A chilling beginning to a glorious adventure...what a turn reality had taken! He had been about to drown and then turned up on a world where magic governed. Now he was committed to a quest whose nature he knew virtually nothing about, except that it would be dangerous.
Just when the main character is about to drown, he is thrust into a new and surprising world of fantasy, magic, and monsters. Not only that, but he is set upon a dangerous quest he knows very little about.
"Skullful and seamless...surprising yet logical..."
-Publishers Weekly
"Skullful and seamless...surprising yet logical..."
-Publishers Weekly
This was my favorite fantasy book many years ago. I'm ordering it now so I can read it again.
A little tidbit you may not know about this book: Kornwise was a high school student who died tragically. His friends sent his unfinished manuscript and a plea to Piers Anthony to help their deceased friend get published. To make sure that the book was a fitting memorial tribute, Piers Anthony made sure it was printed on acid-free paper despite the expense.
A little tidbit you may not know about this book: Kornwise was a high school student who died tragically. His friends sent his unfinished manuscript and a plea to Piers Anthony to help their deceased friend get published. To make sure that the book was a fitting memorial tribute, Piers Anthony made sure it was printed on acid-free paper despite the expense.