Although 2012 has passed, most of the essays in this collection are relevant to the transitional time in which we live, which really can't be viewed as one year in particular. The essays and articles are divided into six sections: Initiation, The Shamanic, Art, Sex, Engagement, and Community. Some of the authors are quite well known and respected - Stanislav Grof, Alberto Villoldo, John Major Jenkins, Daniel Pinchbeck. Others are lesser known but well versed in transformational psychology and related fields. The several dozen essays in the book comprise a wide variety of fascinating topics -- Gnosis: The Not-so-Secret History of Jesus, A New Understanding of the Psyche, The Wounded Healer, Transforming Repression of the Divine Feminine, Gender Evolution, Yoga as Spiritual Activism, Become an Urban Homesteader, andWriting Source Code for Democracy. Yes, some may be too "new age" for some readers, but most are made credible as a result of the author's considerable knowledge and experience. You don't have to read all 350 pages - pick or choose the topics that interest you. There's plenty here for everyone.

This book was a bit of a stretch for me. I quit reading it when I got half way through it. It's a collecttion of essays from the website Reality Sandwich, saying it "highlights some of the most challenging, intelligent pieces published". It sure was. Most of what I did read didn't pertain to the upcoming 2012. I think it was attention getting in the title to buy and read it. I am open minded to new ideas, but this was a bit too much for me. As a side note, I had to have a dictionary with me since included were a lot of words I never seen before let alone know the meaning to and I do a lot of reading. It is up to you if you want to read this or not.