Thunderworld Author:Zach Hughes Somewhere a Planet is Waiting... — When the crew of the four person scout ship Santa Maria first sighted the new life zone planet, they dubbed it "Worthless." A little too far from its mother sun for comfort, caught in the grip of conflicting gravitational pulls, Worthless was a planet in constant upheaval, not at all the sort of world fit for hu... more »man colonization. Still, time was running short for the people of Earth to find a new home, and this was the first place that even approached livable conditions. So Dona dn Zees decided to do a close-up study of the planet's surface while Breed and Ellen stayed in orbit overhead. But shortly after they landed, there was a cataclysmic upheaval, a worldwide convulsion that brought death to many of the primitive life forms and left Don and Zees stranded. Forced to go native and live off the land till their shipmates could find them, neither of the humans could guess that the next meal they ate would change the future of a planet....« less