An angsty heroine & "superuman" hero that just can't seem to solve the crime, despite participating in "conduction sex". Author tells reader how powerful her characters are, yet in reality they prove ineffective time and again. Didn't find myself liking the characters & the writing often dropped me out of the story. A very useful book, put me to sleep early 3 nights running.

Helpful Score: 2
This book was so boring! I kept on reading thinking it was going to get better, but it never did. The characters weren't developed enough and the ending was just plain dumb! Don't even bother with this book!
Good story, but not a keeper for me. The story ties in with Atlantis
Kara settled in the sleepy town of Zorro, Texas, convinced she and her child had escaped the sinister reach of a suprnatural underworld. But now dark forces may jeopardize her new life. Her only hope is Damien Morgan, a dangerous, alluring man with superhuman abilities.
On a wish list.