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Tigre, Feu et Flamme (Tiger Burning Bright) (French)
Tigre Feu et Flamme - Tiger Burning Bright - French Author:Marion Zimmer Bradley, Andre Norton, Mercedes Lackey Merina est gouvernee avec sagesse par les trois femmes de la Maison du Tigre: la reine Lydana; Adele, sa mere; et Shelyra, sa niece. A part quelques conflits avec contrebandiers et pirates, la cite n'a jamais connu la violence. Aussi, devant l'armee toujours victorieuse d'un empereur avide de conquetes, Lydana decide de se soumettre. Helas, malg... more »re de belles promesses, la ville est bientot livree aux mercenaires d'un general sadique et aux serviteurs d'un mage monstrueux qui veut s'emparer des trois souveraines... Amour, combats, suspense et sortileges: Merina va devenir le theatre d'une guerre sans merci entre Lumiere et Tenebres.
The House of the Tiger has skillfully ruled Merina in times of peace. But now the indomitable armies of the Emperor Balthasar stand poised to crush the vulnerable city/state. And in the enemy's midst is the gray mage Apolon - foul necromancer who serves the Dreadful Dark... and whose mission it is to satisfy his Master's terrible hungers with living souls, the Heart of a Goddess, and the blood of a Princess. For Adele, aging Dowager Queen; for ruling Queen Lydana; and for Princess Shelyra, lithe, impetuous, ingenious Designated Daughter, the battle seems hopeless - for they possess no defense, save for their wiles and weapons of the spirit. But the Tiger is a cunning beast, not to be underestimated. And when cornered, she bares her teeth... and strikes.« less