This book represents the ultimate in current knowledge of neurosomatic disorders, including CFS, FMS, IBS, etc. Dr. Jay Goldstein was decades ahead of his time, and provides all the information necessary to cure the symptoms of these illnesses in the vast majority of people. The material is quite technical, as it goes so far beyond current knowledge of these subjects.

I tried and failed to read this book; it (and the other books by this author) was just too heavily interspersed with biochemistry. I gave it and the other books to my doctor to see if she could get anything out of it. She's a bit out there herself (she's a physician who includes acupuncture, yoga, and other "alternative therapies" in her practice), but after going through the books and researching the author, she told me that he's considered a "crackpot". His premise sounds good, but then I got lost, and I think she did too. Not that it's definitive, but the fact that he is a lone voice without any noticible followers (he retired several years ago) would seem to indicate that this is a dead end in my search for someone who knows what fibromyalgia is and what to do about it.