2577 5 1425 4 9 4
Hollie M. (holmaus) 10 2638 4 1360 6 10 5
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) 7 2264 6 1395 5 11 6
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) 8 2103 7 1100 8 15 7
Melissa H. (missyh) 7 1910 9 1220 7 16 8
Renee L. (planonae) 8 2081 8 1100 9 17 9
Valerie (IDOLFAN) 5 1893 10 995 10 20 10
Gina (bibliobuff) 4 1511 13 990 11 24 11
Darlene (depper1) 5 1580 12 800 15 27 12
Tonya B. (sasfras72) 4 1403 14 905 13 27 13
Susan P. (sneyers11) 6 1847 11 670 17 28 14
Anne (booklover6) 6 1197 16 930 12 28 15
Mary L. (MsRight) 4 1389 15 810 14 29 16
Theresa C. (massreader) 3 1120 18 675 16 34 17
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) 5 1154 17 650 18 35 18
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) 3 1060 19 550 21 40 19
Shelley S. (lucybelle) 4 859 21 575 19 40 20
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) 3 974 20 500 22 42 21
Angela (angelinagrl) 4 836 22 555 20 42 22
Nicole G. (nyteacher) 2 676 23 420 23 46 23
Tami W. (DragonBreath) 2 628 24 320 25 49 24
Courtney (coco1019) 2 589 25 350 24 49 25
Heather F. (AZmom875) 1 464 26 310 26 52 26
Jamie S. (2lilmonkees) 1 374 27 210 27 54 27
Mandy P. (mpyff) 1 222 28 135 28 56 28
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) 0 0 32 0 32 64 32
Cynthia M. (clariail) 0 0 32 0 32 64 32
Kirsten (kpbunny) 0 0 32 0 32 64 32
Les (tomboymom) 0 0 32 0 32 64 32
TOTALS 146 44188   25620      


Week 7 Books Read
Name/PBS User Name Book
Ming (wildroses) A Brew to a Kill (Coffeehouse, Bk 11) by Cleo Coyle
Ellen (gremlin) A Demon and His Witch by Eve Langlais
Ming (wildroses) A Spoonful of Murder (Soup Lover's, Bk 1) by Connie Archer
Darlene (depper1) A Suitor for Jenny by Margaret Brownley
Darlene (depper1) A Vision of Lucy by Margaret Brownley
Melissa H. (missyh) Abduction by Varian Krylov
Susan P. (sneyers11) All that falls by Kimberly Frost
Hollie M. (holmaus) Alpha Romeos by Rhyannon Byrd and Madison Hayes
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Alterant by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Always Been Mine (The Moreno Brothers, #2)  by Elizabeth Reyes
Ming (wildroses) Archangel's Storm (Guild Hunter, Bk 5) by Nalini Singh
Ellen (gremlin) Archangel's Storm by Nalini Singh
Anne (booklover6) Arena Station by Viola Grace
Renee C. (4ukcats) Ashes of Honor (October Daye, Bk 6) by Seanan McGuire
Renee L. (planonae) At His majesty's Convenience by Jennifer Lewis
Melissa H. (missyh) Backwoods by Cara McKenna
Lai M. (lai-brary) Barefoot In The Sand by Roxanne St. Claire
Ellen (gremlin) Basilisk by Rob Thurman
Susan P. (sneyers11) Berrr's Vow by Laurann Dohner
Courtney (coco1019) Biting Cold (Chicagoland Vampires, #6) by Chloe Neill
Ming (wildroses) Biting Cold (Chicagoland Vampires, Bk 6) by Chloe Neill
Anne (booklover6) Blood Destiny by Tessa Dawn
Gina (bibliobuff) Breaking Free by Cherise Sinclair
Anne (booklover6) C791 (Cyborgs: More Than Machines) by Eve Langlais
Melissa H. (missyh) Captive in the Dark by CJ Roberts
Anne (booklover6) Carnal Intentions by Stephani Hecht
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) Carolina Home by Virginia Kantra
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Chanku Wild by Kate Douglas
Susan P. (sneyers11) Chaos Burning by Lauren Dane
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Clear Water by Amy Lane
Melissa H. (missyh) Clown Friday by Edward Parker
Ellen (gremlin) Conspiracies by Mercedes Lackey
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Corralled by Lorelei James
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Croc and the Fox by Eve Langlais
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Cyborg by kaitlyn o'connor
Ming (wildroses) Dead Case in Deadwood [Deadwood, Bk 3] by Ann Charles
Theresa C. (massreader) Deadly Fear by Cynthia Eden
Hollie M. (holmaus) Death, the Vamp and His Brother by Lexxie Couper
Melissa H. (missyh) Desperate Thoughts by Ian Dalton
Angela (angelinagrl) Dragon's Mistress by Joanna Wylde
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Drink Deep (Chicagoland Vampires, #5)  by Chloe Neill
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) Duncan (Vampires in America #5) by D. B. Reynolds
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Envy by J.R, Ward
Renee C. (4ukcats) Eternal Beast (Mark of the Vampire, Bk 4) by Laura Wright
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Eternal Beast by Laura Wright
Gina (bibliobuff) Fair Game by Patricia Briggs
Renee C. (4ukcats) Falling Stars by Sadie Grubor
Nicole G. (nyteacher) Fearless Fourteen by Janet Evanovich
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) Fire Season by Lex Valentine
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) Fool for Love by Beth Ciotta
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Forever Mine (The Moreno Brothers, #1)  by Elizabeth Reyes 
Ming (wildroses) Foul Play at the Fair - Celebration Bay Mystery by Shelley Freydont
Renee C. (4ukcats) Game for Anything (Bad Boys of Football, Bk 1) by Bella Andre
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Generational Sins (Generational Sins, #1)  by Samantha Blair 
Renee C. (4ukcats) Generational Sins (Generational Sins, Bk 1) by Samantha Blair
Renee L. (planonae) Go Fetch by Shelly Laurenston
Mary L. (MsRight) Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Hard Bitten (Chicagoland Vampires, #4)  by Chloe Neill
Anne (booklover6) Hard Bitten by Chloe Neill
Renee L. (planonae) Here Kitty, Kitty by Shelly Laurenston
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) His Hearth by Mary Calmes
Lai M. (lai-brary) Holly Lane by Toni Blake
Shelley S. (lucybelle) Hunger Moon Rising by Evangeline Anderson
Susan P. (sneyers11) Hunters: Interlude by Shiloh Walker
Tonya B. (sasfras72) I Want Candy by Susan Donovan
Tami W. (DragonBreath) I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have To Kill You by Ally Carter
Ellen (gremlin) Impulse by Moira Rogers
Mary L. (MsRight) In A Lover's Silence by Qwuillia Rain
Mary L. (MsRight) In The Blood by Steve Robinson
Darlene (depper1) In Too Deep by Mary Connealy
Lai M. (lai-brary) Island of Desire by Lorie O'Clare
Courtney (coco1019) Jabril (Vampires in America, #2) by D.B. Reynolds
Hollie M. (holmaus) Jacked Up by Erin McCarthy
Ellen (gremlin) Kat by Kelley Armstrong
Ming (wildroses) Little Shop of Homicide (Devereaux's Dime Store, Bk 1) by Denise Swanson
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Lothaire by Kresley Cole
Darlene (depper1) Love Finds You in Sugarcreek Ohio by Serena B. Miller
Nicole G. (nyteacher) Love the One You're With by Emily Giffin
Ellen (gremlin) Master of the Mountain by Cherise Sinclair
Hollie M. (holmaus) Midnight Angel by Lisa Marie Rice
Hollie M. (holmaus) Midnight Man by Lisa Marie Rice
Hollie M. (holmaus) Midnight Run by Lisa Marie Rice
Hollie M. (holmaus) Mine To Hold by Shayla Black
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) Mnevermind 1: The Persistance of Memory by Jordan Castillo Price
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) My Stubborn Heart by Becky Wade
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) My Vampire and I by J. P. Bowie
Gina (bibliobuff) Mystery Man by Kristen Ashley
Ming (wildroses) Nearly Departed in Deadwood - Deadwood, Bk 1 by Ann Charles
Renee L. (planonae) Need Me by Shelli Stevens
Renee L. (planonae) Nightwalker by Allyson james
Lai M. (lai-brary) Nightwatcher by Wendy Corsi Staub
Hollie M. (holmaus) Noble Blood (Gray Court, Bk 2) by Dana Marie Bell
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Nobody's Angel (Rescue Me, #2)  by Kallypso Masters
Renee C. (4ukcats) Odalisque (Comfort Series, Bk 3) by Annabel Joseph
Mandy P. (mpyff) Odalisque by Annabel Joseph
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Once Burned by Jeaniene Frost
Ming (wildroses) Optical Delusions in Deadwood [Deadwood, Bk 2]  by  Ann Charles
Melissa H. (missyh) Paramour by Margaret Ethridge
Shelley S. (lucybelle) Past Midnight by Jasmine Haynes
Lai M. (lai-brary) Perfectly Matched by Heather Webber
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Pinky Swear by Lynn Lorenz
Ming (wildroses) Quickstep to Murder - Ballroom Dance, Bk 1 by Ella Barrick
Melissa H. (missyh) Rapture by JR Ward
Ming (wildroses) Riveted ( Iron Seas) by Meljean Brook
Gina (bibliobuff) Rock Chick Regret by Kristen Ashley
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Romancing the Countess by Ashley March
Shelley S. (lucybelle) Rude, Nude and Socially Unacceptable by Wynter Daniels
Anne (booklover6) Savage Awakenings by Stephani Hecht
Renee L. (planonae) Society-Page Seduction by Maureen CHild
Ming (wildroses) Spectyr (Order, Bk 2) by Philippa Ballantine
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Starfall by Chris Quinton
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Stygian's Honor by Lora Leigh
Tami W. (DragonBreath) Sweet Surrender by Maya Banks
Theresa C. (massreader) Sweet Talk by Julie Garwood
Renee C. (4ukcats) Tempest's Fury (Jane True, Bk 5) by Nicole Peeler
Renee C. (4ukcats) Tempt Me (One Night with Sole Regret, Bk 2) by Olivia Cunning
Renee L. (planonae) Temptation & Twilight by Charlotte Featherstone
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) The Calling (Darkness Rising, Bk 2) by Kelley Armstrong
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) The Girl in the Steel Corset by Kady Cross
Darlene (depper1) The Hearts Frontier by Lori Copeland and Virginia Smith
Jamie S. (2lilmonkees) The Kingmakers by Clay & Susan Griffith
Ellen (gremlin) The Mammoth Book of Vampire Romance 2 by Trisha Telep
Heather F. (AZmom875) The Masque of the Black Tulip  by Lauren Willig
Renee C. (4ukcats) The Opportunist (Love Me with Lies, Bk 1) by Tarryn Fisher
Angela (angelinagrl) The Price of Freedom  by Joanna Wylde
Angela (angelinagrl) The Price of Pleasure by Joanna Wylde
Shelley S. (lucybelle) The Renfield Syndrome by J.A. Saare
Angela (angelinagrl) The Triaxen by Ciara Lake
Renee L. (planonae) The Tycoon's Rebel Bride by Maya Banks
Ellen (gremlin) Timeless by Gail Carriger
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Tin Swift by Devon Monk
Mary L. (MsRight) Tricks of the Trade by Laura Anne Gillman
Ellen (gremlin) Two Weeks' Notice by Rachel Caine
Ellen (gremlin) Unraveled by Courtney Milan
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Welcome to Temptation by Jennifer Cruise
Lai M. (lai-brary) When Lightning Strikes by Brenda Novak
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) White Trash Beautiful  by Teresa Mummert 
Tonya B. (sasfras72) White Trash Beautiful by Teresa Mummert
Susan P. (sneyers11) Wicked Nights by Gena Showalter
Ellen (gremlin) Wicked Nights by Gena Showalter
Susan P. (sneyers11) Widow's Web by Jennifer Estep
Lai M. (lai-brary) Willow Springs by Toni Blake
Theresa C. (massreader) With This Kiss by Victoria Lynne
Hollie M. (holmaus) Wolf Tales 9 by Kate Douglas
Hollie M. (holmaus) Wolf Tales VIII by Kate Douglas
Renee C. (4ukcats) Woman on the Run by Lisa Marie Rice


Last Edited on: 10/3/12 2:12 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
Generic Profile avatar
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 7/31/2012 6:58 PM ET
Member Since: 11/11/2008
Posts: 16,558
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Final Challenge Standings
Player Books Read Total Pages Page Rank Total Points Points Rank TOTAL RANK STANDING
Ming (wildroses) 64 21277 1 11835 2 3 1
Renee C. (4ukcats) 64 20245 2 11890 1 3 2
Ellen (gremlin) 66 19244 3 11410 3 6 3
Hollie M. (holmaus) 63 17491 4 9210 4 8 4
Susan P. (sneyers11) 49 15130 5 8040 6 11 5
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) 54 14051 6 9205 5 11 6
Renee L. (planonae) 52 13243 7 7620 7 14 7
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) 56 12710 8 7360 8 16 8
Valerie (IDOLFAN) 33 12076 9 6680 9 18 9
Lai M. (lai-brary) 29 9727 11 6020 11 22 10
Melissa H. (missyh) 38 9702 12 6395 10 22 11
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) 28 9799 10 5160 16 26 12
Theresa C. (massreader) 35 9394 13 5355 13 26 13
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) 40 8355 16 5585 12 28 14
Tonya B. (sasfras72) 28 8571 15 5280 14 29 15
Gina (bibliobuff) 27 8681 14 5045 17 31 16
Anne (booklover6) 31 7201 17 5175 15 32 17
Mary L. (MsRight) 24 7195 18 4450 19 37 18
Darlene (depper1) 23 6998 19 3970 20 39 19
Angela (angelinagrl) 34 5695 23 4495 18 41 20
Lori S. (sugarandgrits) 23 6777 20 3700 22 42 21
Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) 24 6400 21 3705 21 42 22
Nicole G. (nyteacher) 19 6188 22 3490 23 45 23
Shelley S. (lucybelle) 19 5051 24 3210 24 48 24
Jamie S. (2lilmonkees) 15 4548 25 2875 25 50 25
Courtney (coco1019) 15 4211 26 2860 26 52 26
Heather F. (AZmom875) 12 3742 27 2045 28 55 27
Les (tomboymom) 15 3618 28 2130 27 55 28
Kirsten (kpbunny) 9 2930 29 1620 30 59 29
Tami W. (DragonBreath) 8 2331 30 1470 31 61 30
Mandy P. (mpyff) 13 1725 32 1655 29 61 31
Cynthia M. (clariail) 7 2080 31 1290 32 63 32
TOTALS 1017 286386   170230      


Last Edited on: 10/4/12 3:24 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
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Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 7/31/2012 7:03 PM ET
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Prize distribution 29 credits based on final results

  • 1 - 6 credits
  • 2 - 4 credits
  • 3 - 3 credits
  • 4 to 11. - 2 credits

3 for Mini-Challenges - (tie breaker will be total points plus total pages) - 1 credit each

  • Most books read
  • Book with the most pages
  • Most pages read

People will only be able to win one prize. If you receive a prize from the final results, you will not be eligible for the mini-challenges. It will pass on to the next player.

Last Edited on: 10/4/12 5:26 PM ET - Total times edited: 5
sneyers11 avatar
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Date Posted: 7/31/2012 7:10 PM ET
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I'm in!

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Date Posted: 7/31/2012 7:13 PM ET
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Me toooo!!!

tiger-in-berlin avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2012 7:38 PM ET
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I'm in, just sent you a credit Courtney!

DestinysAngel avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2012 7:41 PM ET
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I'm in

My shelf link and I'll start adding later tonight



Last Edited on: 7/31/12 7:46 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2012 8:10 PM ET
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Here is my shelf link.

All Genre Challenge

depper1 avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2012 8:13 PM ET
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Me Me Me!  Sending credit now.

booklover6 avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2012 8:17 PM ET
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I'll send a credit and I have 3 links that can be chosen from

my summer TBR

my next in series TBR

my 1st in series TBR

Pretty sure I do own a copy of all of those :)

booklover6 avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2012 8:19 PM ET
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Oh yay! Darlene!

depper1 avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2012 9:09 PM ET
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Pretty sure I do own a copy of all of those :)

Your so funny.   I almost did not recognize you with your new avi!

Oh yay! Darlene!

I have been reading like crazy lately so may as well play.

Last Edited on: 7/31/12 9:10 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
Generic Profile avatar
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 7/31/2012 9:18 PM ET
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Hey, Darlene! Feel free to invite people.
booklover6 avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2012 9:25 PM ET
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I just changed it. It's an AVI for an upcoming JR Ward book. She posted it on facebook.

2lilmonkees avatar
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Date Posted: 7/31/2012 9:52 PM ET
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Eh why not!! I'll add a tbr later tho. Also throwing in an extra prize credit. :)

JamieS TBR

Last Edited on: 7/31/12 10:38 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
AZmom875 avatar
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Date Posted: 7/31/2012 10:26 PM ET
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I will play, Someone posted this link in a swap I am in.  I am not a paranormal reader, but I see it is all genres.   I have a huge tbr of over 1400 books, I will narrow it down.


Here a few book lists of mine

TBR books with 1-5...

middle books

50 state books I need...

4 star tbr



Last Edited on: 7/31/12 10:46 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
2lilmonkees avatar
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Date Posted: 7/31/2012 10:26 PM ET
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Quick question, do we HAVE to read what we put on our TBR list? Or if i read correctly, its just part of the "buddy bonus points".
