very enjoyable fantasy.
Book 1 of the Silver Call duology:
"Two hundred years ago, the Dark Lord had been defeated by a combined army of Humans, Dwarves, Elves and Warrows. But defeat did not mean destruction, and the remnants of Mithgars evil escaped, making their home in the long-abandoned Dwarven stronghold.
Now, the Dwarves are determined to reclaim their ancestral home. And two brave young Warrows are the only guides available for the trek to Kraggen-Corand into deadly danger"
"Two hundred years ago, the Dark Lord had been defeated by a combined army of Humans, Dwarves, Elves and Warrows. But defeat did not mean destruction, and the remnants of Mithgars evil escaped, making their home in the long-abandoned Dwarven stronghold.
Now, the Dwarves are determined to reclaim their ancestral home. And two brave young Warrows are the only guides available for the trek to Kraggen-Corand into deadly danger"

This series is a little too Tolkienesque. Takes a lot from Tolkien fantasy, but it is still a good read.

The author is Dennis L. McKiernan, and itis Book 1 of the Silver Call Duology. The ISBN is correct.