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Topic: UNMOD - All Genre Reading Challenge - CONTEST #2 WINNER KIRSTEN

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Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Subject: UNMOD - All Genre Reading Challenge - CONTEST #2 WINNER KIRSTEN
Date Posted: 12/16/2012 11:52 PM ET
Member Since: 11/11/2008
Posts: 16,558
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"This is an UNMODERATED challenge. Unmoderated means that no Games Mods are supervising this challenge, and gamers are playing at their own risk. If something should happen (no prize recevied), the gamers will not have the assistance of the Games Moderators or the PBS Team to resolve the problem."

In this challenge, you will gain points by reading print and ebooks. There will also be opportunities to obtain bonus points for various other activities. ANY AND ALL GENRES ARE ALLOWED.

Here is the last challenge I hosted in case you would like to check it out.

Just a heads up, the majority of this group started out as an ebook hot & steamy (erotica) vb. We took a break for the holidays so I started the challenge to keep people occupied. Because of this, the core group at this time, are mainly erotica and a smattering of paranormal readers. This is an all genre challenge, so everyone is welcome, but I wanted to give fair warning for when we discuss books we've read. :)

1 credit to me will be required to sign up. Once the challenge has started, credits will be non-refundable.

I'll be having 2 contests while we wait for the 1st to get here. One will be a guess what number I'm thinking of and the other will be one of my lovely rebus puzzles. It's been a while. ;)






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Quick Links

You must check-in on each date to be eligible for the prizes. HERE IS THE FORM FOR SUBMISSIONS. If you read 0 ebooks for that week, submit a form anyways and put your name and "none" for where text is required, select the "short story" option and choose "no" for the bonuses.


CHECK-IN DATES (by 11:59 PM):

WEEK 1: SUNDAY, JANUARY 6TH (for books read during JANUARY 1 - JANUARY 5)

WEEK 2: SUNDAY, JANUARY 13TH (for books read during JANUARY 6 - JANUARY 12)

WEEK 3: SUNDAY, JANUARY 20TH (for books read during JANUARY 13 - JANUARY 19)

WEEK 4: SUNDAY, JANUARY 27TH (for books read during JANUARY 20 - JANUARY 26)

WEEK 5: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3RD (for books read during JANUARY 27 - FEBRUARY 2)

WEEK 6: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11TH (for books read during FEBRUARY 3 - FEBRUARY 9)



Point Breakdown:

Short Story - 0 to 50 pages: 25 points

Novella - 51 to 110 pages: 50 points

Novel - 111 to 250 pages: 100 points

Super Novel - 251 to 360 pages: 150 points

Super Plus Novel - 361 pages to 450 pages: 200 points

Neverending Novel - 451 pages and greater: 250 points

FOR EBOOKS - If there is a print version of your ebook, use that number for your page count. If your book does not have a print version OR the equivalent page number on a reputable site, we will use the following formula - WORD COUNT/280. This number will equal your page count. If you can not find either a page count or a word count, the book cannot be used for the challenge. Word counts can be found at a variety of sites: All Romance, Google Books, BookStrand, etc.

I am figuring this out by pulling the word count that Total-e-Bound uses to distinguish their types of books and using the formula (rounding to something sensible). The number 280 came from pulling 20 random books that were available in print and ebook, dividing their word count by the number of pages in the book. Then I averaged all of them to get an average words per page. Since we don't have WL info or stuff like that that most challenges use, I am having to use the page count for points.

If a book has mulitple types of bindings (like hardcover and MMPB), use the MMPB version. If there isn't a MMPB version, use the trade size.

If you submit a book in one week and the following week another player submits the same book with a different page count, I will research and find out which one is correct. Prior weeks will not be corrected once the results have been posted and the time has passed that I give for players to make corrections. PLEASE CHECK ALL SUBMISSIONS CAREFULLY. I will provide a link before the challenge starts that will allow you to enter your submission and then check on the spreadsheet side to make sure it came through properly. PLEASE DOUBLE-CHECK YOUR SUBMISSIONS.


Bonus Points:

Buddy Bonus: 50 points - Before we begin, I will buddy up participants and have each pick and post 10 novella or novel sized TBR books for their buddy to read. In addition to the regular base points, 50 bonus points will be added for each book read.

eBook Bonus: 25 points - for every ebook that is read, you will receive these bonus points. An extra incentive to get through that stash!

Review Bonus: 10 points - For every book that is reviewed, whether it's here on PBS's description page, Amazon, B&N, Goodreads, etc, you will receive 10 bonus points. These do not have to be large reviews. Why did you like the book, what did you dislike? How many stars?


Total standing will be determined each week (and for the final) by:

Totaling up your points standing (person with the most points at the end of the week will get 1, second gets 2, etc) and adding it to your page standing (determined by totaling up number of pages read - rank again, person with most pages read will get a 1 and so on). The person with the lowest total number (both page and points added together) will be the winner. In the case of a tie for points, the ranking will be determined by the highest number of pages read. In the case of a tie for page ranking, standing will be determined by highest number of points. In the case of a total points tie, pages read will be the tie breaker. 

If a player has not submitting anything for the week, the will automatically get the last ranking available and tie for that spot with any other player who does not submit.

Credit prize distribution will be dependent on the number of sign ups.



Please submit information on ALL books you read during the challenge. You CANNOT pick and choose the books you read, it can screw up the ranking. Library books, books borrowed from a friend, ebooks that are on loan to you are all okay. Audio books, magazines, poetry, graphic novels, comics, etc, will not be allowed for this challenge. No partial books can be submited (meaning you read 1/2 of a book). The only exception to this rule is for anthologies. If you choose to read one or a select few stories from an anthology, you may submit that book using the page number count of only the stories you actually read.

Points will not be deducted for gaining new books.

If you would like to participate in the buddy, please post a link to your TBR. Due to some of these being ebooks, you probably want to create one offsite (away from PBS). When making your TBR list for your buddy, please make sure to have at least 10 novella or novel sized books on it OR post that you are okay with reading any size book as a buddy book.

To make a TBR on Goodreads, just mark your books with the "to read" option. I had created a separate shelf called "to read books" or "to read ebooks" so that I could find those quicker.

You can also go on Amazon and create a Wish List and just add the books that you already have to it. Login to Amazon and click the Wish List button at the top right. This will bring up your Wish Lists. To the left, under your name, there will be a button that says "create another wish list" or something like that. Click that. Name it whatever you want. I would name it something like - Books To Be Read. Then, make sure to either mark it as public or shared. Shared means that it wil be private and only those with a link can view it. If you mark it private, only you will be able to see the list. Public means everyone out in the world can see it.

There is also Library Thing and Shelfari. Though I am not on there and have no idea how they work. I'm not sure of others.

Last Edited on: 2/19/13 7:58 PM ET - Total times edited: 40
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Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Subject: PLAYERS, TBR LINKS & Buddy Bonus Book Selections
Date Posted: 12/16/2012 11:53 PM ET
Member Since: 11/11/2008
Posts: 16,558
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PLAYERS, TBR LINKS & Buddy Bonus Book Selections

  1. Anne (booklover6) (RICHARD PICKED) - goodreads
  2. Courtney (JAMIE PICKED) - okay with any book - Courtney's TBR
  3. Darlene (depper1) (MARGARET PICKED) - Books 4 Challenge
  4. Ellen (gremlin) (KIRSTEN PICKED) - okay with any book - gremlin's challenge list
  5. Gina (bibliobuff) (LAI PICKED)
  6. Jamie B. (vampobsessed) (RENEE PICKED) - okay with any book - All Genre Challenge
  7. Kirsten (kpbunny) (ELLEN PICKED) - okay with any book - kpbunny Challenge List
  8. Lai M. (lai-brary) (GINA PICKED) - Lai Reading Challenge
  9. Lisa G. (garrity) (MANDA PICKED) - Lisa's TBR for challenge
  10. Manda G. (chickpicks) (LISA PICKED) - MANDA 2013 TBR - MANDA Buddy List
  11. Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) (DARLENE PICKED) - Kindle TBR
  12. Melissa H. (missyh) (S. Y. PICKED) - Missy's Challenge TBR
  13. Ming (wildroses) (RACHEL PICKED) - okay with any book - Courtneyfries
  14. Rachel M. (miz-rachel) (MING PICKED) - okay with any book - Challenge book list
  15. Renee C. (4ukcats) (JAMIE PICKED) - Renee's Challenge TBR - Renee's Buddy TBR
  16. Richard C. (Richard-luvs-Reading) (ANNE PICKED)
  17. S. Y. (SYborg) (MISSY PICKED) - Challenge Reads
  18. Susan P. (sneyers11) (TONYA PICKED) - okay with any book - Reading Challenge
  19. Theresa C. (massreader) (VALERIE PICKED) - challenge tbr
  20. Tonya B. (sasfras72) (SUSAN PICKED) - Tonya's Reading List
  21. Valerie (IDOLFAN) (THERESA PICKED) - e-book - mixed tbr

Last Edited on: 12/31/12 12:30 AM ET - Total times edited: 9
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Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 12/16/2012 11:53 PM ET
Member Since: 11/11/2008
Posts: 16,558
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Week 1 Standings
Player Books Read Total Pages Pages Rank Total Points Points Rank TOTAL RANK STANDING
Lai M. (lai-brary) 10 3309 1 2225 1 2 1
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) 7 2247 2 1445 2 4 2
Susan P. (sneyers11) 6 2082 3 1335 4 7 3
Valerie (IDOLFAN) 7 1892 4 1370 3 7 4
Ming (wildroses) 5 1856 5 1150 5 10 5
Ellen (gremlin) 6 1569 6 1110 6 12 6
Tonya B. (sasfras72) 4 1564 7 965 7 14 7
S. Y. (SYborg) 4 1234 9 890 8 17 8
Manda G. (chickpicks) 4 1345 8 740 10 18 9
Theresa C. (massreader) 5 1081 12 825 9 21 10
Renee C. (4ukcats) 3 1136 10 705 12 22 11
Lisa G. (garrity) 3 1128 11 600 14 25 12
Anne (booklover6) 5 890 14 725 11 25 13
Melissa H. (missyh) 3 972 13 655 13 26 14
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) 4 889 15 575 15 30 15
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) 2 740 16 400 17 33 16
Gina (bibliobuff) 2 675 17 445 16 33 17
Kirsten (kpbunny) 1 336 18 160 18 36 18
Darlene (depper1) 1 280 19 160 19 38 19
Courtney 0 0 21 0 21 42 21
Richard C. (Richard-luvs-Reading) 0 0 21 0 21 42 21
TOTALS 82 25225   16480      


Name/PBS User Name Book
Anne (booklover6) A Wicked Caress by Stephani Hecht
Anne (booklover6) Rebellion by Eve Vaughn
Anne (booklover6) Refugees on Urloon by Melisse Aires
Anne (booklover6) Siren in the City by Sophie Oak
Anne (booklover6) Spider's Bite by Jennifer Estep
Darlene (depper1) High Desert Haven by Lynnette Bonner
Ellen (gremlin) Date With Death by Eve Langlais
Ellen (gremlin) Gone Country by Lorelei James
Ellen (gremlin) Heart of Atlantis by Alyssa Day
Ellen (gremlin) Let It Bleed by Jeri Smith-Ready
Ellen (gremlin) Rocky Mountain Angel by Vivian Arend
Ellen (gremlin) Trapped by Kevin Hearne
Gina (bibliobuff) Forbidden Heat by Opal Carew
Gina (bibliobuff) Three Wishes by Kristen Ashley
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Come Away With Me (With Me in Seattle #1)  by Kristen Proby 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Fall Into You (Loving On The Edge #3) by Roni Loren
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Fight With Me (With Me in Seattle #2)  by Kristen Proby 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Painted Faces  by L.H. Cosway
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Restoring Jordan  by Elizabeth Finn
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Seduction and Snacks (Chocolate Lovers, #1)  by Tara Sivec
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) The Opportunist (Love Me With Lies #1)  by Tarryn Fisher 
Kirsten (kpbunny) Bound by Erika O'Rourke
Lai M. (lai-brary) Alice in Zombieland by Gens Showalter
Lai M. (lai-brary) Hunk for the Holidays by Katie Lane
Lai M. (lai-brary) Jesse by C. H. Admirand
Lai M. (lai-brary) Losing It by Cora Carmack
Lai M. (lai-brary) Private London by James Patterson
Lai M. (lai-brary) Private Oz by James Patterson
Lai M. (lai-brary) Ruthless Heart by Emma Lang
Lai M. (lai-brary) Shades of Gray by Maya Banks
Lai M. (lai-brary) Shiver by Karen Robards
Lai M. (lai-brary) Sold to the Highest Bidder by Donna Alward
Lisa G. (garrity) India Black by Carol K Carr
Lisa G. (garrity) One Shot by Lee Child
Lisa G. (garrity) The Inexplicables by Cherie Priest
Manda G. (chickpicks) Almost Final Curtain by Tate Hallaway
Manda G. (chickpicks) Almost to Die For by Tate Hallaway
Manda G. (chickpicks) Devil's Kiss by Sarwat Chadda
Manda G. (chickpicks) Unraveling by Elizabeth Norris
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Chasing Seth by J.R. Loveless
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Convincing Quinn by Chloe Cole
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Murder Is a Piece of Cake by Elaine Viets
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Scared Stiff by Josh Lanyon, William Maltese, Laura Baumbach, Sarah Black
Melissa H. (missyh) Seeking Kokopelli by Shelley Munro
Melissa H. (missyh) The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay
Melissa H. (missyh) The Secret of Ella and Micha by Jessica Sorensen
Ming (wildroses) Beeline to Trouble  by  Hannah Reed 
Ming (wildroses) Bewitched, Bothered, and Biscotti: A Magical Bakery Mystery  by  Bailey Cates 
Ming (wildroses) City of Dark Magic by  Magnus Flyte
Ming (wildroses) Murder for Choir  by Joelle Charbonneau 
Ming (wildroses) Touch of the Demon (Kara Gillian, #5)  by  Diana Rowland
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Acidentally Catty by Dakota Cassidy
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Steel's Edge  by Ilona Andrews
Renee C. (4ukcats) Fall Into You (Loving on the Edge, Bk 3) by Roni Loren
Renee C. (4ukcats) Release Me (Stark Trilogy, Bk 1) by J. Kenner
Renee C. (4ukcats) Touch of the Demon (Kara Gillian, Bk 5) by Diana Rowland
S. Y. (SYborg) Consequences by Aleatha Romig
S. Y. (SYborg) Defying The Odds by Kele Moon
S. Y. (SYborg) Love Story by Jennifer Echols
S. Y. (SYborg) What I Did For a Duke (Pennyroyal Green, #5)  by Julie Anne Long 
Susan P. (sneyers11) Creed by Kristen Ashley
Susan P. (sneyers11) Doms of Dark Haven by Cartwright, Mc Bride, Sinclair
Susan P. (sneyers11) Games of the Heart by Kristen Ashley
Susan P. (sneyers11) Leather & Lace by Beth Williamson, Melissa Schroeder & Rebecca Goings
Susan P. (sneyers11) Penmort Castle by Kristen Ashley
Susan P. (sneyers11) Saturday Night Special by Mari Carr
Theresa C. (massreader) Cowboy Cravings by Morgan Ashbury
Theresa C. (massreader) Perfection by R.L. Mathewson
Theresa C. (massreader) Playing For Keeps by R.L. Matthewson
Theresa C. (massreader) The Marriage Trap by Jennifer Probst
Theresa C. (massreader) The Switch by Emma Wildes
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Defying the Odds by Kele Moon
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Envy by JR Ward
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Immortal Rider by Larissa Ione
Tonya B. (sasfras72) The Sweetest Thing by Jill Shalvis
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Abiogenesis by Kaitlyn O'Connor
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Bad Boyfriend by K.A. Mitchell
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Black Jack by Lora Leigh
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Long Hard Ride by Lorelei James
Valerie (IDOLFAN) The Darkest Hour(KGI) by Maya Banks
Valerie (IDOLFAN) This Side of the Grave by Jeaniene Frost
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Ties that Bind by Jaid Black, Lora Leigh


Last Edited on: 1/9/13 3:35 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 12/16/2012 11:53 PM ET
Member Since: 11/11/2008
Posts: 16,558
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Week 2 Standings
Player Books Read Total Pages Pages Rank Total Points Points Rank TOTAL RANK STANDING
Lai M. (lai-brary) 10 3444 1 2225 1 2 1
Renee C. (4ukcats) 11 3253 2 1985 2 4 2
Ming (wildroses) 8 2665 3 1555 5 8 3
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) 8 2385 5 1630 3 8 4
Melissa H. (missyh) 6 2268 7 1610 4 11 5
Lisa G. (garrity) 7 2472 4 1350 8 12 6
Ellen (gremlin) 8 2280 6 1505 6 12 7
S. Y. (SYborg) 8 2140 9 1470 7 16 8
Susan P. (sneyers11) 7 2227 8 1285 9 17 9
Valerie (IDOLFAN) 5 1953 10 1240 10 20 10
Tonya B. (sasfras72) 6 1842 11 1165 11 22 11
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) 6 1593 12 1000 13 25 12
Theresa C. (massreader) 6 1556 14 1050 12 26 13
Manda G. (chickpicks) 6 1438 15 1000 14 29 14
Richard C. (Richard-luvs-Reading) 4 1567 13 820 18 31 15
Courtney 5 1373 16 875 15 31 16
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) 5 1304 17 850 17 34 17
Anne (booklover6) 5 1037 18 875 16 34 18
Darlene (depper1) 3 931 19 480 19 38 19
Gina (bibliobuff) 3 647 20 430 20 40 20
Kirsten (kpbunny) 2 644 21 425 21 42 21
TOTALS 129 39019   24825      
Week 2 Books Read
Name/PBS User Name Book
Anne (booklover6) Absolution by Susannah Sandlin
Anne (booklover6) Captive by Trista Ann Michaels
Anne (booklover6) Delicate Freakn' Flower by Eve Langlais
Anne (booklover6) Tee-ani's Pirates by Rachel Clark
Anne (booklover6) The Gladiators by Kaitlyn O'Connor
Courtney Beautiful Bastard by Christina Lauren
Courtney Release Me (Stark Trilogy, #1) by J. Kenner
Courtney The Fetish Box, Part One: Open All Night (The Fetish Box, #1) by Nicole Camden
Courtney The Stranger (Just One Night, #1) by Kyra Davis
Courtney Touch of the Demon by Diana Rowland
Darlene (depper1) Fair Valley Refuge by Lynnette Bonner
Darlene (depper1) Follow My Lead by Kate Noble
Darlene (depper1) Spring Meadow Sanctuary by Lynnette Bonner
Ellen (gremlin) All Spell Breaks Loose by Lisa Shearin
Ellen (gremlin) Baba Yaga's Daughter and Other Stories of the Old Races by C. E. Murphy
Ellen (gremlin) Eye of the Beholder by Dana Marie Bell
Ellen (gremlin) Howl For It by Shelly Laurenston & Cynthia Eden
Ellen (gremlin) Jungle Freakn' Bride by Eve Langlais
Ellen (gremlin) Kitty Steals the Show by Carrie Vaughn
Ellen (gremlin) Saddled and Spurred by Lorelei James
Ellen (gremlin) Vision Impossible by Victoria Laurie
Gina (bibliobuff) The Bikini Diaries by Lacey Alexander
Gina (bibliobuff) The Fallen by Marie Morin, Jaide Fox, Kimberly Zant, Celeste Anwar
Gina (bibliobuff) Tyger, Tyger Burning Bryght by Cathryn Cade
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) A Beautiful Lie (Playing with Fire #1)  by T.E. Sivec 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Beautiful Bastard (Beautiful Bastard #1)  by Christina Lauren
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Captive in the Dark (The Dark Duet, #1)  by C.J. Roberts
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Lush (Delicious, #3)  by  Lauren Dane 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Raphael/Parish (Bayou Heat #1-2) by Alexandra Ivy
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Seduced in the Dark (The Dark Duet #2) by C.J. Roberts
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) The Devil's Pawn  by Elizabeth Finn
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Wounded  by Jasinda Wilder
Kirsten (kpbunny) Discount Armageddon by Seanan McGuire
Kirsten (kpbunny) Justin by Allyson James
Lai M. (lai-brary) A Hunger So Wild by Sylvia Day
Lai M. (lai-brary) Blood Vow by Karin Tabke
Lai M. (lai-brary) Crash by Lisa McMann
Lai M. (lai-brary) Ice Cold by Cherry Adair
Lai M. (lai-brary) Immortal Rider by Larissa Ione
Lai M. (lai-brary) Leaving Paradise by Simone Elkeles
Lai M. (lai-brary) Return to Paradise by Simone Elkeles
Lai M. (lai-brary) Shadow Woman by Linda Howard
Lai M. (lai-brary) Taken At Dusk by C. C. Hunter
Lai M. (lai-brary) Whispers At Moonrise by C. C. Hunter
Lisa G. (garrity) Ashes to Dust by Yrsa Siguardardottir
Lisa G. (garrity) Naked City by Ellen Datlow
Lisa G. (garrity) Murder on a Midsummer Night by Kerry Greenwood
Lisa G. (garrity) New Amsterdam by Elizabeth Bear
Lisa G. (garrity) The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires by Molly Harper
Lisa G. (garrity) The Iron Wyrm Affair by Lilith Saintcrow
Lisa G. (garrity) Weddings from Hell by Maggie Shane, Jeaniene Frost, Terri Garey, Kathryn Smith
Manda G. (chickpicks) Bound By Blood by Cynthia Eden
Manda G. (chickpicks) Bunny & The Bear by Eve Langlais
Manda G. (chickpicks) Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday
Manda G. (chickpicks) Six Moon Summer by S.M. Reine
Manda G. (chickpicks) Swing by Opal Carew
Manda G. (chickpicks) Tied With A Bow by Anthology
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Chasin' Eight by Lorelei James
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Cowboy Cassanova by Lorelei James
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Fire on the Mountain by P.D. Singer
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Four Corners by Kate McMurray
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Vigil by Z.A. Maxfield
Melissa H. (missyh) My Favorite Mistake by Chelsea M Cameron
Melissa H. (missyh) On Dublin Street by Samantha Young
Melissa H. (missyh) Taking Chances by Molly McAdams
Melissa H. (missyh) The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden by Jessica Sorensen
Melissa H. (missyh) The Marketplace by Laura Antoniou
Melissa H. (missyh) The Rancher and the Rock Star by Lizbeth Selviq
Ming (wildroses) A Witch's Handbook of Kisses and Curses by  Molly Harper (Goodreads Author) 
Ming (wildroses) Blood Bath & Beyond  by  Michelle Rowen
Ming (wildroses) Deadly Sting (Elemental Assassin #8)  by Jennifer Estep 
Ming (wildroses) Death of a Country Fried Redneck  by  Lee Hollis 
Ming (wildroses) Sealed with a Curse (Weird Girls, #1)  by  Cecy Robson 
Ming (wildroses) The Trouble With Fate (Mystwalker, #1)  by  Leigh Evans
Ming (wildroses) This Case Is Gonna Kill Me (Linnet Ellery #1)  by  Phillipa Bornikova 
Ming (wildroses) Whispers Underground (Peter Grant, #3)  by  Ben Aaronovitch
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Laid Bare  by Lauren Dane 
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Slow Ride  by Lorelie James 
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) The Iron Wyrm Affair by Lilith Saintrcrow
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Trace of Fever  by Lori Fever 
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Wicked Circle  by Linda Robertson
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Winter's Passage  by Julie Kagawa
Renee C. (4ukcats) A Beautiful Lie (Playing With Fire, Bk 1) by T.E. Sivec
Renee C. (4ukcats) Beautiful Bastard (Beautiful Bastard, Bk 1) by Christina Lauren
Renee C. (4ukcats) By A Thread (Elemental Assassin, Bk 6) by Jennifer Estep
Renee C. (4ukcats) Champagne Toast (Love of my Life, Bk 2) by Melissa Brown
Renee C. (4ukcats) Deadly Sting (Elemental Assassin, Bk 8) by Jennifer Estep
Renee C. (4ukcats) Edge of Dawn (Midnight Breed, Bk 11) by Lara Adrian
Renee C. (4ukcats) Hard to Love by Kendall Ryan
Renee C. (4ukcats) Naked (The Blackstone Affair, Bk 1) by Raine Miller
Renee C. (4ukcats) Phoenix Rockstar (Biker Rockstar, Bk 1) by Bec Botefuhr
Renee C. (4ukcats) Tasting Never (Never Say Never, Bk 1) by C.M. Stunich
Renee C. (4ukcats) Widow's Web (Elemental Assassin, Bk 7) by Jennifer Estep
Richard C. (Richard-luvs-Reading) Bitterblue (Graceling Realm, Bk 3) by Kristin Cashore
Richard C. (Richard-luvs-Reading) Flat-Out Love by Jessica Park
Richard C. (Richard-luvs-Reading) Gravity (The Taking, Bk 1) by Melissa West
Richard C. (Richard-luvs-Reading) Masque of the Red Death (Bk 1)  by Bethany Griffin
S. Y. (SYborg) Fallen Too Far (Fallen Too Far, #1) by Glines, Abbi
S. Y. (SYborg) Falling by Perry, Jolene
S. Y. (SYborg) Forever My Girl (The Beaumont, #1)  by Heidi McLaughlin 
S. Y. (SYborg) Honor Student (Honor Series, #1)  by Teresa Mummert 
S. Y. (SYborg) Lexi, Baby (This Can't Be Happening, #1) by LeeAnne, Lynda
S. Y. (SYborg) Play It Safe by Kristen Ashley 
S. Y. (SYborg) The Governess Affair (Brothers Sinister 0.5) by Courtney Milan
S. Y. (SYborg) Undeniable (Undeniable #1) by Madeline Sheehan
Susan P. (sneyers11) Enraptured by Elisabeth Naughton
Susan P. (sneyers11) Mate Claimed by Jennifer Ashley
Susan P. (sneyers11) Nauti Temptress by Lora Leigh
Susan P. (sneyers11) Precinct 13 by Tate Hallaway
Susan P. (sneyers11) The Warrior by Margaret Mallory
Susan P. (sneyers11) Wickedly Wanton by Kristabel Reed
Susan P. (sneyers11) Wild About You by Kerrelyn Sparks
Theresa C. (massreader) Alone Time by Lauren Dane
Theresa C. (massreader) Once and Again by Lauren Dane
Theresa C. (massreader) Rajmund by D.B. Reynolds
Theresa C. (massreader) Stolen by Shiloh Walker
Theresa C. (massreader) The Lady Most Willing by J. Quinn, E. James, C. Brockway
Theresa C. (massreader) Wicked Business by Janet Evanovich
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Down To You by M. Leighton
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Hard Bitten by Chloe Neill
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Seven Day Loan by Tiffany Reisz
Tonya B. (sasfras72) The Departed by Shiloh Walker
Tonya B. (sasfras72) The Opportunist by Tarryn Fisher
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Blood Will Tell by Samanth Young
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Into the Woods by Kim Harrison
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Rapture by Jacquelyn Frank
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Shadow's Claim by Kresley Cole
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Stormwalker by Allyson James


Last Edited on: 1/24/13 3:42 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
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Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 12/16/2012 11:53 PM ET
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Posts: 16,558
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Week 3 Standings
Player Books Read Total Pages Pages Rank Total Points Points Rank TOTAL RANK STANDING
Lai M. (lai-brary) 11 3502 1 2085 1 2 1
S. Y. (SYborg) 8 2739 3 1645 3 6 2
Ming (wildroses) 10 2682 4 1925 2 6 3
Susan P. (sneyers11) 9 2833 2 1555 5 7 4
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) 8 2313 5 1580 4 9 5
Courtney 7 2209 6 1295 6 12 6
Ellen (gremlin) 7 2086 7 1270 7 14 7
Theresa C. (massreader) 7 2028 8 1200 9 17 8
Renee C. (4ukcats) 7 1978 9 1270 8 17 9
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) 7 1731 10 1000 11 21 10
Anne (booklover6) 5 1503 11 1075 10 21 11
Melissa H. (missyh) 4 1482 12 965 12 24 12
Tonya B. (sasfras72) 4 1467 13 865 13 26 13
Valerie (IDOLFAN) 5 1245 14 660 15 29 14
Darlene (depper1) 6 1159 15 810 14 29 15
Gina (bibliobuff) 3 842 17 580 16 33 16
Manda G. (chickpicks) 3 846 16 470 18 34 17
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) 3 801 18 500 17 35 18
Kirsten (kpbunny) 2 752 19 450 19 38 19
Richard C. (Richard-luvs-Reading) 2 704 20 300 20 40 20
Lisa G. (garrity) 1 295 21 150 21 42 21
TOTALS 119 35197   21650      
Week 3 Books Read
Name/PBS User Name Book
Anne (booklover6) Colonization by Aubrie Dionne
Anne (booklover6) Dark Citadel by Cherise Sinclair
Anne (booklover6) Hunted by Evangeline Anderson
Anne (booklover6) Prince of Ice by Emma Holly
Anne (booklover6) Sought by Evangeline Anderson
Courtney Fix You (Second Chances, #1) by Mari Carr
Courtney Hopeless by Colleen Hoover
Courtney Love 'em or Leave 'em  by Angie Stanton
Courtney Painted Faces  by L. H. Cosway
Courtney Point of Retreat (Slammed, #2) by Colleen Hoover
Courtney Slammed (Slammed, #1) by Colleen Hoover
Courtney The Marriage Bargain (Marriage to a Billionaire, #1) by Jennifer Probst
Darlene (depper1) Brides of the West by Michele Ann Young & others
Darlene (depper1) Daddy's Boys: Eight Hot Tales of Intergenerational Ecstasy by Troy M. Grant
Darlene (depper1) Ink, Sweat & Tears  by Sage Marlow
Darlene (depper1) Josh by R.C. Ryan
Darlene (depper1) Paper Angels by Jimmy Wayne & Travis Thrasher
Darlene (depper1) Super Sock Man by Amy Lane
Ellen (gremlin) A Tale of Two Vampires by Katie MacAlister
Ellen (gremlin) Blood Rights by Kristen Painter
Ellen (gremlin) Grim Tides by T.A. Pratt
Ellen (gremlin) Human and Freakn' by Eve Langlais
Ellen (gremlin) Lust for Life by Jeri Smith-Ready
Ellen (gremlin) The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
Ellen (gremlin) Turn It On by Vivian Arend
Gina (bibliobuff) Backstage Pass by Olivia Cunning
Gina (bibliobuff) Breeder by Lyssa Hart
Gina (bibliobuff) Mine to Hold by Shayla Black
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Chasing Magic (Downside Ghosts, #5)  by Stacia Kane
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) eral Sins (The Phoenix Pack, #1)  by Suzanne Wright
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Letting Go (Mitchell Family, #1)  by Jennifer Foor 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Madison's Life Lessons (The Road to Hell Series - prequel)  by Gracen Miller 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Pandora's Box (The Road to Hell #1)  by Gracen Miller
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Reaper's Property  by Joanna Wylde
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) The Soul Mate (The Holy Trinity #1)  by Madeline Sheehan
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Vanilla on Top  by C.J. Ellisson
Kirsten (kpbunny) Unholy Magic by Stacia Kane
Kirsten (kpbunny) Wild Thing by anthology (various)
Lai M. (lai-brary) All He Ever Desired by Shannon Stacey
Lai M. (lai-brary) All He Ever Needed by Shannon Stacey
Lai M. (lai-brary) Cowboy Blues by Jamie Craig
Lai M. (lai-brary) Death and the Girl Next Door by Darynda Jones
Lai M. (lai-brary) Forged In Fire by Trish McCallan
Lai M. (lai-brary) Lord's Fall by Thea Harrison
Lai M. (lai-brary) Never Let You Go by Emma Carlson Berne
Lai M. (lai-brary) Oracle's Moon by Thea Harrison
Lai M. (lai-brary) She Can Run by Melinda Leigh
Lai M. (lai-brary) She Can Tell by Melinda Leigh
Lai M. (lai-brary) The Innocents by Lili Peloquin
Lisa G. (garrity) A Haunting Dream by Joyce and Jim Lavene
Manda G. (chickpicks) Blood On Silk by Marie Treanor
Manda G. (chickpicks) Memory Zero by Keri Arthur
Manda G. (chickpicks) Sweet & Sinful by Jodi Lynn Copeland
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Angel in Chains by Cynthia Eden
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Betrayed by Sandrine Gasq-Dion
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Blind Space by Marie Sexton
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Equilibrium by Katey Hawthorne
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Fish & Chips by Madeleine Urban, Abigail Roux
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) The Letter Z by Marie Sexton
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Wanted by Annika James
Melissa H. (missyh) Comfort Object by Annebel Joseph
Melissa H. (missyh) Consequences by Aleatha Romig
Melissa H. (missyh) Shades of Gray (KGI) by Maya Banks
Melissa H. (missyh) Truth (Consequences) by Aleatha Romig
Ming (wildroses) A Deal to Die For (Good Buy Girls, #2)  by  Josie Belle 
Ming (wildroses) Ever After (The Hollows, #11)  by  Kim Harrison 
Ming (wildroses) For Whom The Spell Tolls (Dulcie O'Neil #6)  by H.P. Mallory
Ming (wildroses) Hearse and Buggy (An Amish Mystery, #1)  by  Laura Bradford 
Ming (wildroses) Holiday Buzz (Coffeehouse Mystery #12)  by  Cleo Coyle
Ming (wildroses) Illegally Iced (Donut Shop Mystery, #9)  by  Jessica Beck 
Ming (wildroses) Leashing the Tempest (Arcadia Bell, #2.5)  by  Jenn Bennett (Goodreads Author) 
Ming (wildroses) Murder Begins at Home  by  Deb Baker
Ming (wildroses) Murder Hooks a Mermaid  by  Christy Fifield 
Ming (wildroses) My Bluegrass Baby by Molly Harper
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Dead Again by Tracy Cooper-Posey 
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Fury  by Anya Bast 
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Tangle of Need by Nalini Singh
Renee C. (4ukcats) All In (The Blackstone Affair, Bk 2) by Raine Miller
Renee C. (4ukcats) Beneath This Man (This Man, Bk 2) by Jodi Ellen Malpas
Renee C. (4ukcats) Brother's Keeper by Elizabeth Finn
Renee C. (4ukcats) Chasing Imperfection (Chasing, Bk 2) by Pamela Ann
Renee C. (4ukcats) One Week Girlfriend by Monica Murphy
Renee C. (4ukcats) Reaper's Property by Joanna Wylde
Renee C. (4ukcats) There is No Light in Darkness (Darkness, Bk 1) by Claire Contreras
Richard C. (Richard-luvs-Reading) Code Name Verity by  Elizabeth Wein
Richard C. (Richard-luvs-Reading) Vampires in Vegas by  R.A. Lura
S. Y. (SYborg) Hopeless  by Colleen Hoover
S. Y. (SYborg) Indelible Love - Emily's Story by D.W. Cee
S. Y. (SYborg) The Duchess War (Brothers Sinister) by Courtney Milan
S. Y. (SYborg) The Highlander's Prize (Highlander, #4)  by Mary Wine 
S. Y. (SYborg) The Perfect Kiss by Melody Thomas
S. Y. (SYborg) Three Weddings and a Murder by Tessa Dare, Leigh LaValle, Courtney Milan, Carey Baldwin
S. Y. (SYborg) Unforgivable  by Joanna Chambers
S. Y. (SYborg) Wallbanger by Alice Clayton
Susan P. (sneyers11) Cold Days by Jim Butcher
Susan P. (sneyers11) Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet by Darynda Jones
Susan P. (sneyers11) Human and Freakin' by Eve Langlais
Susan P. (sneyers11) Jungle Freakn' Bride by Eve Langlais
Susan P. (sneyers11) Rocky Mountain Haven by Vivian Arend
Susan P. (sneyers11) Simply Scandalous by Kate Pearce
Susan P. (sneyers11) Tart by Lauren Dane
Susan P. (sneyers11) The Wolf Within by Cynthia Eden
Susan P. (sneyers11) Untamed by Emma Wildes
Theresa C. (massreader) A Christmas Bride by Susan Mallery
Theresa C. (massreader) Almost Perfection by Lynn Lafleur
Theresa C. (massreader) Caden's Vow by Sarah McCarty
Theresa C. (massreader) Carnal Compromise by Robin L. Rotham
Theresa C. (massreader) Night is Darkest by Jayne Rylon
Theresa C. (massreader) Rock Me by Cherrie Lynn
Theresa C. (massreader) Samson's Lovely Mortal by Tina Folsom
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Chains by Shiloh Walker
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Cut and Run by Abigail Roux / Madeleine Urban
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Drink Deep by Chloe Neill
Tonya B. (sasfras72) One Foot In the Grave by Jeanine Frost
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Darkness Rising by Keri Arthur
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Darkness Unbound by Keri Arthur
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Hannah's Luck by Lora Leigh
Valerie (IDOLFAN) The Barbarian Prince by Michelle M. Pillow
Valerie (IDOLFAN) The Hunted by Jaid Black, JW McKenna


Last Edited on: 1/24/13 3:41 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Generic Profile avatar
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 12/16/2012 11:53 PM ET
Member Since: 11/11/2008
Posts: 16,558
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Week 4 Standings
Player Books Read Total Pages Pages Rank Total Points Points Rank TOTAL RANK STANDING
Lai M. (lai-brary) 11 3366 1 2085 1 2 1
S. Y. (SYborg) 9 3167 2 1975 2 4 2
Ming (wildroses) 9 3019 3 1815 3 6 3
Ellen (gremlin) 8 2428 4 1480 5 9 4
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) 8 2297 6 1430 6 12 5
Susan P. (sneyers11) 8 2219 8 1510 4 12 6
Lisa G. (garrity) 7 2310 5 1250 9 14 7
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) 7 2296 7 1350 7 14 8
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) 10 2141 9 1275 8 17 9
Courtney 5 1950 10 1125 11 21 10
Renee C. (4ukcats) 7 1741 11 1145 10 21 11
Tonya B. (sasfras72) 4 1701 12 905 14 26 12
Melissa H. (missyh) 7 1436 13 995 13 26 13
Anne (booklover6) 9 1197 14 1040 12 26 14
Theresa C. (massreader) 3 1156 15 625 16 31 15
Gina (bibliobuff) 3 967 17 730 15 32 16
Manda G. (chickpicks) 4 1140 16 590 17 33 17
Richard C. (Richard-luvs-Reading) 2 860 18 460 19 37 18
Kirsten (kpbunny) 3 738 19 470 18 37 19
Darlene (depper1) 2 657 20 320 21 41 20
Valerie (IDOLFAN) 2 579 21 360 20 41 21
TOTALS 128 37365   22935      
Week 4 Books Read
Name/PBS User Name Book
Anne (booklover6) Angelic Desires by Stephani Hecht
Anne (booklover6) Creating Chemistry by Marie Harte
Anne (booklover6) Forbidden Pleasure by Lora Leigh
Anne (booklover6) Hidden Enemies by Ravyn Wilde
Anne (booklover6) Holly by Dominique Adair
Anne (booklover6) Hybrid Misfit by Eve Langlais
Anne (booklover6) Mercury's War by Lora Leigh
Anne (booklover6) Resurrection by Eve Vaughn
Anne (booklover6) Winded by Sherri L. King
Courtney Ever After (The Hollows, #11) by Kim Harrison
Courtney Fallen Too Far (Fallen Too Far, #1) Fallen Too Far (Fallen Too Far, #1)  by Abbi Glines
Courtney The Mighty Storm (The Storm, #1) by Samantha Towle
Courtney This Man (This Man, #1) by Ellen Jodi Malpas
Courtney White Trash Beautiful (White Trash, #1) by Teresa Mummert
Darlene (depper1) Tall, Dark, and Determined by Kelly Eileen Hake
Darlene (depper1) Westward Hearts by Melody Carlson
Ellen (gremlin) Accidental Abduction by Eve Langlais
Ellen (gremlin) Crimson Frost by Jennifer Estep
Ellen (gremlin) Falling, Freestyle by Vivian Arend
Ellen (gremlin) Much Ado About Magic by Shanna Swendson
Ellen (gremlin) One Night Rodeo by Lorelei James
Ellen (gremlin) Shadow's Claim by Kresley Cole
Ellen (gremlin) Shine by Jeri Smith-Ready
Ellen (gremlin) The Undead in My Bed by Katie MacAlister & Molly Harper & Jessica Sims
Gina (bibliobuff) Breaking Point by Pamela Clare
Gina (bibliobuff) Claimed by Evangeline Anderson
Gina (bibliobuff) Knight by Kristen Ashley
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Black Magic (Alpha Pack, #1.5)  by J.D. Tyler 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Black Moon (Alpha Pack, #3)  by J.D. Tyler
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) From Rags  by Suzanne Wright
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Here Be Sexist Vampires  by Suzanne Wright
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Life of the Party  by Christine Anderson
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Savage Awakening (Alpha Pack, #2)  by J.D. Tyler
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Semper Fi  by Laura Cooper
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) The Devil's Eyes  by Jennifer Loren 
Kirsten (kpbunny) Dating the Undead by Gena Showalter and Jill Monroe
Kirsten (kpbunny) I'm Okay, You're Dead by Cheryl Dragon
Kirsten (kpbunny) The Shadow Reader by Sandy Williams
Lai M. (lai-brary) All He Ever Dreamed by Shannon Stacey
Lai M. (lai-brary) Cold Fury by T. M. Goeglein
Lai M. (lai-brary) Killing Time  by Cindy Gerard
Lai M. (lai-brary) Leave No Trace by Cindy Gerard
Lai M. (lai-brary) Private Berlin by James Patterson
Lai M. (lai-brary) Rules of Negotiation by Inara Scott
Lai M. (lai-brary) The Marked by Inara Scott
Lai M. (lai-brary) The Marriage Bargain by Jennifer Probst
Lai M. (lai-brary) The Marriage Mistake by Jennifer Probst
Lai M. (lai-brary) The Marriage Trap by Jennifer Probst
Lai M. (lai-brary) White Hot by Nina Bruhns
Lisa G. (garrity) Charlie All Night by Jennifer Cruise
Lisa G. (garrity) Precinct 13 by Tate Hallaway
Lisa G. (garrity) The Glass Devil by Helen Tursten
Lisa G. (garrity) Some Danger Involved by Will Thomas
Lisa G. (garrity) The Alloy of Law by Brandon Sanderson
Lisa G. (garrity) The Chalk Girl by Carol O'Connell
Lisa G. (garrity) Twelve Drummers Drumming by C C Benison
Manda G. (chickpicks) Darkness Becomes Her by Kelly Keaton
Manda G. (chickpicks) Generation 18 by Keri Arthur
Manda G. (chickpicks) Penumbra by Ker Arthur
Manda G. (chickpicks) The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires by Molly Harper
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Brier's Bargain by Carol Lynne
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Brody by Emma Lang
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Calvin's Cowboy by Drew Hunt
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Dangerous Grounds by Shelli Stevens
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Get It by Anyta Sunday
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Home Again by Cardeno C.
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Matthew by Emma Lang
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Tempting Adam by Shelli Stevens
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) The F Words by Anyta Sunday
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) William by Anyta Sunday
Melissa H. (missyh) Caressa's Knees by Annebel Joseph
Melissa H. (missyh) Command Performance by Annebel Joseph
Melissa H. (missyh) Hopeless by Colleen Hoover
Melissa H. (missyh) In From the Cold by Mercy Celeste
Melissa H. (missyh) Odalisque by Annebel Joseph
Melissa H. (missyh) Serial by Jack Kilborn and Blake Crouch
Melissa H. (missyh) Truck Stop by J.A. Konrath and Jack Kilborn
Ming (wildroses) A Wild Ghost Chase by  E.J. Copperman 
Ming (wildroses) Black Fallen (Dark Ink Chronicles #4)  by Elle Jasper 
Ming (wildroses) Dead Man's Deal (The Asylum Tales, #2)  by  Jocelynn Drake
Ming (wildroses) Jackrabbit Junction Jitters (A Jackrabbit Junction Mystery #2)  by Ann Charles 
Ming (wildroses) Slow Cooked Murder  by Tim Myers
Ming (wildroses) The Damnation Affair (Bannon & Clare, #1.5)  by  Lilith Saintcrow 
Ming (wildroses) The Naming of the Beasts by  Mike Carey 
Ming (wildroses) Threaded for Trouble by Janet Bolin
Ming (wildroses) What a Ghoul Wants (Ghost Hunter Mystery #7)  by  Victoria Laurie 
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) A Perfect Storm by Lori Foster
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Crossroads by Jeanne Stein
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Rapture by JR Ward
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Staying Dead by Laura Ann Gilman
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) The Power of Six by Pittacus Lore
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Widow''s Web by Jennifer Estep
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Zane's Tale  by Jill Myles
Renee C. (4ukcats) Collide (Collide, Bk 1) by Gail McHugh
Renee C. (4ukcats) Pole Dance (Dance, Bk 1) by J.A. Hornbuckle
Renee C. (4ukcats) Restoring Jordan by Elizabeth Finn
Renee C. (4ukcats) Rule (Rule, Bk 1) by Jay Crownover
Renee C. (4ukcats) Temptation (The Temptation Series, #1) by K.M. Golland
Renee C. (4ukcats) The Hunted (Orion the Hunter, #2) by J.D. Chase
Renee C. (4ukcats) The Hunter (Orion the Hunter, #1) by J.D. Chase
Richard C. (Richard-luvs-Reading) The Auschwitz Volunteer: Beyond Bravery by Captain Witold Pilecki
Richard C. (Richard-luvs-Reading) The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger by Kate Pickett, Richard Wilkinson
S. Y. (SYborg) Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
S. Y. (SYborg) Crow's Row by Julie Hockley
S. Y. (SYborg) It's Not Summer Without You (Summer #2) by Jenny Han
S. Y. (SYborg) Lola and the Boy Next Door  by Stephanie Perkins 
S. Y. (SYborg) Sometimes Never by Cheryl McIntyre
S. Y. (SYborg) The Perfect Game (The Perfect Game #1) by J. Sterling
S. Y. (SYborg) The Summer I Turned Pretty (Summer #1) by Jenny Han 
S. Y. (SYborg) The Vincent Brothers (The Vincent Boys #2) by Abbi Glines 
S. Y. (SYborg) We'll Always Have Summer (Summer #3) by Jenny Han 
Susan P. (sneyers11) Believe in the Magic by Cait Miller
Susan P. (sneyers11) Doms of Dark Haven 2 by Cartwright, Mc Bride, Sinclair
Susan P. (sneyers11) Fated by Lauren Dane
Susan P. (sneyers11) Melody in Lingerie by Imogen Linn
Susan P. (sneyers11) My Liege of Dark Haven by Cherise Sinclair
Susan P. (sneyers11) Sweet Release by Pamela Clare
Susan P. (sneyers11) The Hob by Dana Marie Bell
Susan P. (sneyers11) Their Virgin Concubine by Shayla Black and Lexi Blake
Theresa C. (massreader) Law Man by Kristen Ashley
Theresa C. (massreader) Mystery Man by Kristen Ashley
Theresa C. (massreader) Wild Man by Kristen Ashley
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Caine's Reckoning by Sarah McCarty
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Lover Unbound by J.R. Ward
Tonya B. (sasfras72) The Edge of Never by JA Redmerski
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Through to You by Emily Hainsworth
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Darkness Devours by Keri Arthur
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Not His Kiss To Take by Finn Marlowe


Last Edited on: 1/31/13 4:16 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
Generic Profile avatar
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 12/16/2012 11:54 PM ET
Member Since: 11/11/2008
Posts: 16,558
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Week 5 Standings
Player Books Read Total Pages Pages Rank Total Points Points Rank TOTAL RANK STANDING
Ming (wildroses) 11 4059 1 2360 1 2 1
Lai M. (lai-brary) 13 3511 2 2205 2 4 2
Ellen (gremlin) 11 2911 3 1935 3 6 3
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) 9 2583 4 1665 4 8 4
Susan P. (sneyers11) 8 2529 5 1485 6 11 5
Renee C. (4ukcats) 8 2240 6 1530 5 11 6
Theresa C. (massreader) 7 2214 7 1150 8 15 7
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) 6 2092 8 1125 9 17 8
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) 14 1795 10 1300 7 17 9
Lisa G. (garrity) 6 1959 9 1050 10 19 10
S. Y. (SYborg) 5 1711 11 900 13 24 11
Melissa H. (missyh) 7 1542 13 1020 11 24 12
Valerie (IDOLFAN) 5 1561 12 800 14 26 13
Anne (booklover6) 5 1275 15 925 12 27 14
Manda G. (chickpicks) 4 1328 14 690 15 29 15
Tonya B. (sasfras72) 3 1225 16 620 16 32 16
Gina (bibliobuff) 3 1030 17 595 17 34 17
Darlene (depper1) 2 673 18 370 18 36 18
Courtney 1 524 19 275 19 38 19
Kirsten (kpbunny) 0 0 21 0 21 42 21
Richard C. (Richard-luvs-Reading) 0 0 21 0 21 42 21
TOTALS 128 36762   22000


Week 5 Books Read
Name/PBS User Name Book
Anne (booklover6) Armageddon by Kaitlyn O'Connor
Anne (booklover6) Carnal Gift by Pamela Clare
Anne (booklover6) Cynful by Dana Marie Bell
Anne (booklover6) Desire Unchained by Larissa Ione
Anne (booklover6) Kidnap & Kink by Brynn Paulin
Courtney Beneath This Man (This Man, #2) by Ellen Jodi Malpas
Darlene (depper1) Under a Lakota Moon by Deborah L. Weikel
Darlene (depper1) When in Doubt Add Butter by Beth Harbison
Ellen (gremlin) A Taste of Midnight by Lara Adrian
Ellen (gremlin) Bitter Blood by Rachel Caine
Ellen (gremlin) Exotic Indulgence by Vivian Arend
Ellen (gremlin) Hidden by P.C. Cast
Ellen (gremlin) Howl for Me by Dana Marie Bell
Ellen (gremlin) Intentional Abduction by Eve Langlais
Ellen (gremlin) Nightwalker by Allyson James
Ellen (gremlin) Reign Fall by Michelle Rowen
Ellen (gremlin) Rising, Freestyle by Vivian Arend
Ellen (gremlin) The Mammoth Book of Paranormal Romance by Trisha Telep
Ellen (gremlin) Touch of Power by Maria V. Snyder
Gina (bibliobuff) Alien Communion by Xandra Gregory
Gina (bibliobuff) Heaven and Hell by Kristen Ashley
Gina (bibliobuff) Wrangled and Tangled by Lorelei James
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Addicted (Club Destiny, #2.5)  by Nicole Edwards
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Bunny and the Bear (Furry United Coalition #1)  by  Eve Langlais
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Conviction (Club Destiny #1) by Nicole Edwards
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Dark Light (Dark Light #1)  by S.L. Jennings 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Haunted Sanctuary (Green Pines, #1)  by Moira Rogers 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Here Kitty, Kitty! (Magnus Pack, #3)  by Shelly Laurenston
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Kaleb (Alluring Indulgence, #1)  by Nicole Edwards 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Temptation (Club Destiny, #2)  by Nicole Edwards
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) The Rocker That Holds Me  by  Terri Anne Browning 
Lai M. (lai-brary) Beach House No. 9 by Christie Ridgway
Lai M. (lai-brary) Bewitching by Alex Flinn
Lai M. (lai-brary) Don't You Wish by Roxanne St. Claire
Lai M. (lai-brary) Epic Fail by Claire Lazebnik
Lai M. (lai-brary) First Love by Melissa Johns
Lai M. (lai-brary) Getting Over Garrett Delaney by Abby McDonald
Lai M. (lai-brary) Heatseeker by Lucy Monroe
Lai M. (lai-brary) Kiss Crush Collide by Christina Meredith
Lai M. (lai-brary) The Anti Social Network by Sadie Hayes
Lai M. (lai-brary) The Beautiful Code by Sadie Hayes
Lai M. (lai-brary) The Start Up by Sadie Hayes
Lai M. (lai-brary) Touched by Corrine Jackson
Lai M. (lai-brary) When Summer Comes by Brenda Novak
Lisa G. (garrity) A Royal Pain by Rhys Bowen
Lisa G. (garrity) Death at Wentwater Court by Carola Dunn
Lisa G. (garrity) Death's Excellent Vacation by Charlaine Harris, Toni L P Kelner
Lisa G. (garrity) Killed at the Whim of a Hat by Colin Cotterill
Lisa G. (garrity) Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs
Lisa G. (garrity) Unwind by Neal Shusterman
Manda G. (chickpicks) Crimson Frost by Jennifer Estep
Manda G. (chickpicks) Death and the Girl Next Door by Darynda Jones
Manda G. (chickpicks) Even White Trash Zombies Get the Blues by Diana Rowland
Manda G. (chickpicks) Kept by Shawntelle Madison
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Armed & Dangerous by Madeleine Urban, Abigail Roux
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Clouds and Rain by Zahra Owens
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Divide & Conquer by Madeleine Urban, Abigail Roux
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Keeping House by Lee Brazil
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Nine Tenths of the Law by L.A. Witt
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Turbulence 1: Into the Bermuda Triangle by Jordan Castillo Price
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Turbulence 2: Autopilot Engaged by Jordan Castillo Price
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Turbulence 3: Red-Eye Dawn by Jordan Castillo Price
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Turbulence 4: Connecting Flight by Jordan Castillo Price
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Turbulence 5: Black Box by Jordan Castillo Price
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Turbulence 6: Flying Blind by Jordan Castillo Price
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Turbulence 7: Radio Silence by Jordan Castillo Price
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Turbulence 7: Radio Silence by Jordan Castillo Price
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Warrior's Cross by Madeleine Urban, Abigail Roux
Melissa H. (missyh) Candy Store  by Bella Andre
Melissa H. (missyh) Caught (Gemini Men) by Jami Alden
Melissa H. (missyh) Cloud Walking (Find You in the Dark novella) by A. Meredith Walters
Melissa H. (missyh) Kept (Gemini Men) by Jami Alden
Melissa H. (missyh) Lost to You by A.L. Jackson
Melissa H. (missyh) Ruining You by Nicole Reed
Melissa H. (missyh) Unleashed (Gemini Men) by Jami Alden
Ming (wildroses) A Conspiracy of Alchemists (The Chronicle of Light and Shadow, #1)  by Liesel Schwarz 
Ming (wildroses) Death, Taxes, and Peach Sangria (Death and Taxes #4)  by Diane Kelly 
Ming (wildroses) Demon Hunting in a Dive Bar (Demon Hunting, #3)  by  Lexi George 
Ming (wildroses) Lethal Outlook (Psychic Eye Mystery, #10)  by Victoria Laurie 
Ming (wildroses) Moonglow (Darkest London #2)  by  Kristen Callihan (
Ming (wildroses) Moonshifted (Edie Spence #2)  by  Cassie Alexander 
Ming (wildroses) Perfectly Matched (Lucy Valentine #4)  by Heather Webber 
Ming (wildroses) Shadow Bound (Unbound #2)  by  Rachel Vincent 
Ming (wildroses) The Alchemyst (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel #1)  by Michael Scott 
Ming (wildroses) The Barbed Crown: An Ethan Gage Adventure (Ethan Gage #6)  by William Dietrich
Ming (wildroses) The Magician (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel #2)  by Michael Scott 
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Cowboy Casanova by Lorelie James
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Divergent by Veronica Roth
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Hot Night by Shannon McKennna
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Magic for a Price by Devon Monk
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Take Me Again by Mackenzie McKade
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Too Much Temptation  by Lori Foster
Renee C. (4ukcats) Fire After Dark (After Dark, Bk 1) by Sadie Matthews
Renee C. (4ukcats) Human Hieroglyphix (Human Hieroglyphix, Bk 1) by J.A. Hornbuckle
Renee C. (4ukcats) My Favorite Mistake (My Favorite Mistake, Bk 1) by Chelsea Cameron
Renee C. (4ukcats) My Soul to Take (The Holy Trinity, Bk 2) by Madaline Sheehan
Renee C. (4ukcats) Ruining Me (Ruining, Bk 1) by Nicole Reed
Renee C. (4ukcats) Sins & Needles (The Artists Trilogy, Bk 1) by Karina Halle
Renee C. (4ukcats) The Soul Mate (The Holy Trinity, Bk 1) by Madeline Sheehan
Renee C. (4ukcats) Torn (Torn, Bk 1) by K.A. Robinson
S. Y. (SYborg) a quick bite by lynsay sands
S. Y. (SYborg) from rags by Suzanne Wright
S. Y. (SYborg) just listen by sarah dessen
S. Y. (SYborg) Rocked Under by Cora Hawkes
S. Y. (SYborg) the lady most willing by Julia Quinn, Eloisa James, Connie Brockway
Susan P. (sneyers11) A Dom is Forever by Lexi Blake
Susan P. (sneyers11) A Hidden Fire by Elizabeth Hunte
Susan P. (sneyers11) Carnal Gift by Pamela Clare
Susan P. (sneyers11) Finding the Magic by Cait Miller
Susan P. (sneyers11) Love's Portrait by Monica Burns
Susan P. (sneyers11) The Men With the Golden Cuffs by Lexi Blake
Susan P. (sneyers11) The Square Root of Murder by Ada Madision
Susan P. (sneyers11) Unridden by Cat Johnson
Theresa C. (massreader) A Little Harmless Pleasure by Melissa Schroeder
Theresa C. (massreader) Beg for Mercy by Jami Alden
Theresa C. (massreader) Dream Eyes by Jayne Ann Krentz
Theresa C. (massreader) Motorcycle Man by Kristen Ashley
Theresa C. (massreader) Perfect Fit by Carly Phillips
Theresa C. (massreader) Priceless by Shannon Mayer
Theresa C. (massreader) Rescue My Heart by Jill Shalvis
Tonya B. (sasfras72) A Lady by Midnight by Tessa Dare
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Once Burned by Jeanine Frost
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Iced by Karen Marie Moning
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Firewalker by Allyson James
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Magic to the Bone  by Devon Monk
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Taming Heather by Lorie O'Clare
Valerie (IDOLFAN) The Student Prince by FayJay
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Warrior Enchanted by Addison Fox


Last Edited on: 2/13/13 3:08 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
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Date Posted: 12/16/2012 11:54 PM ET
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Week 6 Standings
Player Books Read Total Pages Pages Rank Total Points Points Rank TOTAL RANK STANDING
Ming (wildroses) 11 4371 1 2585 2 3 1
Lai M. (lai-brary) 17 4013 2 2670 1 3 2
Susan P. (sneyers11) 14 3734 3 2110 3 6 3
Richard C. (Richard-luvs-Reading) 8 3144 4 1635 5 9 4
Renee C. (4ukcats) 9 2825 5 1915 4 9 5
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) 8 2486 6 1530 7 13 6
Ellen (gremlin) 10 2480 7 1545 6 13 7
Lisa G. (garrity) 7 2448 8 1250 8 16 8
Tonya B. (sasfras72) 6 2128 9 1165 9 18 9
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) 5 1853 10 1050 11 21 10
S. Y. (SYborg) 6 1828 11 1050 12 23 11
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) 9 1680 13 1075 10 23 12
Theresa C. (massreader) 5 1726 12 900 13 25 13
Melissa H. (missyh) 5 1170 14 700 15 29 14
Anne (booklover6) 6 876 16 760 14 30 15
Manda G. (chickpicks) 3 1152 15 620 16 31 16
Kirsten (kpbunny) 2 685 17 400 17 34 17
Valerie (IDOLFAN) 2 612 18 325 18 36 18
Gina (bibliobuff) 2 476 19 295 19 38 19
Courtney 0 0 21 0 21 42 21
Darlene (depper1) 0 0 21 0 21 42 21
TOTALS 135 39687   23580  


Week 6 Books Read
Name/PBS User Name Book
Anne (booklover6) A Perfect Darkness by Jaime Rush
Anne (booklover6) Avari Nyx by Viola Grace
Anne (booklover6) Caging the Beast by Marie Harte
Anne (booklover6) Haldis Imperium by Viola Grace
Anne (booklover6) Marks of Admar by Viola Grace
Anne (booklover6) Sanctuary Lost by Moira Rogers
Ellen (gremlin) A Rare Gift by Jaci Burton
Ellen (gremlin) Courting Darkness by Yasmine Galenorn
Ellen (gremlin) Darkness Devours by Keri Arthur
Ellen (gremlin) Naughty and Nice by Lauren Dane, Jaci Burton, Megan Hart, Shannon Stacey
Ellen (gremlin) Pride Before Fall by Kelly Meding
Ellen (gremlin) Rocky by Bianca D'Arc
Ellen (gremlin) Scent of Magic by Maria V. Snyder
Ellen (gremlin) Steel's Edge by Ilona Andrews
Ellen (gremlin) Wicked Circle by Linda Robertson
Ellen (gremlin) Wild (Whispering Cove, Bk 1) by Mackenzie McKade
Gina (bibliobuff) Owning Wednesday by Annabel Joseph
Gina (bibliobuff) Their Virgin's Secret by Shayla Black, Lexi Blake
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Destiny Calls by Samantha Wayland
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Fix You (Second Chances #1) by Mari Carr
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Hard to Love  by Kendall Ryan
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Hot Ticket (Sinners on Tour, #3)  by Olivia Cunning
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Hour of the Lion  by Cherise Sinclair 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Human Hieroglyphix (Human Hieroglyphix, #1)  by J.A. Hornbuckle 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Midnight Rising (Midnight Breed, #4)  by Lara Adrian
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Pole Dance (Dance, #1)  by J.A. Hornbuckle 
Kirsten (kpbunny) Crimson Frost by Jennifer Estep
Kirsten (kpbunny) Inside of a Dog by Alexandra Horowitz
Lai M. (lai-brary) A Few Good Men (Red, Hot & Blue, #7) by Cat Johnson
Lai M. (lai-brary) Afterschock by Jill Sorenson
Lai M. (lai-brary) Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire
Lai M. (lai-brary) Bobby (Red, Hot & Blue, #6) by Cat Johnson
Lai M. (lai-brary) Can't Buy Me Love by Molly O'Keefe
Lai M. (lai-brary) Cole (Red, Hot & Blue, #5) by Cat Johnson
Lai M. (lai-brary) Free Fall by Catherine Mann
Lai M. (lai-brary) House Rules by Chloe Neill
Lai M. (lai-brary) Jack (Red, Hot & Blue, #2) by Cat Johnson
Lai M. (lai-brary) Jared (Red, Hot & Blue, #4) by Cat Johnson
Lai M. (lai-brary) Jimmy (Red, Hot & Blue, #3) by Cat Johnson
Lai M. (lai-brary) Softly at Sunrise by Maya Banks
Lai M. (lai-brary) Something Like Normal by Trish Doller
Lai M. (lai-brary) Take This Regret by A. L. Jackson
Lai M. (lai-brary) The Princesses of Iowa by M. Molly Backes
Lai M. (lai-brary) Touch & Go by Lisa Gardner
Lai M. (lai-brary) Trey (Red, Hot & Blue, #1) by Cat Johnson
Lisa G. (garrity) A Hard Day's Knight by Simon R Green
Lisa G. (garrity) Beginning With a Bash by Phoebe Atwood Taylor
Lisa G. (garrity) Copper Beach by Jayne Ann Krentz
Lisa G. (garrity) Death Without Company by Craig Johnson
Lisa G. (garrity) Demon Hunting in the Deep South by Lexi George
Lisa G. (garrity) The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa
Lisa G. (garrity) Touch of the Demon by Diana Rowland
Manda G. (chickpicks) Bloodshot by Cherie Priest
Manda G. (chickpicks) Boyfriend From Hell by Jamie Quaid
Manda G. (chickpicks) Melt Into You by Roni Loren
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Captain's Surrender by Alex Beecroft
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Darker After Midnight by Lara Adrian
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) His Teddy Bear by Eve Langlais
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) In the Dark by Jordan Castillo Price
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Not My Wolf by Eden Cole
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Running Wild by Sarah McCarty
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Time Out by Jill Shalvis
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Touch My Wolf by Eden Cole
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Westford Hall by Lisa Worrall
Melissa H. (missyh) Hard to Love by Kendall Ryan
Melissa H. (missyh) Nets and Lies by Katie Ashley
Melissa H. (missyh) Not My Wolf by Eden Cole
Melissa H. (missyh) Rule by Jay Crownover
Melissa H. (missyh) Sins and Needles by Karina Halle
Ming (wildroses) Blood Winter (Horngate Witches, #4)  by Diana Pharaoh Francis
Ming (wildroses) City of Lost Souls (The Mortal Instruments #5)  by Cassandra Clare (
Ming (wildroses) Etiquette & Espionage (Finishing School, #1)  by  Gail Carriger 
Ming (wildroses) Murder at Honeysuckle Hotel (Trash to Treasure Crafting Mystery)  by  Rose Pressey 
Ming (wildroses) Out for Blood (House of Comarre, #4)  by Kristen Painter 
Ming (wildroses) The Hangman's Daughter (The Hangman's Daughter #1)  by Oliver Pötzsch
Ming (wildroses) The Sorceress (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel, #3)  by  Michael Scott 
Ming (wildroses) The Terra-Cotta Dog (Salvú Montalbano #2)  by Andrea Camilleri
Ming (wildroses) Under the Gun (Underworld Detection Agency #4)  by  Hannah Jayne 
Ming (wildroses) Winterblaze (Darkest London, #3)  by Kristen Callihan 
Ming (wildroses) Wolf with Benefits (Pride, #8)  by  Shelly Laurenston 
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) blue Blooded Vamp by Jayne Wells
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Death Magic by Eileen Wilks
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) Grave Memory by Kalayna Price
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) The Awakening by Kelley Armstrong
Rachel M. (miz-rachel) The Reckoning by Kelley Armstrong
Renee C. (4ukcats) Awakening  by Elene Sallinger
Renee C. (4ukcats) Beauty from Pain (Beauty, Bk 1) by Georgia Cates
Renee C. (4ukcats) Black Flag (Racing on the Edge, Bk 2) by Shey Stahl
Renee C. (4ukcats) Dead Witch Walking (The Hollows, Bk 1) by Kim Harrison
Renee C. (4ukcats) Happy Hour (Racing on the Edge, Bk 1) by Shay Stahl
Renee C. (4ukcats) House Rules (Chicagoland Vampires, Bk 7) by Chloe Neill
Renee C. (4ukcats) In the Bad Boy's Bed  by Sophie Ryan
Renee C. (4ukcats) Secrets After Dark (After Dark, Bk 2) by Sadie Matthews
Renee C. (4ukcats) Teasing Trent (The Alexanders, Bk .5) by Minx Malone
Richard C. (Richard-luvs-Reading) Ashfall by Mike Mullin
Richard C. (Richard-luvs-Reading) Day by Day Armageddon Shattered Hourglass by  J. L. Bourne
Richard C. (Richard-luvs-Reading) Marie-Therese Child of Terror The Fate of Marie Antoinette's Daughter by Susan Nagel
Richard C. (Richard-luvs-Reading) Saviours of Oestend (Oestend, Bk 2) by Marie Sexton
Richard C. (Richard-luvs-Reading) Song of Oestend (Oestend, Bk 1) by Marie Sexton
Richard C. (Richard-luvs-Reading) Starters by Lissa Price
Richard C. (Richard-luvs-Reading) The Book of the Dead by John Skipp
Richard C. (Richard-luvs-Reading) The Shattered Gates The Rifter Book One by Ginn Hale
S. Y. (SYborg) Exclusively Yours (Kowalski Family #1) by Shannon Stacey
S. Y. (SYborg) Flesh (Flesh #1) by Kylie Scott 
S. Y. (SYborg) How to Ravish a Rake - How to..., Bk 3 by Vicky Dreiling
S. Y. (SYborg) Lengths (Lengths #1) by Steph Campbell, Liz Reinhardt
S. Y. (SYborg) Skin (Flesh #2)  by Kylie Scott 
S. Y. (SYborg) Trust in Advertising by Victoria Michaels
Susan P. (sneyers11) A Mackenzie Family Christmas by Jennifer Ashley
Susan P. (sneyers11) Bucked by Cat Johnson
Susan P. (sneyers11) Hard Irish by Jennifer Saints
Susan P. (sneyers11) Highland Heat by Tilly Greene
Susan P. (sneyers11) Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich
Susan P. (sneyers11) Oh Cherry Ripe by Claudy Conn
Susan P. (sneyers11) Ride the Fire by Pamela Clare
Susan P. (sneyers11) Riveted by Meljean Brook
Susan P. (sneyers11) Seconds Away by Harlan Coben
Susan P. (sneyers11) The Fangover by Erin McCarthy & Kathy Love
Susan P. (sneyers11) The Probability of Murder by Ada Madison
Susan P. (sneyers11) The Seduction of Elliot McBride by Jennifer Ashley
Susan P. (sneyers11) The Vampire, The Witch & The Werewolf by Louisa Bacio
Susan P. (sneyers11) Wild Kisses by Mari Carr
Theresa C. (massreader) Chances Are by Shelli Stevens
Theresa C. (massreader) Hunk for the Holidays by Katie Lane
Theresa C. (massreader) Shades of Gray by Maya Banks
Theresa C. (massreader) That Scandalous Summer by Meredith Duran
Theresa C. (massreader) The Marriage Mistake by Jennifer Probst
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Accidentally on Purpose by L.D. Davis
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Annabelle's Courtship by Lucy Monroe
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Beyond Shame by Kit Rocha
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Letting Go by Jennifer Foor
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Star Crossed: Battered Hearts 2 by Kele Moon
Tonya B. (sasfras72) Undeniable by Madeline Sheehan
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Pleasure by Jacquelyn Frank
Valerie (IDOLFAN) Shadow Walker by Allyson James


Last Edited on: 2/15/13 5:58 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 12/16/2012 11:54 PM ET
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Date Posted: 12/16/2012 11:55 PM ET
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Date Posted: 12/16/2012 11:55 PM ET
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CONTEST #1 - Here is the spreadsheet I'm going to be using to track the numbers picked.

I'm thinking of a number between...... 1 and 1000

Big, I know. You can make guesses for each time a clue is released, but only two guesses for each clue. After the time has run out for that clue, I'll provide another one and then you will get another two guesses.

Right now, you can have four free guesses while we wait for sign ups.

The winner of this contest will receive a $10 GC to Amazon. If no one guesses the correct number by the time Final Results are posted, I will give the prize to the closest winner. This winner is allowed to go over.



Contest #2 - Rebus Puzzles

If you have played in my erotica swaps before, you have probably come across these already.

Pictures represent words and phrases. Each line will represent a different word unless otherwise specified. Please hold all answers until I have requested them. Each correct answer will be one point. The person with the most points will win a $10 Amazon GC. In the event of a tie, will select our winner.

I sometimes use pop culture. If you are having problems with these, try to do an internet search for words you have already figured out, or words that are in the actual pictures. The first puzzle is a good example.


1. Mare_colt_EE491521-400x266.jpgimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcRVPdjmOHfGaT3wT4CuTRoNb16KBNoZ6gkCzA1C2-Xy3C9LRdKYq1o5kunAsg


PUZZLE #2 - is a book title that has been mentioned as a fave read as of right now, 12/30 11:45 AM PST



3. Also a book from a favorites list as of 12/30, 9 PM PST

photo       FC_LessThan_41721_lg.gif

4. President

abeface1.gif  rah_shorts.JPG  Ham.jpg

quick_link.jpg  convict11.gif

5. Book (puzzle represents 3 words and it was recently mentioned.

micro2.jpg  MINUS 6a0120a85dcdae970b0120a86db463970b-pi PLUS  how-do-you-spot-a-blind-man-in-a-nudist-colony-its-not-hard.jpg

#6 - Book (puzzle represents 3 words and it was recently mentioned.


#7 - Animal

270px-Colorado_in_United_States.svg.pngblog-great wall of china.jpgd3c298_2882957.jpg

Last Edited on: 1/24/13 3:54 PM ET - Total times edited: 11
Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 12/17/2012 1:39 AM ET
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Yes thank you I have been waiting for I am in!!

gremlin avatar
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 12/17/2012 1:42 AM ET
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i'm in!

LOL!  i was scanning this line "Audio books, magazines, poetry, graphic novels, comics, etc," and i thought it said 'magnetic poetry', and i started to think about who'd want to submit *that* before i realized i'd read it wrong.  :)

Last Edited on: 12/17/12 1:43 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
tiger-in-berlin avatar
Date Posted: 12/17/2012 7:04 AM ET
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I'm in!  Just sent you a credit Courtney!

sneyers11 avatar
Limited Member medalFriend of PBS-Gold medal
Date Posted: 12/17/2012 8:26 AM ET
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Had so much fun with the last one!  I'm in.  

booklover6 avatar
Date Posted: 12/17/2012 8:51 AM ET
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I'm in, just for the fun of it. 

massreader avatar
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Date Posted: 12/17/2012 8:58 AM ET
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Me too.

booklover6 avatar
Date Posted: 12/17/2012 9:08 AM ET
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Here is a list for my buddy to choose from goodreads

lai-brary avatar
Date Posted: 12/17/2012 9:52 AM ET
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I've been really slacking on my reading, so hopefully this will get me back into it in the new year. I'm in.

bibliobuff avatar
Date Posted: 12/17/2012 10:04 AM ET
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Totally in. I'm sending my credit and will send my Goodreads link as soon as I clean it up a bit. 

SYborg avatar
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 12/17/2012 10:13 AM ET
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I'm in, i'll start making a list soon. 

IDOLFAN avatar
Friend of PBS-Double Diamond medal
Date Posted: 12/17/2012 10:34 AM ET
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Im in too. Will work on lists.

4ukcats avatar
Date Posted: 12/17/2012 11:16 AM ET
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I'm SO in!  I've got a ton of ebooks I want to read!  Sending credit...  Will work on my TBR later

One thing I thought I'd mention, with the advent of self-published e-books that aren't available in print, I've been noticing that quite a few of them don't have word OR page counts on Amazon or Goodreads. I haven't checked those particular e-books on Smashwords or other sites that might have at least a word count.  I just know that I'm going to have to pay attention before I start reading a self-published e-book to make sure there's a word and/or page count at least somewhere!

Last Edited on: 12/17/12 4:03 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
SYborg avatar
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 12/17/2012 11:52 AM ET
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Renee, you're right! I just looked over some of my TBR and a lot are self published. I'm going to have to weed out some books. 

Generic Profile avatar
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 12/17/2012 12:15 PM ET
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Goodreads often has word count available.
